Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 222 A contest between movies!

Chapter 222 A contest between movies!
Chu Qing and Song Dawei warmly entertained these people, and then signed a cooperation contract with them.

What Chu Qing paid was some advertising space, what they paid was real money!
But this is a win-win deal for both parties.

First of all, if the other party invests before the website is formed, it will definitely take some risks. After all, the video website is very mature now, and no one is sure that Chu Qing's video website can make a way out and stand firm.

But at the same time, it is precisely because of this that the other party can get the greatest discount!

If you really wait until the video site matures, and then want to spend several million to buy advertising space, then you are thinking about farts.

The time passed leisurely like this, and slowly came to the end of the month, and the five episodes of the variety show had also been recorded, which was considered very fast.

And during the two days at the end of the month, Chu Qing gave them two days off, and he was alone, disguised and went to the cinema to watch the Bangzi Kingdom version of "Unwitnessed"!
Because of translation problems, this movie is called "The Lost Witness" in China!
The movie started quickly, and Chu Qing watched it with gusto.

He and the other party are rivals, but it cannot be denied that this crew really has a way of selecting actors!
First of all, the choice of the male lead is very successful. The male lead is very young. At first glance, he looks like a fresh graduate who just graduated from college, and his acting skills are also very good. Whether it is a crying scene or a cruel scene, he can control it.

Then there is the role of the old policeman, the actor who is hailed as a national treasure in Bangzi Country, and Zhang Sanli's status in China is similar.

Not to mention the heroine, the actresses in Bangzi Kingdom can usually be beaten!

Looking at it now, the male and female protagonists all lost to each other!
In terms of old drama, Zhang Sanli is slightly better!
The last one is Ye Hu played by Chu Qing. In this aspect, Chu Qing is confident that the other party is inferior to him. The reason is very simple, he doesn't have that momentum!

The rich second generation he plays is more like an upstart rich second generation. He only expresses arrogance and arrogance, and expresses nothing else.

However, Chu Qing's portrayal of the characters can be said to be penetrating!

After the movie ended, Chu Qing quietly walked out of the movie theater.

From the afternoon of that day, reviews and reviews of the movie spread on Weibo.

For the evaluation of this movie, most of them are also positive, and most of the complaints are not Chinese.

After all, not everyone likes to watch original soundtrack movies, they find it tiring to read subtitles.

On the Internet, Pu Bocheng's fans began to get excited.

"My Oppa is really handsome! His Royal Highness is nothing more than that."

"Oh! I really want to go back to Bangzi Country with my Ouba."

"Go away! Oppa is mine!"

"Brighten your sword, rival in love!"

When Chu Qing saw these comments, he was stunned. He really couldn't figure out why he had such a high popularity.

In terms of acting skills alone, he is definitely at the bottom of the crew.

In terms of appearance, he can't compare to the hero, so why is he the most fan in China now?

Chu Qing couldn't understand this question, but Song Dawei answered with a smile after hearing it. It turned out that the owner of Pu Bucheng's brokerage company was from Huaxia!

He is very good at managing fans, and he understands what these fans like and what they want to watch!
And the others are all out-and-out actors, so when they came to Huaxia, they were naturally not Pu Bucheng's opponents in terms of exposure.

On October [-]st, "Nobody Witnessed" will be released!
Not too many people came to watch the movie, and some of them had watched "The Vanishing Witness" before. In their minds, since the storylines are similar, why should they watch it again?
Chu Qing, who was sitting in the movie theater, also realized this problem, and frowned subconsciously.

The opponent's shifting move is really too ruthless. Now if they want to make a comeback, they can only rely on the movie's reputation, but I don't know if they can hold on!

But when Chu Qing watched it for 10 minutes, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, thinking that Jin Yang really knows how to play!
He actually fiddled with the editing. Although the main line of the story didn't change much, he added Chu Qing's role. Even from the audience's point of view, Chu Qing was the protagonist of the movie!

"Mud horse!"

All of a sudden, the audience in the movie theater exclaimed in unison, and when Chu Qing came back to his senses, he saw the scene in the movie where he broke the coach's arm in the octagonal cage!
Chu Qing, who broke his arm, sniffed and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

Immediately, he waved to the bodyguards around him, and one of the bodyguards hurried over with the 'medicine' and gave him an injection.

"Why do I feel that this is much more ruthless than that Korean stick?"

"Korean Bangzi is crazy and lawless, but we are ruthless and have a different style"

"Yes, let's talk about it, what kind of ruthless person can you see with that big butt of the Korean stick?"


Several people in the movie theater smiled, their voices were somewhat loud, and the surrounding audience looked at them with some dissatisfaction. Seeing that the other party was big and round, they still didn't dare to say anything after all.

The movie continues, the plot has not changed much from the counterpart "The Vanishing Witness", the only difference is in 'Ye Hu'!
In the Chinese version of the movie, Ye Hu's role is undoubtedly much more!
In terms of editing, Jin Yang edited him completely as the protagonist!
Especially some of the scenes made the audience's scalp tingle even more.

For example, in one section, Ye Hu was cutting the ribbon for the company's new building, and Dong Jun in the audience stood up to make trouble, angrily denouncing Ye Hu's various crimes.

At that time, Ye Hu just smiled, but he didn't hide the killing intent in his eyes!

At that moment, the audience really discovered that a person's eyes can act!
There is also a section where Ye Hu has a new girlfriend and waves at the nightclub, and the nightclub DJ shouts: "Young Master Ye will pay for tonight's consumption!"

This scene is actually not in the plot. Chu Qing asked Jin Yang to add it later in order to fit the character's identity, but I didn't expect it to be used.

But to say the most exciting part, it has to be the scene where Ye Hu was arrested.

After sending Ye Hu to prison, Dong Jun came to visit, and there was only a layer of glass between them.

Dong Jun said with a sacrosanct expression on his face: "Ye Hu, as I said, I will definitely bring you to justice! You should reflect on the rest of your life in prison!"

But Ye Hu approached the glass slightly, and said in a calm voice: "The rest of my life? It's just five years in prison. I will perform well in prison. If this is reduced by two years, then if it is reduced by two years, maybe we will be in prison in five months. meet outside"

After Ye Hu finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said with a wicked smile on his face.

"At that time, you must protect your sister-in-law's family well. After all, even if I kill them, I will only stay for a few more months"!
(End of this chapter)

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