Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 221 Changing the Release Date

Chapter 221 Changing the Release Date
In this way, the two groups of netizens scolded each other online.

Then everyone in "Unwitnessed" was also dragged into the water.

Among them, the two most scolded people were Chu Qing and Dong Jun, especially Chu Qing.

Because the Ye Hu played by Chu Qing happened to be the same as the role played by Pu Bucheng of Bangziguo, both of them were the rich second generation.

Then netizens began to compare.

First of all, Park Bucheng, the other party has just debuted for three years. He debuted in a boy group, and his image and temperament are nothing to say. It is said that he used to deliver food. He was discovered by scouts while delivering food, and then sent to an artist company.

Not long after his debut as a group, he announced his solo flight, and then joined the film industry. The films he shot received wide acclaim, and he was praised by Bangzi Country as a handsome man who is rare in 50 years!
The last sentence is also the point that netizens ridicule the most, after all, who doesn't know that Bangziguo's plastic surgery technology is the best in the world!

Then there is Chu Qing, who graduated from a famous university, worked as a TV announcer, an Internet celebrity singer, debuted in a talent show, has her own studio, and has established a fortune of more than one billion yuan from scratch!

The round appearance is not inferior to him at all!

If you look at it this way, Chu Qing's statistics can completely crush the opponent, but in fact, it is Chu Qing who is at the bottom!

The reason is even more bizarre, because Chu Qing is not a foreigner!
Isn't it amazing?It's so nonsensical!
Chu Qing stomped on the other party's brainless fans, almost reducing him to the dust.

In their words, Chu Qing is simply a piece of garbage, and she can't compare with Pu Bucheng in every aspect.

For this reason, Jin Yang made a special phone call. First of all, he apologized. After all, Chu Qing was scolded by the audience for making his movie. Then he hoped that Chu Qing could control his emotions and not conflict with netizens.

Chu Qing smiled and agreed. After all, he was there to help. On the one hand, he wanted to give Zhang San face, and on the other hand, he also wanted to get to know Jin Yang.

Now that the work is done, it is natural to leave a good impression on Jin Yang.

Besides, these are all hot for Chu Qing.

In the end, Chu Qing simply asked Song Dawei to start preparing to promote the new video website, and he started to shoot "Run, Brother" more seriously.

But Chu Qing didn't want to cause trouble, but the other party didn't plan to let him go!

Especially when the other party knew that Chu Qing was also very hot, they took the initiative to touch porcelain.

In some publicity conferences, there are always reporters or netizens asking questions about Chu Qing.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this was clearly arranged by them, in order to bring out the topic of Chu Qing!
And it turns out, they succeeded, too!

Just say the word "Chu Qing" in Pu Bucheng's mouth, and the popularity will be in the top ten of the shaking hands list in minutes!

As a result, many of Park Bucheng's fans came to Chu Qing's weibo to find fault.

"Just you, a dog, are you worthy of being compared to my Pu Bu? You are only worthy of carrying shoes for him!"

"You bumpkin from the countryside, do you know when you see my Ouba detour?"

"Disgusting! I know how to rub my Oppa's heat all day long, isn't it annoying! Go to hell, go to hell!"

If someone scolds, someone defends it!
In the past two days, Chu Qing's fans have gone crazy!Holding the phone all day, whoever scolds Chu Qing, they will go back immediately!
Their fighting power is also not to be underestimated. Aren't you here to scold Chu Qing?Okay, then I'll scold your family, Pu Bucheng!

And just like this, you come and go for a while, and the fans of both sides gradually became popular!
As Jin Yang's first film, the release time is naturally very good.

Under the arrangement of the Jin family, the movie will be officially released on October [-]st!
And the other party's showmanship came again. Originally, the other party's release time was on October [-], but they didn't know who they bought, or did something wrong, so they abruptly moved their release time forward to the end of September. , was released the day before "Unwitnessed"!
As soon as the news came out, Jin Yang and Zhang Sanli were very angry.

These two movies are both of the same type and have similar plots. If the audience watches their movies first, they will naturally have preconceived ideas, thinking that they are the genuine ones and their own is the plagiarism!

If it can crush the opponent in all directions, that's fine, but at Dong Jun's level, can he compete with others?Didn't you see that even the netizens in your own country are unwilling to scold him!
It can be said that this directly disrupted their previous plan, and Jin Yang did not expect the other party to be so shameless.

But they can't adjust the time anymore. If they adjust it again, won't it make netizens feel that they are afraid of them?

Thinking of this, Jin Yang couldn't help his good temper, and wanted to stand up and speak out!

Chu Qing said that everything was planned, after all, the mission the system gave him was to help Jin Yang defeat the Bangziguo crew.

But in the crew, he has already done everything he can do, and the rest is up to God's will.

Of course, it's really not possible, isn't there a system prop?

On this side, Chu Qing and others ran back and forth with the crew in several cities, and everyone became more and more comfortable recording variety shows, and the image of the characters was getting closer and closer.

The progress of their shooting gradually accelerated.

During this time, Song Dawei contacted many websites and media, helping to promote it.

One of the biggest investments is Douhou, and they specially produced three advertisements to be shown on Douhou.

During this period of time, as long as you open the shake hands, the first thing that pops up must be their company's advertisement.

Then they also recruited a lot of Internet celebrities to help make jokes and promote them. The results of this operation are still good. The website has not yet been put into use, and the popularity has already risen.

The time for the official public beta of the website has also been set, just on November [-]th, and before that, there will be an internal beta.

The main purpose is to test some bugs and user feedback. Only in this way can we make a timely rest.

And with the publicity every day, the publicity expenses were thrown out like running water.

Find those Internet celebrities with more than a million fans to make jokes, and the cheapest one will give you twenty dollars!
Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the official traffic advertisements. In addition to shaking hands, their media also put advertisements on Weibo, Tieba, and some search engines.

In a month, more than [-] million has to be thrown out!Chu Qing didn't dare to check the bills, because she was afraid that she would have a heart attack after reading the bills.

But their efforts are not in vain. For example, some manufacturers have already approached them, hoping to cooperate with them.

Chu Qing took a look at their products, most of them were apps.

What about financial management, education, fitness, selling used cars, etc.

As for the bad money, Chu Qing did not let it go
(End of this chapter)

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