Chapter 226 Word of mouth
The result is naturally no surprise, the broadcast rate of the second episode of "Run, Brother" is still terrifying!
It even sparked a topic on Weibo, and several people who appeared in the variety show were even more smiling, especially Che Qijun.

As the captain, he is equivalent to the C position!

In just two variety shows, he gained more than 100 million fans. With his status, the number of fans has almost reached a bottleneck, but now it has skyrocketed to a million!

What makes him even happier is that some big manufacturers have already approached him to discuss endorsement with him!
The others are similar. Advertisers are sensitive. They also saw something in these two episodes of variety shows. If they don't look for these artists now, should they wait until they become popular?
Even Duan Peng, with the help of Song Dawei, received tens of millions of endorsements!

The child was dumbfounded at the time. Since he was a child, when has he seen so much money!

Chen Yao was not bad either. Song Dawei first arranged for him a 500 million-level endorsement.

The money is not a lot, but it is absolutely safe, which is also Chu Qing's requirement for endorsement.

It must be the kind of peace of mind, otherwise it will be the same as Sanlu in the previous life, hiding secrets and draining oil, and they, these little artists, can't handle something casually.

With the popularity of "Running Brother", everyone is more attentive when shooting!

Even Che Qijun's manager approached Song Dawei on his own initiative and asked him if there would be a second season of this variety show, and if he needed to reserve a schedule.

After Song Dawei discussed with Chu Qing, it was inevitable that this variety show would become popular, so it was natural to sign the contract sooner rather than later!

At the moment, the studio directly signed a filming contract for next year with the seniors.

Now both sides are relieved, there are no fools who can reach high positions in the entertainment industry.

They can also see that this variety show is very popular, and they are naturally afraid that Chu Qing will find someone else to replace them next year. After all, except for Che Qijun, they are not big names, so it is normal to find someone to replace them.

At the same time, many artists' managers contacted Song Dawei one after another. They began to fight for the position of resident guest. If they couldn't get it, they would fight for the flying guest!

Song Dawei is not too interested in these things, he is most interested in the endorsement business!
In fact, there are still some advertising spots now, and the program has only aired two episodes, and it is completely in time to launch it now!

For these manufacturers, Song Dawei was really rude, and abruptly spent nearly [-] million in advertising fees!

Now, this variety show has already made a lot of money, and Chu Qinghua has completely got back the money she spent.

Chu Qing is not a miser, first of all, she will give everyone red envelopes, and then the money will be invested in publicity!
No matter how good the show is, it's useless without good publicity.

He has to let "Run, Brother" form a good cycle. He also doesn't know much about this, so he still uses the old strategy of hiring people!

The so-called low-ranking people work hard, middle-ranking people work hard, and high-ranking people work hard!
How many emperors in history were truly invincible?

A true leader does not mean being the strongest in everything, but knowing people and making good use of them!
Let’s just talk about Zhuge Liang, what a smart person, but he died of hard work in the end. It was because he didn’t feel comfortable entrusting others with everything and did everything by himself, so he finally ended up exhausted to death.

When Chu Qing first entered society in her last life, she was a person with a strong sense of responsibility. No matter what it was, she had to be perfect, and she would help some people.

But also because of these people, Chu Qing finally succeeded in learning a truth, people, just take care of yourself!

Since then, Chu Qing's life has become much easier, and gradually, he has also realized another truth, professional things should be hired professional people, which is good for everyone!

This is also the main reason why he can grow bigger and bigger. People can try some new things, but don't use your interests to challenge other people's careers!

With money, Chu Qing also had some new ideas.

First of all, it is natural to train another batch of actors. The actors of "Love Apartment" last time made him a lot of money!

However, Chu Qing was a little hesitant in choosing the script.

There are many scripts for web dramas, and there are many with small investments, but there are not many that can cultivate artists.

He is most sure now, in fact, there are only two, one is "Soul Ferry" and the other is "Wulin Biography"!
After some hesitation, Chu Qing still decided to shoot "Soul Ferry".

He always felt that it would be too wasteful to use "Wulin Biography" just to cultivate some new artists.

But now, he can only make plans. After all, New Year's Day is coming soon. It's not easy to recruit people at this time, and there are no good artists left. He has to wait for the graduation season to recruit students!

Students are like a blank sheet of paper, and it is relatively easy to train them.

In addition, Duan Peng and Chen Yao had to be trained, especially Duan Peng, his brother, who would he expect if he didn't support him?
However, "Soul Ferry" still has a certain market for warm-hearted ghost dramas. After some hesitation, Chu Qing decided to choose someone to star in this web drama.

The role of Zhao Li was given to Duan Peng, while Xia Dongqing could be given to Chen Yao.

However, no one has been chosen for Wang Xiaoya's role. Chu Qing wanted to sign Xu Youyou before.

As a result, Xu Youyou's company saw that she was about to become popular after participating in "Run, Brother", and immediately continued to sign the contract.

After all, the company has a share, let's talk about Xu Youyou's four-six contract.

If she earns 1000 million, the company will get 600 million!At this time, how could the company let go of this layer of oil and water?

Chu Qing was unwilling to deal with these troublesome matters, or Xu Youyou was not worth his energy.

With that time, wouldn't he be happy to find two newcomers to train?

Time came to New Year's Day in a blink of an eye, "Run, Brother" has officially finished, and now it is broadcasting exclusively on [Guangming Video] every week!
And [Bright Video] has also withstood the test of the market, and now has more than 3000 million users. Chu Qing is already very satisfied with this kind of data, after all, this is a new video platform.

And this number is still rising every day.

[Bright Video] The 20-second advertisement plus the option to 'skip the advertisement' attracted a large number of wandering viewers.

This is also one of the reasons for the increase in the number of users of their website, and the price of this is that they have to earn a lot less on advertising fees.

After all, the gap between a 180-second ad and a 20-second ad is too big!
However, Chu Qing didn't care at all. Counting those big websites in detail, in order to gain a foothold in the early stage, which one is not free and has no advertisements?

(End of this chapter)

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