Chapter 219 September
The last female star is really not easy to choose, after all, Chu Qing and Song Dawei don't know many female stars.

There were only those few that Chu Qing came into contact with, not to mention Zifeng, who was too young.

Lu Xiaoke is not well-known, and it is not suitable for him to play and run wild all day long.

Dong Manli had some other thoughts about him, Chu Qing was afraid that he would hurt him, so she didn't agree, and then it was gone~
In the end, the two discussed it, and contacted the artists who had just been decided to see if they had any schedules.

Don't have a lively discussion between the two of you, it's useless to call someone to ask if the schedule is five years later.

Song Dawei's first contact was Che Qijun.

An old friend of Song Dawei, who worked with Che Qijun when he was a director before, and this time I contacted Che Qijun through him.

To their surprise, Che Qijun has a schedule.

But the appearance fee is 500 million!

In fact, this price is not too much. In this world, the salary of third-tier stars is about 1000 million!2000 million second-tier stars, 3000 million first-tier stars!

This is just a basis, and the price will fluctuate according to the popularity of the ranking.

Of course, this is also the remuneration for filming, it's like two or three months at every turn.

If you ask them to attend some kind of event, it will be cheap. For 100 million, you can find a front-line attendant to sing happy wedding to you.

Moreover, this is not a fixed price, it can only be said to be a basic price, just like Xie Kun asked for a salary of 6000 million!But he's just a third-tier star.

500 million, only for three months, an average of 500 million a month!

In the end Chu Qing gritted her teeth and agreed!
He also thought about it carefully. Che Qijun has a good reputation in the industry. He doesn't play big names, and he is serious about filming. Naturally, he is expensive for a reason.

After confirming the contract, Song Dawei contacted Ren Fei and Yang Shuiqing again.

The price of these two people is very standard, each only needs 2000 million, and the schedule is also three months, or a season.

Moreover, these two people have very professional ethics, and directly stated that even if the filming of the show is completed, if there is a need for supplementary recording or post-dubbing later, they can come back to help!
After hearing this, Chu Qing was very happy, but when he thought that the 500 million would be gone, he suddenly couldn't be happy again.

There is still a female star who has not been invited, how much will it cost!
After waiting for the date to sign the contract with the three of them, Chu Qing turned to look at Song Dawei, and said with a painful expression on his face: "Viagra! Ask for sponsorship! You must ask for sponsorship! My heart hurts so much, and my wallet hurts even more. !"

This appearance made Song Dawei very amused, he smiled and slapped him on the shoulder and said, "One "Love Apartment" will make you a lot of money, a big boss with more than a billion yuan, still short of money?"

"Small money? More than 8000 million, nearly [-] million! When I find an actress, I can pay less for the part. It's all money, more than [-] million! Just inviting actors cost more than [-] million!"

Song Dawei patted his chest and said, "Okay, don't worry, leave it to me! If there is more, I promise I can bring you an investment of [-] million yuan!"

When Chu Qing heard this, her mood immediately improved.

In his opinion, the happiest thing in this world is to use other people's money to make money for himself!Abbreviated as empty glove white wolf or white prostitute!
Of course, the taller term is called financing investment.

But the overall change is not big. If I make money in this way, it is my own. If I lose money, I try my best. I don’t lose money no matter what.

After the actors were found, Song Dawei signed the contract with Chu Qing and the scripts of the first two episodes. On the other end, Han Jie helped to contact some staff. Everything was almost ready. Chu Qing couldn't think of who would be the best female guest.

In the end, when the filming was about to start, Chu Qing found a suitable actress from Teacher Huang Ren.

She is Chu Qing's senior sister, she graduated two years earlier than Chu Qing, but now she is already a second-tier actress.

In the entertainment circle, male stars are different from female stars.

Female stars are generally easy to go viral, but they don't stay popular for too long.

Male stars are relatively slow to become famous, but they can be popular for a long time.

For example, Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung in the previous life, the former has almost left the circle, but the latter is still active and famous.

Of course, this is not to say absolute, but generally speaking, it is the case.

The name of this senior is Xu Youyou, who is one year older than Chu Qing. When he was still in school, he was spotted by a big director and made a big movie about earthquakes. Best Supporting Actress!

Afterwards, she struck while the iron was hot and made two more films, both of which had good reputations, but unfortunately, no female lead ever found her.

After graduating, Xu Youyou's star journey was not smooth, first of all, she was cheated by a film crew.

In a word, the big guys in the industry wanted to sneak her, and then used the contract to trick the crew, but she didn't agree, and then the other party punished her and forced her to submit.

Then, Mr. Huang found friends in the circle to settle the matter.

In fact, these years have been very good. With the development of short videos and the increase of exposure platforms, there are very few things about unspoken rules.

Most of the time, it is what you want and what you want, and you are an adult, and you can take responsibility for your actions.

But it was different before, a lot of people just talked about filming, and then made fake scenes for real.

That big guy in the circle came from that era.

Although this matter was settled, not everyone dared to cooperate with her. Even the company that signed the contract when she was in college did not tell her about renewing the contract.

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, she had an idea. Their company really doesn't have any good players. Should they think about it and sign her directly?

In the end, Chu Qing still decided to record first, and observe his character while recording.

The time soon came to September [-]st. On this day, several resident guests and flying guests came to the studio together to prepare for the official shooting.

The appearance fees of these flying guests are also expensive, because Chu Qing is looking for some well-known artists in order to gain popularity in the early stage, and in the entertainment circle, fame means appearance fees!
The venue for the first recording is in Hai K, and the game props and costumes are all ready.

This time the director is still Han Jie, and it is also his first time filming a variety show.

Before starting to record the show, Chu Qing invited everyone to have a big meal together. It was also a way to get to know each other and get acquainted. After all, everyone would have to cooperate for several months, or even a long time!This is also a good start.

(End of this chapter)

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