Chapter 232
Wang Wenxiang is indeed a good actor, not to mention his acting skills, and he is very serious when filming.

It can be seen that he has made all the preparations in advance, the lines are recorded in his head, and he never needs to read the script when playing, you just read the previous line, and he can take the next line for you, never miss.

This was the first time Chu Qing had seen such a skill.

When filming before, even Zhang Sanli couldn't help remembering the words sometimes.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Mo is really too muddy to support the wall!
Sometimes when Chu Qing looked at him, she felt panicked in her heart, saying that the tiger father had no dogs, Chu Qing really couldn't understand how Zhang Sanli gave birth to such a son!
This 'grandfather' brought two female assistants with him, and usually he didn't watch when other people were filming, he just lay on a recliner, chatting with the two female assistants, and his hands were even more dishonest.

When it came time to shoot his scenes, he was not energetic, as if he had been hollowed out last night.

Chu Qing looked at him many times and suppressed his anger.

But once, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, because Zhang Mo actually said 1234567 directly when he was in a scene!

Everyone at the scene was stunned, Chu Qing's brain was about to explode, and an unknown fire erupted. When he walked in front of Zhang Mo, he raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

Zhang Mo was also stunned, staring at Chu Qing with wide eyes, and then wanted to fight back after swearing.

But Chu Qing works out every day, is his physical fitness comparable to him?
She dodged his punch sideways, raised her hand and slapped him again, this time Chu Qing didn't stop, half of his face was swollen up.

Zhang Mo roared angrily: "Bastard, I'm going to kill you! What's so great about you? Without my dad, you're just trash! Trash!"

Chu Qing sneered and said, "Hehe, waste? Which of us is waste? Without your father, I am still the boss of the company, a third-tier entertainer, or a billionaire! What about you? You are a fart! Without your father, you can hardly eat Disaster!"

Zhang Mo roared again, but his body was already held down by several cameramen.

These cameramen have just graduated, and they have long been displeased with this old man, and they all want to perform in front of the boss, so naturally they won't be used to him.

"I want my dad to block you! Block you!"

Zhang Mo was still yelling crazily, Chu Qing sneered.

"Ban me? Okay! Go and try it! See if your dad will block me! Waste of snacks, gnawing old people! You can't do anything in your 30s. Your dad has arranged so many crews for you. Which one is it? Really looking forward to seeing you?"

Chu Qing didn't spare any room for his words, and didn't save any face for Zhang Mo. Zhang Mo was almost driven mad by Chu Qing.

He felt that people around him looked at him with mockery and disdain!
He is a majestic young master Zhang, when did he receive this kind of atmosphere, and now he began to struggle hard again.

Chu Qing said coldly: "Why do you think your father sent you to the film crew? Do you think it is because you want to help me? Let me tell you the truth! Your father wants you to have a good relationship with me. When he dies one day, someone can help you! Fool!"

Zhang Mo was taken aback, but still felt unable to get off the stage.

"You fart! My dad has so many friends, do you think there is no one to help me except you?"

Chu Qing sneered again and said, "Really? All right, think about it now, one day your father is gone, who can help you?"

Zhang Mo was still dissatisfied and said, "My dad is in great health! My dad won't be without you!"

"How old is your dad?"

Zhang Mo was stunned by Chu Qing's words. His eyes were a little confused, as if he had never thought about this question before, and then he became a little terrified.

Chu Qing continued: "Do you still remember how your father didn't dye his hair?"

"Your dad has raised you for more than 30 years, what about you? What did you bring to your dad?"

"Has your father ever paid you a penny?"

"Did you let your dad worry about it?"

"Just because he is your father, he has to support you for 30, 40, or even 50 years?"

"Just because you call him Dad! He has to support you for the rest of his life, and let you be a leech lying on him to suck blood!"

"Yes! He could carry it when he was young, but is he still young now?"

"Your stepmother didn't even have a child in her whole life for you. Is this how you repay her?"

"There are so many divorced people in this world, your parents don't owe you anything! They are human beings, and they have their own lives! Don't act like a dog that the whole world feels sorry for you!"

"Go out now and let the car hit you to death! Only your parents will be sad in the whole world, and everyone else will applaud and say it's a good death! In this way, there will be one less disaster in the world!"

"If I were you, I'd go out to ZS right now, and let your father and stepmother have another one. Even if I give birth to a placenta, it's better than raising you!"

Zhang Mo was completely stunned by Chu Qing's scolding. At this moment, he was in a mess, with a red palm print on his face, and his eyes were dull.

The two little assistants behind him were already scared to death, and one of them was still sobbing softly.

None of Wang Wenxiang, Cui Hongbing and others came out to speak, they just watched the scene quietly.

Chu Qing walked up to Zhang Mo, asked several photographers to let go, and helped him up.

"Your father won't last for a few years. Think about it carefully. If I were you, I would change my past now! I want everyone to look up to me, and I want everyone who looked down on me to look down on me before." Regret! I want to make my father proud of me! Everywhere I go, I stand upright and say that I am Zhang Mo's father!"

Zhang Mo raised his head and glanced at Chu Qing. For some reason, even though Chu Qing beat him, he couldn't hate Chu Qing.

Zhang Mo is not a fool. When he was in other crews before, he also noticed that others didn't want to see him.

Those people praised him on the surface, saying that the tiger father has no dogs, but behind their backs they said that Zhang Sanli was really in decline, and that his son would not be able to support the wall with mud.

There is no one who really told him these truths.

Now that Chu Qing was beaten and scolded, he really benefited, this is a feeling he has never felt in many years.

Chu Qing stared into his eyes, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll give you a day off, go back and have a rest, and think about what I said, if you are a man, go back to filming tomorrow! If you If you have other ideas, go back to Yanjing now."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she glared at the two female assistants, and they were so frightened that they hurriedly supported Zhang Mo to walk outside.

Zhang Mo shook off the hands of the two, took a look at Chu Qing, and strode away.

After waiting for Zhang Mo to leave, Han Jie whispered, "Aren't you afraid of offending people?"

Chu Qing sighed and said, "There is nothing you can do to offend others. My teacher is just such a son. Whether you can save him or not, you have to try."

After saying this, the eyes of the people around him looked at Chu Qing with a lot of respect.

However, a system notification sounded in Chu Qing's mind: "Dididi, the [Punch Card] has been successfully used, and the effect can make the prodigal son turn back and rein in the precipice! The trigger condition is to use physical attacks on the target! The price is [-] points!"

(End of this chapter)

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