Chapter 225 [Bright Video]

It didn't take long for everyone to watch it, and they were all amused.

The scale of the variety show in this life is not small, and there are many tricks to play in the game. The audience thinks that they are immune to all of these.

But seeing Ren Fei, who was carrying the 'fat woman' on the shiatsu board and walking hard, still couldn't help but make them laugh out loud.

Especially the last step, when you need to jump on the horizontal bar, because Ren Renfei's 'altitude' is only 1.6 meters, and he tried several times without success, which made the audience die of laughter.

Then there was the eating session, this time they actually had to recite the order of the dishes!
When the food was served just now, everyone went to see the food, who can pay attention to the order of the food?

The punishment is also simple. If it is wrong, two teammates will be ejected into the pool. As a result, they all take off, including the two female guests.

And when Ren Fei asked the director team how deep the water was, it was also a joke.

"Director, how deep is the water in this swimming pool?"

"Don't worry, it's not deep, it's very safe, only 1.6 meters"


The screen was eerily quiet for two seconds, then everyone burst into laughter, and Ren Fei pointed at the swimming pool behind him.

"It's not too deep! Director, 1.6 meters has already covered my eyebrows!"

This remark made the audience burst into laughter again, and they all felt that this was a variety show that relieved stress.

Finally, it's the trump card link, tearing up the famous brand!
This is the first time the audience has seen a game of this form, and it was a delight to watch.

After waiting for the nearly two-hour variety show to end, they still feel a little unsatisfied!

Then they subconsciously wanted to see if there were any other good things on this website, and then they found some movies, online dramas, and even the hottest "Love Apartment" 123!

To their surprise, the advertisements in the video are all 20 seconds long, and they can skip them after watching them for ten seconds!
This made them all feel like they got a good website for nothing, and they all gave Amway to their colleagues and friends around them.

Because of this, the download volume of [Bright Video] skyrocketed!
When it comes to "Love Apartment", I have to talk about the development of those people, just like what Chu Qing thought before, after [Chinese Entertainment] poached people away, they really planned to copy "Love Apartment"!
After all, this kind of small sitcom is still very easy to shoot, and the cost is not much.

Even if Chen Yao is missing, it doesn't matter much to them, but when the show was broadcast, it received a lot of bad reviews!

This is because the audience's preconceptions are too strong!

It doesn’t matter if one or two of those people shoot new dramas alone, but as long as they are together, the first thought in the audience’s mind is “Love Apartment”.

Watch it later and there will be a play!

But [Chinese Entertainment] is not a bad loss, because, which bought the copyright of "Love Apartment", found them and invited the original crew to film "Love Apartment 4"!
[Chinese Entertainment] Seeing that the new show is not good, stop the loss in time, and decisively rent these people to, and use the film salary to recover their blood.

With the big IP of "Love Apartment", has attracted many netizens and members. According to the calculations of their market research department, the results of "Love Apartment 4" will definitely surpass the previous three!

So even if the other party's asking price was a bit high, exceeding the salary of the star line, they still agreed.

But at this moment in the studio, Chu Qing, Song Dawei, Duan Peng and the three of them have already linked their shoulders, singing and dancing!

Because just now, the download volume of APP has exceeded one million! The number of PC-side installations has also exceeded 50!You know, this is just the beginning!

Looking at it now, this video site can already be regarded as a success.

By the next day, I saw that the download volume of the APP had exceeded 500 million! The number of installed PCs also exceeded 200 million, and now Chu Qing gave everyone in the studio a big red envelope!

He even ordered a lot of delicacies to reward them, because Chu Qing knew that his chance to earn a lot of money had come!
On the Internet, the variety show "Run, Brother" became popular in just one day!

Although this is inseparable from Chu Qing's use of props, it is also because of the high quality of this variety show!

Now countless netizens on the Internet are discussing this variety show, so it goes without saying that Che Qijun and others have a lot of topics to talk about.

But it was a coincidence that Duan Peng became popular.

In this variety show, the only newcomers were Chu Qing, Duan Peng, and Chen Yao.

Needless to say, Chu Qing had an online confrontation with Pu Bucheng from Bangziguo a while ago, and the topic was very high.

Chen Yao starred in "Love Apartment", and now that Kiwi is still on the air, the popularity is not low.

The only one who is not well-known is Duan Peng.

Those who have watched his acting will only feel that this person looks familiar, and then have no other thoughts.

But this time, Chu Qing's "Han Han Niu" character set for him stood still!
Especially in the last part of tearing up the famous brand, wearing a tights, the muscles on the body are bulging, and the eight-pack abdominal muscles are obvious, and many big girls and daughter-in-laws are screaming!
In order to make the good brother popular, Chu Qing also tried his best, and specially opened a filter halo for him, making him really handsome when he is handsome, and really stupid when he is stupid!
Everyone is looking forward to the broadcast of the next episode, and some people even leave a message under the video, hoping that they can also learn from, come to a member to watch the first episode in advance, and it is best to add a complete episode to buy!
Naturally, Chu Qing wouldn't listen to these opinions, because now he was still counting on this variety show to attract traffic and keep the audience!

And with the broadcast of "Running Brother", many artists contacted Song Dawei, hoping to participate in this variety show, and the price was easy to negotiate.

Most of these people are newcomers, they need a certain amount of exposure, and looking at it now, the variety show "Run, Brother" has the potential to become a big hit. If you don't grab the position now, you won't have them when it really becomes popular. What's the matter!
But Song Dawei could only regretfully refuse this, because the guests of the first season have already made appointments and are about to wrap up.

More importantly, these people's weight is too light. If they are placed at the end, it will lower the force of this variety show.

But on the surface, Song Dawei is still very enthusiastic and invites the other party to participate in the next season. As for whether he can invite them in the next season, it depends on Song Dawei's mood.

In the blink of an eye, another week passed, and the second episode of "Run, Brother" was broadcast, and many people in the circle all paid attention to this variety show.

Many variety shows are anticlimactic. In order to gain fame in the first period, various luxury lineups were made, but the second period started to be Waterloo.

As far as "Running Brother" is concerned, the first issue already has the potential to become a big hit, and the next step is to see if it can stand.

If so, then they should consider working with Chu Qing!
(End of this chapter)

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