Chapter 228 New Main Line

When it was turned on the next day, none of these people were affected, and they were all in high spirits.

After the opening ceremony, with the director's voice, the crew officially started work.

Chu Qing and others followed the assistant director to the studio to shoot.

Because they are all playing characters in memory, and they don't have much interaction with the protagonists, so the shooting locations are also different.

Almost all of their shooting is in the studio, and the whole process is directed by the assistant director.

"Come on, all departments are ready! Encounter in the wilderness, the first shot for the first time! Start!"

After the record was played, they quickly evacuated, Chu Qing and several artists dressed as mud monkeys rushed out of the trench, roaring and rushed towards the little devil.

They roared and roared, and Chu Qing performed the best among them.

Especially the movement of the bayonet, opening and closing, doesn't look like acting, but more like killing!
"Watch out for grenades!"

Just at this moment, a compatriot beside him yelled, Chu Qing looked down, and saw a melon grenade thrown at his feet at some point.

Chu Qing roared angrily, and threw herself on the grenade, roaring wildly.

"Back off! Back off!"

After waiting for two seconds, the grenade didn't go off. It turned out that it was a dud.

"Card! Very good, this one is over, make up for the actor to make up"

The assistant director's voice sounded, and the prop artist and makeup artist trotted over to check the status of the actors and props.

The assistant director had a cigarette in his mouth and watched the replay of the shooting just now.

The producer of the film was sitting behind him, and after watching the replay with him, he exclaimed, "This kid has good acting skills."

The assistant director nodded, but his expression was a little hesitant.

Seeing this, the producer asked curiously, "What's your expression? What makes you feel difficult?"

The assistant director struggled and said: "He performed too well."

The producer laughed out loud after hearing this: "Hahaha, what is this called, he behaved well and you still look so sad?"

The assistant director sighed and said, "That's the problem, he's not the protagonist."

The producer was startled, but then realized, yes, he is not the protagonist!

If a supporting role performs too well, it is called stealing the show.

After a little hesitation, the assistant director said to the assistant beside him, "Go and call Chu Qing over here."


With a promise, the assistant ran to Chu Qing's side, and led Chu Qing to the assistant director.

"Director, you call me"

Chu Qing's voice is as gentle as ever, which makes people feel good when they hear it, and after the system's charm has been strengthened, his voice has also increased a lot of charm.

The assistant director smiled and nodded, then waved to the people around him, signaling them to go out first.

The few people didn't talk nonsense, they turned around and walked to the side. Chu Qing was a little curious when he saw this, and thought, does the assistant director have any secrets that he wants to discuss with him?
After waiting for the unrelated people to leave, only the producer, director, and Chu Qing are left.

The assistant director coughed lightly and said, "That's right, I know it might be a bit of a bastard to say this, but I still hope that you can hide your clumsiness in the next filming."

Chu Qing was taken aback, and still hadn't reacted for a while.

Seeing this, the assistant director continued: "It's like this, your acting skills have left them too much, but this way the plot will not be very good. I hope you can let them go and let your acting skills relax a bit, otherwise it seems like you are now It’s so out of the ordinary”

Chu Qing understood somewhat, but felt a little unhappy in her heart.

He came to make a movie just to perform well, or you want to hire me with 10 yuan?I want to fart!
Chu Qing said directly: "Director, on the contrary, I think I should work harder and put pressure on them!"

"The actor's path has always been strong when he encounters the strong. I believe they can perform better under my pressure. After everyone's state improves, the scene will definitely satisfy you."

"If the other party's acting skills are not as good as mine, I will release the water. Who will hone their acting skills in the future, and just wait for the other party to be waterproof?"

The assistant director felt that what Chu Qing said was reasonable, but at the same time he was a bit embarrassed. What was even more sad was that he didn't dare to get angry because Chu Qing was under Zhang Sanli's cover!
After some hesitation, the assistant director sighed and said, "You are right, let's continue shooting."

Chu Qing smiled and walked back to her place silently.

He has already passed the stage where the other party is what they say. Now that he has money and people, how can he still be a respondent?
Of course, the most important thing is that the assistant director's proposal completely violated his original intention of joining the crew!

The crew continued to start filming, Chu Qing not only did not restrain himself, but started filming more seriously.

Now, even the producer can see the sense of disobedience, as if an adult is playing house with a group of children.

The assistant director yelled more times. Although he didn't swear, his expression was much uglier.

Zhang Mo and other actors also knew what the problem was, and all of them were embarrassed, but immediately began to secretly cheer themselves up, intending to overwhelm Chu Qing.

But with Chu Qing's acting skills, these people will definitely not have to dream for a while!
And when a segment was NGed ten times, the assistant director finally got mad and scolded the others.

Not to mention, I don't know if these people are scolded by the five elements. After the assistant director scolded them, their standards have improved.

During the filming, they also perform at a super level, and the assistant director's face looks a little better.

Chu Qing doesn't have many roles in this script, and it has been completed in more than half a month.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Sanli briefly, he returned to the studio.

Today's studio is filming "Soul Ferry", and the progress is not bad, after all, they have experience in cooperation.

After waiting for Chu Qing to come back, he began to write the script for the second season of "Run, Brother".

Now this "Running Brother" can be described as a big hit, and fans of the show can be seen everywhere on the Internet.

With this variety show, Duan Peng and Chen Yao gained a firm foothold in the third line!
Chu Qing's popularity has not decreased, and she feels that she will break through to the second line soon.

While he was writing the script of "Running Man", he was thinking about what kind of movie he should make.

His primary goal, of course, is to make money!After all, for things like winning awards, good works are not enough, you have to have connections.

And he is still young, so he is not so eager to win the prize.

While Chu Qing was thinking about it, the long-lost system notification suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Dididi, the main task has been released! Mission requirements, please host."

(End of this chapter)

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