Chapter 229 May
"Dididi, the main mission has been released! The mission requires the host to win the Best Supporting Actor Award!"

"Mission reward! Super talent!"

Chu Qing fell into deep thought after seeing the task requirements. The task required to get the best supporting actor, not the leading actor, which was very suitable for her current coffee position.

But what does the superpower talent that rewards mean?Chu Qing looked down silently, thinking that her talent is not bad, can this thing be more powerful?

Chu Qing scratched her head. Anyway, since the task was announced, it would be better to complete it.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing began to ponder in her mind. Thinking about it this way, this task is not easy.

After all, he remembered a lot of scenes where the leading role was outstanding, but he really couldn't think of a few scenes where the supporting roles were outstanding.

To say that he was impressed, the supporting roles in "I'm Not the God of Medicine" all impressed him deeply.

But that movie was also due to the right time, place and people, plus the plagiarism of posters such as King Hai Z, which successfully attracted the attention of the audience and retained the audience, and had the final brilliant result.

What's more, Chu Qing would feel at a loss no matter how he thought about it if he used the movie of Niubi B for the purpose of getting a supporting role, because as long as that movie is well executed, it will definitely be a godsend!

There are a few more, and most of them are some big productions, such as "October Siege", "Wu Shuang", "Let the Bullets Fly", "Infernal Affairs", "The Grandmaster" and so on.

With Chu Qing's current wealth, he still doesn't dare to invest in such a large script. If he is not careful, he will not be able to turn around in two years.

With Chu Qing's cautious character, without absolute strength, he would not make that kind of big investment.

Soon, he thought of two films that were not too expensive but should have a good effect.

The first "Ocean Paradise"!
I don't know how many people have been touched by the father-son relationship between the article and Jet Li.

The second "New World"!
This is a gangster movie that borrowed from "Infernal Affairs". In the previous life, many people blew up this movie, saying that it exposed human nature and so on.

But in fact, there is still some gap between this movie and "Infernal Affairs". The dual main lines of "Infernal Affairs", without any contradiction and cumbersome plot, are better than "New World".

But the only point is that the ending of "New World" is more in line with the three views of today's people.

But the success of this movie cannot be denied, after all, not all movies can be compared with "Infernal Affairs".

It is often said that when looking at a person's strength, he should not look at his friends, but his enemies.

The same applies to movies as well.

The most important thing is that the male supporting role here is very good!

And the image of Chu Qing can also be controlled, the only disadvantage is that the investment of this movie is not too small, you must find someone to join in, preferably the kind that only needs fame and no money!
This kind of candidate, he has to pull Song Dawei to choose together, but if such an important movie is shot, it will definitely not be shown on the Internet. Exclusive broadcast, but also earn a fortune.

Do it as soon as you think of it, Chu Qing quickly started to write the script, and then began to conceive where these scenes can be filmed.

After all, the movie is going to be released in China, so many plots and settings have to be modified.

Under the busy schedule, the script was freshly released, and Chu Qing wiped off her sweat, feeling that there were too many things to do this year.

First of all, "Run, Brother" must not be sloppy. At least one season must be guaranteed every year, and each season can be played for about three months, so as to maintain the popularity.

Then there is the development of web dramas and the cultivation of artists.

These things cannot be stopped. After all, when everyone is working hard, if you stop, it means falling behind and being eliminated!
This is not allowed by Chu Qing, especially when the effect of [Bright Video] is not bad, it is even more necessary to introduce a few more web dramas, develop a few web dramas and variety shows, and retain the audience.

After all, pageviews and traffic are both assets!

After the script was written, Song Dawei sent it again for review and formalities.

The scale of movies in this life is larger than that in the previous life, and most of the movies can pass the review plan.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the superior to call to inform them that they had passed the pre-screening and could recruit actors.

At that moment, Song Dawei took the script and went to Yanjing alone to seek investment from the actor Gala!

Chu Qing's plan is to invest about [-] million in this movie!

At this price, shooting a gangster movie is definitely not cheap, so Chu Qing plans to find someone to share some of it, and it is the kind that does not give a share of the box office.

So Song Dawei went this time to find some actors who are 'box office poison' and 'unrepresented works'!

Only these people are willing to have no pay, just to prove themselves.

Only the company of these people would be willing to spend money to invest in cultivating an actor!
Of course, if you give too much, people won't agree, but Chu Qing thinks it's okay to ask for around 5000 million.

The rest is also easy to handle. You can arrange some soft implants, such as the car you drive, the mobile phone you use, the suit you wear, etc. You can find someone to invest in these, and it doesn't look so obvious.

Adding all these together, Chu Qing felt that it would be no problem to get another 5000 million, that is to say, if he invested about [-] million himself, he could almost eat it all!
As for these matters, Chu Qing directly handed them over to Song Dawei.

He is preparing to record the second season of "Run, Brother"!

On May [-]st, the crew of "Running Brother" assembled again. After everyone took a "family portrait", they reposted it on their respective Weibo, announcing that the second season of "Running Brother" has officially started recording!
This news quickly spread throughout the Internet, and even became a trending search, which shows how successful this variety show is!
Seeing this, Chu Qing was a little confused, thinking that a good variety show is a good variety show, maybe the running man in this life can also become a phenomenal variety show!

This time he wants to shoot well, but it can't be the same as the previous life, because various problems are getting worse and worse.

The rest of the crew were fine, but Chen Yao and Duan Peng had a hard time.

Because they want to film "Run, Brother" and "Soul Ferry" at the same time!
Both of them are exhausted, and they even play together when recording variety shows. For example, Duan Peng has called Chen Yao Dongqing more than once, and Chen Yao is the same. He often calls Duan Peng Zhao Li, which is very annoying to Han Jie. Speechless, the other actors could only follow suit and reshoot.

But after more than ten days passed like this, Song Dawei finally came back with a piece of good news.

(End of this chapter)

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