Chapter 233 August
When Zhang Mo returned to the hotel, the assistant wiped the medicine on him and cried. He was a little upset when he cried, and finally waved his hands and kicked them both out, leaving him alone in the room.

What Chu Qing said before was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, echoing endlessly in his mind.

He thought of his father's appearance when he was young, and then compared it silently in his heart.

Because of filming, his father often dyed his hair, but his hair was not white.

But the wrinkles on the skin and the increasingly curved spine can prove that his father is really old.

He never thought about what it would be like if his father wasn't around one day, but now just thinking about it makes his heart throb.

Yes, my father has been taking care of me for more than ten years, do I want my father to take care of me for the rest of my life?
Even if I can't be my father's pride, then I can't be my father's burden either!

If one day, my father passed away.

He hoped that his father would be satisfied when he died, and let his father know that even without himself, he could live well.

Rather than worrying about how his son would live without himself when he was leaving.

He rubbed his cheeks hard, went to the bathroom to wash his face, looked up in the mirror and found that his eye sockets were red.

He walked back to the bed and calmed down a bit before picking up the phone and calling his father.

The father on the other end was probably busy, and it took more than ten seconds to answer the phone.

"Hello? Son, how about filming on the set? Are you tired?"


Zhang Sanli was taken aback when Dad heard this, because Zhang Mo's voice was trembling.

Zhang Sanli hurriedly said: "What's the matter, son? What happened? Who bullied you? Tell Dad, Dad will let Chu Qing deal with him right away!"

"No, no one bullies me, Dad, do you think I'm useless?"

Zhang Sanli on the other end of the phone fell silent, and he spoke only after a few seconds.

"Son, we don't steal or rob, we don't add burden to the society, and rely on our own ability to eat, how can we call it useless?"

Zhang Mo rubbed his eyes again, tears welling in his eyes.

"Dad! I was wrong, I was really wrong before! From today on, I will be your pride, and a talking point that will make everyone in the circle envy you!"

After Zhang Mo finished speaking, he hung up the phone, washed his face and pushed open the door, looked at the two assistants and said, "Go back to Yanjing."

After speaking, he walked out of the house, and the two assistants hurriedly stood up, one of them said.

"Boss, won't you go back with us?"

Zhang Mo waved his hand and said, "No, I'm going back to the crew to film! You guys go back to Yanjing first, I'm here to film, not to be an uncle!"

On the other end, Zhang Sanli realized that something must have happened, so he took the initiative to call Chu Qing.

Chu Qing didn't hide it either, and he also knew that this matter would definitely not be hidden, so he said everything he had done before, but it was not that detailed.

In fact, Chu Qing is also a little apprehensive now. Although he has used the [Drink Card], who knows if it will be effective?After all, Zhang Mo is notoriously messy in the circle!
After listening to Zhang Sanli on the other end of the phone, his voice trembled and said: "Chu Qing, after so many years, you are the only one who can say these words. Zhang Mo called me before, and I can tell that he convinced you, you , take him well"

"Teacher, don't worry, I will!"

Just as Chu Qing hung up the phone, Zhang Mo walked in outside the crew, and everyone looked at him.

Seeing this, Chu Qing clapped her hands and said, "What are you doing! You slipped away while filming, do you want to work overtime at night? Be serious!"

Everyone regained their senses and started to continue working.

Chu Qing took a look at Zhang Mo and said, "It seems that you have already thought it through clearly, fight for it!"


Zhang Mo agreed, walked silently to the actor's rest area, moved a small stool over by himself, and prepared to watch how other people acted with everyone later.

The atmosphere of the crew became more friendly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the time came to August.

Today's "That's a big studio" is also somewhat famous in the circle. The successive releases of "Love Apartment" and "Soul Ferry" have achieved good results, especially "Love Apartment" has become a phenomenon-level network. one of the plays.

And what really made them stand still had to be "Run, Brother"!
This variety show not only helped Chu Qing Studio gain a foothold, but also gave their video website a foothold. The so-called first three feet are difficult to kick, but this variety show helped them kick off the crucial one. foot!
This attracted the attention of many people, and people began to contact them, hoping to buy the copyright.

If Zhang Sanli is not behind, whether this copyright can be kept is another matter.

When Chu Qing made it clear that the copyright would not be sold for the time being, these people began to worry about the position of the resident guest again!
On this point, Chu Qing did not compromise. Seeing that Chu Qing would not accept the hard and soft, they had no choice but to ask for the seat of the flying guest.

Chu Qing did not refuse this point, because he had to invite flying guests, but Chu Qing also gave his own conditions, that is, no one who is not famous!
He invited the flying guests to bring the heat, not to rub the heat!

And those resident guests also got news from various companies, and they all knew that someone was thinking about their resident position, and they came to the studio one after another, hoping to sign the contract for the third season as soon as possible, and none of them asked for an increase in appearance fee.

Ren Fei even said that it doesn't matter if the studio doesn't have any money to pay him now, as long as he has money, he can pay it.

Chu Qingming knew that the other party was afraid that he would kick him away, but he was still very moved.

In the society of adults, you can do anything, but you can't withdraw money, no matter how good you are, your friends may blow it up.

Therefore, whether you can borrow money from this person can actually prove how the relationship between the two of you is.

Now that Ren Fei said that, he undoubtedly gave Chu Qing a lot of face.

Chu Qing also knew what the other party wanted, so she patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ren, as long as this "Run, Brother" records an episode, you will have a place for the first episode, unless you say you want to quit. Otherwise, the door of the running man will always be open to you!"

Ren Fei was also very moved after hearing this. Among these resident guests, he might be the only one who received such an affirmative reply from Chu Qing.

In August, the weather in Hai K was almost fatal, and everyone was a little listless when filming.

For this, Han Jie can only adjust the shooting time, try to avoid the hottest time for everyone, and shoot more indoor scenes. Anyway, the indoor scenes are air-conditioned, so it is easier to shoot.

Song Dawei has already started contacting the theater chain, but this time, it is not the theater chain that he has cooperated with many times before.
(End of this chapter)

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