Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 218 Candidates for "Running Man"

Chapter 218 Candidates for "Running Man"

So enriching website resources is a long-term thing, and it belongs to the kind of endless work.

For this reason, Chu Qing used another [Talent Wanted Notice] to recruit an employee to take charge of this matter. After all, Song Dawei couldn't be used all the time, he had to be his agent.

The top priority for the two of them now is to choose an artist!
Also, do you want to participate in variety shows?
It's not without reason that Chu Qing thought this way, because he was afraid of confusing himself as a variety show star.

It’s okay to record variety shows and make money from variety shows, but it’s not okay to become a variety show cafe!

That will lower his audience impression and commercial value, and then it is not so easy to record the show, they only have a photographer and a director now.

If you want to record a successful program, you must at least have the participation of technical, clothing, post-production, props and other departments.

This is not considered publicity, but for their brand new website and brand new program, it just so happens that publicity is the most important thing!
But fortunately, Song Dawei still has some connections in this regard, and the rest is the selection of actors and the setting of characters!
Needless to say, the character settings of the seven people in the previous life can continue to be used.

First, he wanted to find an all-around actor, not too strong or too weak, this person had to be someone who was well-known and not hated by the audience!

And this position, Chu Qing can't take it yet, because he doesn't have enough qualifications.

The second one, ability users!For example, Da Hei Niu and Jin Zhongguo, this person is relatively simple, and there is no need to choose, the second idiot Duan Peng is very suitable.

For the rest of the funny role, Chu Qing will definitely not be able to do it. His character is a warm guy, and the ones who fit his image more are Little Cheetah and the Monday couple!

Then there is also the role of weakness. For this role, it is necessary to find a person who is not hated by the audience, and this person must have a bit of brains.

Then there is the role of a lazy person, this person must also be interesting.

The last person is the actress.

The requirements for an actress are very simple, she must be beautiful, affordable, and don't care about her image!

These three points are indispensable!

Chu Qing directly listed the people, and then wrote his own name behind the little cheetah, and Duan Peng's name after the capable person.

The remaining five roles are captain, funny role, weak role, lazy role and female guest.

Looking at the character design written by Chu Qing, Song Dawei asked.

"Who are you inviting? And what are you planning to invite?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing said: "The captain please ask the first-tier, and the rest of the second-tier. After all, Duan Peng and I are not famous, so we need to find some big names to take them with us."

Song Dawei thought for a while and said: "I have a candidate for the captain, but I just don't know if he can have a schedule, and his position in the front line is not too low. I'm afraid he won't be able to invite 3000 million yuan, and the appearance fee may be higher." More than 4000 million”

Chu Qing sucked his teeth when he heard this, the price was a bit killing him, and he felt a pain in his liver just listening to it.

"Who? The asking price is so high!"

Song Dawei laughed and said, "Che Qijun!"

Chu Qing recalled it in her mind, and then thought of who the other party was.

Che Qijun is a regular actor. After graduating from university, he filmed an urban romantic drama, which immediately became popular!
Of course, he is not the only one who is popular, his generation can be regarded as the golden generation, most of the TV series that everyone watches now are filmed by those actors.

Chu Qing also understands why Song Dawei recommended him, because this person is usually a funny person in life, and he likes to post some sand sculpture jokes on Weibo when he has nothing to do, to mingle with fans, even if he is very popular with passers-by.

And this person may indeed agree, because he is very short of money now!
Logically speaking, how could a big star be short of money? It's actually quite simple.Because he also made a movie as a director himself, throwing all his wealth into it.

As a result, the box office was bad. A while ago, there was even a paparazzi on the Internet, saying that his mansion was sold!No need to guess, he must be short of money now.

Chu Qing thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Well, he is really suitable, can you get in touch?"

Song Dawei squeezed his chin and said, "I have to go around in circles. I can't get in touch with him, but I know who can get in touch with him."

Chu Qing nodded, then looked at the remaining places and said, "Where are the remaining people, do you have any recommendations?"

Song Dawei asked: "What type do you want, singer or actor?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said, "Anything you want, but it's better to have a strong sense of variety."

After thinking about it, Chu Qing signed another person under the lazy person, Chen Yao!

Song Dawei raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you doing this for the cost?"

Chu Qing smiled and shook her head: "No, it's for benchmarking."

Song Dawei laughed as soon as he heard it, yes, set a benchmark and let those job hoppers see that our studio can also cultivate stars!
"Then these two are left, um, the joker and the weak point, can you find two buffoons for these two?"

Chu Qing nodded immediately after thinking about it. After all, those people from the previous life were definitely not handsome!
"That's easy, I recommend Ren Fei and Yang Shuiqing"

Chu Qing thought about it after hearing the names of these two people, and it was indeed quite appropriate.

Ren Fei is a comedian who is good at imitation. He is between the new school and the old school. He has good contacts and, like Chu Qing, he has his own studio and acts as his own boss.

Yang Shuiqing is a powerful actor. Although he doesn't look very good, he has a wide range of acting skills. It is said that he has learned martial arts in Shaolin, and his skills are amazing!

Chu Qing nodded in satisfaction, thinking that it must be Song Dawei. He knows all the artists in the entertainment circle in his heart, which is much better than his own imagination.

"What about the last female artist? Do you have any recommendations?"

Chu Qing asked again based on the idea of ​​doing one thing without doing two things.

Song Dawei smiled and said, "It's not easy, Dong Manli! She's just right!"

When Chu Qing heard this, she shook her head decisively and said, "Anyone can do it, but she can't do it!"

Song Dawei was surprised and said: "Why? There are enough cafes, the popularity is high, and you have a natural CP bonus, how suitable it is."

Chu Qing shook her head again: "What does she think about me, don't you know? The two of us are impossible. If this is the case, then don't give people hope! I like money, but it doesn't mean that I love money for money. Willing to hurt people’s hearts”

After hearing this, Song Dawei curled his lips in disdain and said, "She just has a good impression of you. She has cooperated with her predecessors in the circle. What are you guys doing?"

Chu Qing shook her head and said: "Anything is fine, but the heart is not good! You borrow money from others, and you can return it later. But if you take someone else's heart, it will be broken if you return it."

Song Dawei sighed and said, "Hey, we chatted well, why did you suddenly start pretending to be B?"

(End of this chapter)

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