Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 216 Video Site Plan

Chapter 216 Video Site Plan
Chu Qing had planned for the establishment of the website a long time ago, and she refused to sell the copyright of "Love Apartment" [-], [-], and [-] together, and it was also out of this consideration.

Video websites are actually a very profitable industry. As long as they can attract traffic and have a certain popularity, it can be said that they can make money with their eyes closed.

It takes a lot to become the top player, but if you just want to earn a little money, then there are not so many problems.

The first thing he has to do is to recruit a group of talents, first set up the framework of the video network, and then buy some copyrights.

Those popular movie copyrights are very cheap, and they don’t cost a lot of money. Chu Qing has no plans to consider exclusive movie copyrights. His website focuses on variety shows, or he can also add some live broadcasts, such as live singing, live games, etc. .

The short video platform is not going to be considered at the moment. There is no way, the power of shaking hands is too great, and it almost monopolizes the short video industry. Otherwise, it is impossible to have so many official accounts!

But the question is, how can we find reassuring talents.

In this regard, it is unrealistic to just look for college students who have graduated. Instead, it is better to find the kind of people who are married, have children, and are suppressed by mortgages and car loans.

Because these people dare not resist no matter how much you squeeze them, and dare not resign, because if they don’t make money for two months, their house and car will be taken away by the bank.

Only for these people, Chu Qing can rest assured that it doesn't matter if they can't stand the squeeze, they won't resign if they add an extra 500 yuan a month.

Ridiculous?No, this is the reality of most people!

On Shaking Hands, the per capita monthly salary is one million, and the luxury car beauty Ferrari, how many of them are bragging, I know in my heart.

Three to five thousand a month, five to six thousand to support a family, this is the reality of most people.

They are walking on thin ice, living carefully and carefully.

Just a big disease or accident can make them unable to stand up for many years!

this is the truth!
When Chu Qing had this idea before, many variety shows flashed through her mind, but only two remained in the end.

The first "Run, Brother"!
The second "Extreme Challenge"!
Only those who have watched these two variety shows know how popular they were at the beginning. Of course, this refers to the first few seasons when the guest lineup has not changed. As for the later ones, hehe, it is difficult to comment.

As long as one of these two variety shows can be reproduced, Chu Qing believes that his new website can be directly popularized!
So he chose very carefully, and finally chose "Run, Brother"!
This is not to say that it looks better than "Extreme Challenge", but it is entirely because the script is relatively simple and does not need to involve too many game plots.

The rest is the selection of the guest list.

The guests don't need to be all big names, but there must be one or two first-line big names. After all, they have to rely on others to bring enthusiasm in the early stage, otherwise good wine will be afraid of deep alleys.

When it comes to the selection of actors, Chu Qing was a little worried, because neither he nor Song Dawei had any channels.

Song Dawei's channel, that is, to know a few second-tier stars, most of the channel is still the director.

It's over for Chu Qing, the biggest channel is Zhang Sanli, but if Zhang Sanli is allowed to come forward for such a trivial matter, he feels that Zhang Sanli will look down on him, and he will appear to be incompetent.

But these are not urgent, the most urgent thing is the preparation of the website!

Chu Qing has always believed in one truth, that is, professional things should be done by professional people.

For example, the job of building rockets cannot be handed over to boiler burners, or they might replace the rocket fuel with water-washed coal.

So he decided to leave the first thing to professionals, and it just so happened that there was an item in his system mall that could help him!
[Talent Wanted Order] After use, it can help the host to recruit talents from all over the world. The host can designate technical talents, and the use can be trusted to the greatest extent!Note: The skill level of recruited talents cannot exceed the host level!The price is [-] points!
To be honest, if Chu Qing uses this item now, he will feel a bit at a loss.

Because Chu Qing is only at the eleventh level now, that is to say, the highest level of skills that can be recruited with it is the eleventh level, just reaching the level of intermediate skills.

If this is used after the twentieth level, wouldn't it be nice to directly call high-level talents?
But there is no way, who wants me to need it now, and the experience points will be more terrifying as I level up later, who knows when I will be able to rise to level [-] in my life.

There is also a saying about this prop that Chu Qing likes it very much, that is, it can be trusted to a great extent!This is Chu Qing's favorite point!
Do as soon as you think of it, without further ado, Chu Qing bought one in the system mall, said her request to the 'wanted warrant', and silently clicked to use it.

Then Chu Qing waited for half an hour, but didn't see any technical talents, and was a little confused for a while, wondering if he was deceived by the system?

He fell helplessly on the bed, tired for a day, and it was time for him to rest.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing and the others went out to film in high spirits again, and Song Dawei came over and laughed at the noon break.

"Qingzi, didn't you always want to find someone who can build a video website? You have a clue!"

Chu Qing raised her eyebrows, thinking that it was really slow for the item card to take effect this time, it took almost a day to take effect.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be interested and said, "Tell me."

Song Dawei said with a smile: "Speaking of it, it's also a coincidence. That person had been working abroad before, but his mother fell ill a while ago. He quit his foreign job in order to come back to take care of his mother."

"His mother's condition has improved during this time, so he wants to find a lighter job, earn money at home and take care of the elderly at the same time."

"This person also graduated from a prestigious school and has a lot of work experience. He should pass the technical level."

Song Dawei said in detail, Chu Qing nodded after listening to it, and it was almost the same as what he asked for the skill card before.

After Chu Qing told the skill card what kind of talents he wanted last night, he made three more demands, less money, less work, and close to home!
There is only one word missing from the requirements of employees looking for a job, "more money, less work, and close to home"~
Chu Qing directly agreed: "Then you go back, sign a contract with him, and then let him start to build a team. This time, you let him recruit people for me, what kind of recruits you want, but maintenance must be done. You need to recruit some similar ones for me, and you can discuss the salary.”

Song Dawei nodded, then looked around at the people around him and said, "You're on the set by yourself, is it okay?"

Chu Qing smiled and picked her chin, the other end was Zhang Sanli's lounge.

Song Dawei laughed when he saw this, too, with Zhang Sanli around, who would dare to bully Chu Qing?
(End of this chapter)

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