Chapter 231

"Mr. Cui, I am very glad that you are here. I have also watched your works and learned about your acting skills! To be honest, I think the role of Section Chief Jiang is very suitable for you."

At this moment, sitting in front of Chu Qing is an old man, about 50 years old, he is an old artist.

It's a pity that it has been tepid, and now it is only a second-tier, and the salary is even pitiful.

Nowadays, the normal price of the second-tier, the salary of a film starts at 2000 million, but almost no one is willing to use such a high price to hire him to act.

Like Wang Wenxiang, he generally does not ask for a high price, but the price shown in the contract must be 2000 million, all for the sake of dignity.

Chu Qing still respects this kind of powerful person. He also saw the acting level of the other party through the [Recognition] skill just now, which is as high as 23!

This statistic is rare in the industry. Chu Qing has been filming for so long, and there are only two people with higher acting skills than him.

"Director Chu, you're being polite. I've seen your work too. It's awesome for younger generations, it's awesome for younger generations."

Cui Hongbing did not underestimate Chu Qing. After all, Chu Qing can be said to be his employer now. Even though he is much younger than him, even younger than his son, he still has to give him the necessary respect.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Then let's go through a cutscene, you try the play, just come to a part of it."


Cui Hongbing agreed, walked to the side of the sofa and sat down, without raising Erlang's legs, his legs just leaned on the sofa, silently took out a pack of cigarettes in his arms, lit one and smoked.

A simple smoking scene, but Cui Hongbing played it perfectly.

He uses props so well that even the smoke he blows out becomes part of his performance!

After seeing it, Chu Qing couldn't help feeling that the performance experience of the older generation was really enough for him to learn to death.

In the field of acting, the more you study, the more shallow you feel!
It can be said that getting started is easy, but acting well is too difficult!
It belongs to the kind of work that you can spend your whole life researching, and it is not online at all!
After seeing Cui Hongbing's performance, Chu Qing stood up and applauded with a smile: "The sword is not old, the sword is not old! Then let's sign the contract!"

Cui Hongbing also agreed with a smile, and the manager walked in and signed a contract with Chu Qing.

Normally, Cui Hongbing can only get about 500 million yuan in salary for such a play, which is not counting the profits shared by the company, but this time, Chu Qing doubled his salary and gave him 1000 million yuan in salary!

This shocked Cui Hongbing. After all, Song Dawei didn't say that he would give so much money at the beginning, but it was followed by surprise and touch.

Surprised because of unexpected gains, moved because this is obviously Chu Qing's respect for him!
After signing the contract, Cui Hongbing took the script and left. The film will be shot in July, and he still has one month to figure out the characters.

Within a day, Chu Qing confirmed all the actors. This is also the benefit of gaining fame. Now it is much easier to find actors than when they were shooting a movie for the first time.

As for the actors who can come to interview, Chu Qing knows a lot in his heart. Even if it is not suitable for them, Chu Qing also has other roles for them, and everyone is happy in the end.

On the other side, Song Dawei's endorsement has also been discussed.

2000 million car endorsements, 2000 million mobile phone endorsements, and 1000 million suit endorsements!

This price is not high, but it is also not low, especially for a small studio like Chu Qing, it is not easy to get film investment at this price.

Preparations for the movie started, and it will be officially filmed in July, but Zhang Sanli called at this time, hoping that Chu Qing could bring his son Zhang Mo with him.

To be honest, Chu Qing really didn't want to take him with him. He never liked the kind of person who was born with everything but didn't cherish it.

But Chu Qing still had to accept the other party, and the reason was very simple, because it was Zhang Sanli's request.

Others Chu Qing can not give face, but Zhang Sanli must give face!
Chu Qing could only arrange a role for Zhang Moye, and sent the script to him.

What Zhang Sanli was thinking, Chu Qing knew in his heart that he hoped that he would be close to Zhang Mo, and that he would make Zhang Mo have a meal when he would be prosperous one day.

Chu Qing was somewhat resistant to this, the reason was simple, he didn't like Zhang Mo.

If one day he became angry and Zhang Sanli passed away, Chu Qing would still help Zhang Mo if he had any difficulties.

This is all based on Zhang Sanli's face, but if you want him to help him wholeheartedly, as if he were Duan Peng, it is absolutely impossible.

After dealing with these matters, Song Dawei began to contact props and venues and other matters.

These things are relatively simple, but Chu Qing is recording "Run, Brother" every day!
As they have been working together for a longer period of time, everyone has become more and more compatible with this variety show, and they are very comfortable when shooting, which makes the progress of the shooting extremely smooth.

Wait until mid-July, "Run, Brother" will be finished!
Chu Qing directly connected seamlessly and started filming "New World"!
Duan Peng, Chen Yao and others started filming "Soul Ferry".

It was not until this time that the first season of "Soul Ferry" premiered online.

Just as Chu Qing thought before, this web drama received rave reviews once it aired. Although it was not as popular as "Love Apartment", it was still great!
Chen Yao is also very busy now. On the one hand, he has to film "Soul Ferry" in Shanghai K, and on the other hand, he has to rush to Yanjing to film "Love Apartment 4"!
This time, his salary has increased a lot. Song Dawei asked him for 1000 million yuan. After deducting taxes and company share, he still has more than 300 million yuan left. Chen Yao is already very satisfied with this figure.

And the price given to him by "Soul Ferry" is similar, that is to say, he can earn more than 600 million in half a year. If this figure is said, many artists will definitely be envied.

Han Jie is also very busy, because he was almost the only director in the studio before, and he was in charge of all the shooting, but now Chu Qing summoned him to direct "New World", and many of the previous shooting tasks needed to be handed over. The sky is also busy and the feet don't touch the ground.

Looking at everyone's terribly busy appearance, Chu Qing couldn't help feeling that there are still too few people in the studio!
"New World" started shooting, and the progress of shooting was not fast at the beginning.

Han Jie is a good director, and he also knows how to make the actors work together in the early stage. Most of the scenes he chooses are relatively simple scenes, which are also scenes that the actors can play.

When the artists are acting, other people are watching from the side, and they can also make an evaluation of the performance, and can also compare it with their own acting skills, which is conducive to the later cooperative shooting.

(End of this chapter)

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