Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 224 A Different Double 1

Chapter 224 A Different Double Eleven
The time slowly came to November [-]th. These days, that Pu Bucheng was making money in China!
This support club, that fan club, even endorsed more than a dozen endorsements in one go!

Although they are all wealth management apps and travel apps, they are better than the number of them!
Especially after Chu Qing saw that he had accepted an advertisement for an electric three-wheeler, Chu Qing was even more emotional.

Look at how real people live!Knowing that artists in Bangzi Country are popular for a short time, and resolutely making money while they are still popular, this is the world's sobriety!
Chu Qing has nothing to envy about this, because those small endorsements are small money to him!
After his website really rises, he may earn more than his endorsements in one day!
And whether his website can rise depends on today!

At noon that day, Chu Qing did not record the variety show, but gave everyone a holiday.

He stayed in front of the computer with Song Dawei, Duan Peng and Miao Dong who designed the website.

The name of their new video site is simple, 【Guangming Video】!
It sounds a bit old-fashioned, but it doesn't matter, the main thing has to be the video content!
Chu Qing was a little nervous, but not particularly nervous, because he had exchanged more than [-] points for props!
He bought a bunch of [traffic card] [good review card] and the like!
"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 25"

"LV: 011"

"Current points 136795"

"Current experience: 889421/1000000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

This is Chu Qing's latest data. With the increase in level, the experience needed to upgrade now is simply too exaggerated!

He didn't save many points. Except for the [-] points that he kept for emergency, he almost bought props with the rest of the points.

Those props can temporarily improve luck, increase traffic, increase praise rate, and so on.

Half of it was used on the website, and the other half was used on "Running Brother".

And now is the time to witness the results!
After twelve o'clock at noon, the download volume of [Bright Video] in the mobile APP store seemed to be crazy, changing every blink of an eye!
The downloads on the official video website on the computer and behind the major app stores are also changing rapidly. Miao Dong pushed his eyes and looked at the computer in front of him seriously.

He not only depends on the download volume, but also depends on the stability of the video server.

After all, Chu Qing threw out so much money, if he crashed the server on the first day, he wouldn't have to do this job.

Song Dawei pressed his chest, nervous.

He knew that the first day the video site was released was a test for everyone!

Although I have done internal testing for a period of time, who knows if there will be any bugs that have not been discovered?

And with the registration and comments of netizens, etc., whether the server can bear it is also a problem.

What's more, they don't know whether this video network can be affirmed by netizens!

Whether Chu Qing can make a splash with so much money thrown in, depends on now!
Liu Jia, the owner of a breakfast shop, usually gets up at two or three o'clock in the morning to be busy, then sells breakfast, lunch, and then rests.

She is not a fan of Chu Qing, but a fan of Che Qijun. She usually likes the movies and TV series played by Che Qijun.

And not long ago, Che Qijun posted on Weibo that he was recording a variety show, and it was about to premiere on [Bright Video], which immediately attracted her!

Especially after watching the promotional video of "Run, Brother", she became more interested in this reality show.

But she searched for a long time but couldn't find [Guangming Video], and finally found out that this video website has not been put on the shelves yet, and she needs to wait until noon on November [-]th.

No, on the first day she was able to download it, she downloaded it quickly and registered an account.

When the interface is opened, like other websites, there are some options on it, such as age, gender, like gossip or movies, and so on.

After the selection is completed, the website will use big data to recommend something you are interested in.

But Liu Jia didn't even watch it, and just clicked skip. She came to this website for her own purpose. Otherwise, as the golden VIP of Kiwi, why would she go to other websites to watch the program?

But she also has to admit that the interface of this [Bright Video] is still very comfortable to look at.

The light is soft, and different color interfaces will be recommended according to the selected gender, and they can be adjusted at any time.

At the top is the search box, below the search is the current hottest video and movie recommendations, and further down is the classification of each video.

Liu Jia didn't care about anything else, and directly clicked "Run, brother" in the video recommendation!
After clicking, she was ready to get up to get some snacks to eat. After all, the advertisements on video sites are very long.

A 60-second, 120-second advertisement is considered conscientious, but now I don’t know who invented it, but there are still 180-second, [-]-second advertisements!
It was because Liu Jia couldn't bear such a long advertisement that she chose to become a member of Kiwi.

But before Liu Jia got up, she realized that the advertisement was ridiculously short!

20 seconds!
The countdown behind the ad is only 20 seconds!

And there is a smaller countdown after 20 seconds, which should be ten seconds.

Liu Jia couldn't understand this, and wondered if this was a video card?Why are there two countdowns?

And why is the advertisement of this video website so short?Is it because the website has just been established and there are no advertisers looking for them?

While she was thinking about these things, the small countdown was over, and when zero ended, the countdown turned into two words, skip!

Liu Jia clicked subconsciously, and then, the video started directly.

Only then did she realize that the video can be skipped after ten seconds of watching!

In an instant, she felt that this video site was really conscientious!In this way, even if you don't have a membership, you can do it!

And the small LOGO of the cartoon light bulb is also very cute, the design is also very good, I really found a treasure website!

Liu Jia began to watch "Run, Brother" with a little excitement, wanting to see how good-looking Che Qijun said on Weibo, the most successful variety show he recorded.

At this moment, the whole country does not know how many people are like Liu Jia!
They have doctors, students, lawyers, mothers, and all kinds of people, all of whom have a good impression of [Guangming Video].

And their viewing point is also "Run, Brother"!
After all, this variety show can be regarded as the card of [Bright Video]!
(End of this chapter)

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