Chapter 217

In the following days, Chu Qing was filming in the crew every day, and her acting skills were recognized by everyone.

Although his acting skills are not too amazing, they are enough to overwhelm Dong Jun. What's more rare is that he is still young and has a promising future!
And Song Dawei helped build a team together in Hai K, and started the construction of the video website.

In fact, building a video website is not difficult for those technical talents. The difficulty lies in the channels and some relationships.

Fortunately, in Hai K, the studio still has some connections, even if some departments have no contacts, it doesn't matter.

This time Chu Qing deposited a few hundred million in ICBC again, so it wouldn't be too much to ask the president to contact other departments for help.

The video website was quickly set up in this way, and Song Dawei started to contact the copyright owner.

After all, after a video website is launched, if there is no content in it, what kind of fart do you let netizens watch?

And you have to contact several advertisers, after all, they can't do business at a loss, can they?

He is not worried about this, because he can let his family invest in it, after all, that's what he did when he gave Chu Qing the first endorsement.

And Chu Qing didn't embarrass him. The few times he contacted his family to invest, the results were very good, and he never let him down.

"Come on, the first time in Act No.12 of "Unwitnessed", let's begin!"

After the scene was recorded, he left quickly, and the cameraman pushed forward the position of the camera. The radio operator held the radio stick high and wore earphones, concentrating on it.

For Jin Yang's film crew this time, every staff member was carefully selected by Jin Hui. To put it bluntly, even the driver who delivered box lunches to the film crew has a driver's license A!
In order to make his son a blockbuster, Jin Hui has exhausted his mind.

This scene is a rivalry scene between Chu Qing and Dong Jun, and it is also the plot where the two meet for the first time in the play.

This scene can be said to be one of the highlights, so Jin Yang used to jump and shoot before filming, and waited for the two to get along well before filming this scene.

This time the filming was outside the company. Dong Jun came to Chu Qing and told him that he would definitely bring him to justice!

This section is mainly Dong Jun's part, while Chu Qing has only two lines in total, the first line is how to drive, and the second line is I will wait for you.

It's just two simple sentences, but Dong Jun's lines are more, and there are many sentences.

Following the sound of Chang Ji dressing up, the bright white car slowly drove out of the underground garage. Just as he was about to turn, Dong Jun blocked the car in front of the car. The driver stepped on the brakes and let Chu Qing in the back row shake.

Chu Qing frowned, slammed his right hand fiercely at the back of the driver's head and said angrily, "How do you drive?"

"sorry Sorry"

The driver didn't dare to defend himself, but kept apologizing to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing's eyes fell on Dong Jun who was blocking the front of the car.

Dong Jun stared at Chu Qing and said: "Ye Hu! Let me tell you, the matter of your drunk driving killing my brother is definitely not over! Don't think that you can be lawless by buying witnesses!"

"I don't believe that you can still be lawless in this city of Los Angeles!"

"I have now found key evidence, and I will definitely bring you to justice!"

Dong Jun gritted his teeth, looking at that expression, he wished he could swallow Chu Qing alive.

Chu Qing's acting skills can only be said to be average. If compared with group actors, it's not bad, but compared with professional actors, it's really not interesting, the performance traces are too heavy.

After hearing Dong Jun's 'threat' clearly, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and he picked up his sunglasses and put on a smile.

"I'm waiting for you"

Those three simple words are full of disdain and provocation!

Comparing the two with each other, the gap can be seen immediately.

This is the so-called death of a human being!
"Card! Very good! This one is over, the teachers have a rest and put on makeup"

The director's voice sounded, and then the makeup artist trotted over to check the actors' makeup.

When eating at noon, Chu Qing ate with Zhang Sanli, and Zhang Sanli said while eating, "How did you feel when you were filming?"

Chu Qing didn't quite understand, and asked instead: "Feeling? What feeling?"

Zhang Sanli nodded slightly, and then asked again: "How did you feel when you were acting with Dong Jun?"

Chu Qing thought for a while, and then said seriously: "It's okay, I feel quite relaxed."

Zhang Sanli laughed after hearing this, and said softly: "You are more talented than him, and you learn faster than him. You are born to be an actor, but you know what? When he first debuted, he was favored by countless people." of"

Chu Qing was taken aback, he really didn't know about this, and he was not very interested in actors like Dong Jun.

Because Chu Qing is confident, it won't take long for him to surpass him!

Seeing Chu Qing's expression, Zhang Sanli gave him a popular science explanation.

"As soon as he debuted, he won the Best Newcomer Award, and then the Best Supporting Actor Award! But because of this, he started to drift away, wasting his talent, playing big names in the crew, changing the script, and finally being killed by an old man. The director was banned for three years"

"After waiting for three years to come out, he is like this. The aura in his body is gone, but he is also very good. At least he has settled down a lot, and he is not crazy anymore."

It was only then that Chu Qing understood that Zhang Sanli was telling him that he was afraid that he would swell after becoming famous, just like Dong Jun.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Teacher, don't worry, I have never forgotten that I came from a humble background. There is no one behind me to rely on, and I can only work hard on my own! I also know that I have no capital to be arrogant!"

"So, I will never stop until I reach the finish line!"

Hearing Chu Qing's words, Zhang Sanli smiled, and put the chicken legs in his lunch box into Chu Qing's lunch box.

"You are still young and your body is still developing, eat more"

Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, took a bite of the chicken leg, and Zhang Sanli was even more satisfied.

Time came to the beginning of August in a blink of an eye, Chu Qing's role was officially wrapped, and he also returned to Hai K's studio.

Before leaving, Zhang Sanli told him that he might have a big plan next year, and asked him to set aside a period of time as much as possible.

Chu Qing agreed immediately, he might not make much money following Zhang Sanli, but he could gain fame!

And now to say something arrogant, Chu Qing is really not short of money!

Now that the video website has been preliminarily set up, Song Dawei has also talked about many movies, most of which can be watched for free, and it is also to enrich the number of movies.

Most of the video site users will often search for some movies to watch.

If you use a website to compare, you can find everything, not a single good movie, only some old movies, then which website do you think the audience will sign up for?

(End of this chapter)

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