Chapter 234

Today's studios are different, and the previous theaters wanted to give them some rubbish release time, how could Song Dawei agree?

Even if you can't get the Spring Festival stalls, there is no problem in advance, right?

This time, Song Dawei wanted the release time to be New Year's Day!
This is also based on his calculations. The film can be completed in November at the latest. After more than a month of post-editing time, and the promotion is messy, it will be completed before New Year's Day.

And on New Year's Day, there are relatively fewer competing products, and everyone's big productions must go to the Spring Festival stalls to compete. Song Dawei doesn't pay attention to other small productions, so this New Year's Day stall is the best time.

It doesn't matter if the other party disagrees, there are many theaters in Huaxia, so there is no need to hang him on a tree.

Then Song Dawei started his own busy work. It took a week, and before he almost got his stomach perforated, he finally settled on a theater!
After signing the contract, all that's left is to see what effect the movie will have after it's released!

Time has come slowly to September, halfway through filming, and Chu Qing's role is almost finished.

During this period of time, those who worked with him for the first time in the crew had a particularly deep impression on Chu Qing.

It can be summed up in four simple words, and the future generations are awesome!

Chu Qing's acting skills are definitely among the best among young people, and even an old actor, Cui Hongbing, is amazed by his occasional outbursts of acting skills.

And Wang Wenxiang, who played with Chu Qing the most, was even more deeply touched. In some scenes, Chu Qing was able to press him down to fight, and the feeling of oppression almost overflowed the screen!

At first he thought it was an actor's outburst of acting skills. After all, every actor will have such a moment or two, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but who would have thought that this kind of outburst is a regular occurrence!
Once or twice is a coincidence, but three or four times is strength!
This made everyone in the crew feel even more awed by Chu Qing. Sure enough, no one's success happened for no reason. If Chu Qing was able to establish such a large family business at such a young age, no one would believe that he had no strength.

What's even more rare is that he really started from scratch!Parents are ordinary people, and there is no powerful father-in-law, all on their own.

If anyone in the crew admired Chu Qing the most, it would be Zhang Mo!

Since he was woken up by Chu Qing, this person has really become hard-working. He usually works overtime while filming in the crew without complaining, and he doesn't dare to go out to eat in a high-profile way. Instead, he eats boxed lunches in the crew.

Although I usually see other people who don't take the initiative to say hello, they will politely smile and nod, which is completely different from the previous look with eyes above the top.

This made many staff members wonder, how could there really be someone in their hearts, who changed his temper after being beaten up by Chu Qing, as if he had changed into a different person.

But today, Zhang Mo's role was completed, and he reluctantly bid farewell to Chu Qing, saying that he must call him when filming in the future, and that he doesn't need to be paid, he just wants to learn something!
Chu Qing smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Although Chu Qing was a few years younger than the other party, he acted like a big brother.

"Go back and take a good rest. Leave me a two-month schedule next year. You will be busy."

Hearing this, Zhang Mo couldn't help but smile.

In September of the same period, the edited "Run, Brother" was officially released!
The click-through rate of the second season is even higher than that of the first season. The number of views of the first episode exceeded [-] million on the same day!
Chu Qing was stunned. Their current app downloads are only over 3000 million. Where did the [-] million views come from?Is there anyone who can't watch a variety show three times?

He went directly to Song Dawei and asked if he had done something wrong, Song Dawei said innocently.

"It's definitely not me, where did I get this technology?"

Chu Qing thought so, so he went to find Miao Dong again, and Miao Dong said that it wasn't that they had done anything, but that it was played for more than 5 minutes, which was counted as one playback.

During the period, it is inevitable that there will be pauses to go out. Besides, it is not only the playback volume of the APP, but also the PC side.

Only then did Chu Qing understand, and at the same time feel a little ecstatic. Looking at it now, the popularity of this variety show is already certain!

Many people in the circle can also tell that this variety show will definitely become a phenomenal variety show!

More people began to worry about the position of the resident guests, and the prices offered were getting higher and higher. One of the Xiaoxianrou companies said that as long as his Xiaoxianrou became a resident guest, they would not only not want money, but He will also take the initiative to help publicize and give a reward of [-] million!

did you see it?It doesn't cost money to invite actors to perform variety shows, and you can still make money!

But even so, Chu Qing still did not agree.

Since the chicken that lays the golden eggs is in your hand, why kill the chicken to get the eggs?

With the fire of the second season broadcast, those advertisers are laughing like crazy!

The advertising space in the second season was very expensive, Song Dawei sold nearly [-] million for the exclusive title alone!
At that time, many people said that Song Dawei was crazy and dared to ask for such a high price, but looking at it now, he is really worth the [-] million!

Some other small advertisers also went crazy with laughter. Looking at it now, their ad placement is worth the money!
The advertising expenses in and out of the second season alone brought them nearly [-] million in revenue!

And these, without counting the advertisements in the APP, and the netizens who came for "Run, Brother".

In this society, people are money!
The more people there are, the more advertisers will invest and the higher the price!
It's like many free novels, free videos, etc. in the previous life, and some advertisements will be played after watching for a while, this is their source of income!

In mid-September, Chu Qing's role was completely wrapped up, and the rest was Wang Wenxiang's role.

Wang Wenxiang is very satisfied with his performance, and he is also satisfied with the script. He really thinks this movie can prove it for him!
If even such a good movie can't pull him out of the reputation of movie poison, he himself will feel hopeless.

With this kind of thinking, in the final stage, he was also full of firepower throughout the whole process, and he was in the state during filming.

Chu Qing moved a stool and sat next to Han Jie, with one main purpose, to steal a teacher!

Although he also has directing skills, compared with other professional directors, he is really a younger brother.

Now that there is such a good opportunity in front of him, if he doesn't steal his teacher, he won't be called Chu Qing anymore!

In this state, time slowly came to October, and on October [-]th, "New World" was announced to be completed!
From top to bottom, the crew was immersed in a sea of ​​joy, and they were very tired during this period.

With a big wave of Chu Qing's hand, he ordered a luxurious restaurant, and everyone will have dinner together at night!
Zhang Mo also received the news in advance and came back to have dinner with everyone.

Zhang Mo's change was obvious, for which Zhang Sanli even called Chu Qing to express his thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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