Chapter 235 November

Zhang Sanli also wanted to discipline his son, but every time he disciplined him, he felt that he was sorry for Zhang Mo's mother and son, so that he couldn't be ruthless, which made Zhang Mo come to this day.

Fortunately, a Chu Qing came out, not only can be ruthless, but also can control it!

Immediately, Zhang Sanli said that Zhang Mo should leave his company and join 'That's a big studio'!
Zhang Sanli opened his mouth, so Chu Qing couldn't refuse, so he reluctantly agreed.

That night, everyone at the wrap-up banquet ate very happily.

Especially Wang Wenxiang, this guy actually cried and hugged Chu Qing's shoulder and kept complaining. His manager and assistant pulled him away several times but failed to pull him away.

In the end, Chu Qing could only go to the private room to drink with them. After all, it was a public place, so these people could see that Wang Wenxiang was not in a good state of drunkenness.

Chu Qing also understood that Wang Wenxiang was usually under too much pressure, and his nerves were always tense during filming. Now that he finally relaxed, his emotions collapsed.

No one laughed at him. After all, there are too few smooth sailing in life. Most of them are ups and downs, and that is the normal state of life.

The current Wang Wenxiang is just in one of the ups and downs. If he can climb out, then the future will be bright.

If he can't climb out, then he will sink.

But judging from Wang Wenxiang's state, this person is not a person who succumbs to fate. Chu Qing believes that he can climb out, and there is definitely nothing wrong with building a good relationship with such a person.

So Chu Qing drank a lot of wine with him, and in the end he drank completely unconscious, and then let his assistant and manager carry him away.

After sending Wang Wenxiang away, Chu Qing wiped his mouth and continued to drink, but no one at the table dared to drink with him anymore.

Just kidding, I drank three bottles of liquor for a catty, is this human?The donkeys in the production team didn't dare to drink like that!

Chu Qing didn't force this. He drank mainly to make everyone happy. Now everyone is not only unhappy, but scared, so it's boring.

After the crew finished, the task of the later staff came again.

I haven't seen them for a while, and when I saw them again, Chu Qing noticed that she had lost a lot of hair.

As the highest paid staff in the studio, they also pay the most!

After all, if things like hair are gone, they are gone.
However, they became bald and stronger!
Chu Qing still remembers a stalk in her previous life, that is to see if a programmer is good or not, you don’t need to look at his file, just look at his hair, the less hair, the more powerful it is!

Chu Qing didn't take any other jobs, so he edited with him every day. After all, this is the movie that determines whether Chu Qing's mission can be completed or not!

They edited some clips first, and these clips will be used as promotional videos and spread on the Internet.

The rest of the work was rather boring. Chu Qing gave up within two days of editing. She talked about the general direction she needed, and then called Han Jie to replace her, but he slipped away and talked to Duan Peng. Song Dawei, Chen Yao and the others went out to dive.

In life, you still have to be kind to yourself.

Diving, treasure hunting, catching seafood.

After playing for a day, a few people found a restaurant empty-handed at night, and decided to buy some ready-made food...

Song Dawei asked while eating: "The movie is finished, so many people in our studio are idle now, why don't we shoot "Running Brother 3"?"

Chu Qing spat out a crab leg and said, "The script hasn't been written yet."

"Let's shoot now and write now, or this time will be wasted, what do you think?"

Chu Qing began to consider Song Dawei's proposal. Indeed, they could give the employees some time to rest, but they couldn't let the employees rest for too long, otherwise they would become depraved and it would be difficult to get back to the state.

But he also felt that he should find two professional planners and directors to help. For a project as big as "Run, Brother", he couldn't rely on him to write the script alone.

He should recruit some people to write the script, and then he is responsible for reviewing it. This should be something a boss does.

So Chu Qing directly told Song Dawei what he thought, and Song Dawei nodded slowly after hearing this, thinking that it was very necessary.

After all, those big companies have their own planners and directors. They only need to create a similar program, and then everything they put in will be rewarded.

The problem is, a big plan with an annual salary of one million will definitely look down on a small company like my own, so I still have to recruit young teams and cultivate them slowly.

The time is slowly coming to November, and the promotion of "New World" can be seen everywhere on the Internet!

For this movie, Chu Qing took out nearly [-] million yuan as publicity, and the publicity cost was close to the filming cost!
So now the Internet is full of propaganda about "New World".

Many well-known film critics on Weibo, and all the film and television commentaries in Shaking Hands, are helping to promote it.

This is even more so on the Internet. As long as you open the browser on your computer or mobile phone, you will definitely see news about "New World" within the top five searches.

Under such repeated operations, the audience remembered the name of the movie.

As for the promotional video, Chu Qing released some scenes full of scenes, which aroused the curiosity of the audience.

They have seen a lot of underworld movies, but they haven't been very good in recent years, because those big directors have almost switched to shooting gangster movies.

In November, under Song Dawei's continuous operation, he finally got two directors and two planners.

Now they have become the chief editor and deputy editor, chief planner and deputy planner of 'That's a Big Studio'.

The four of them were very happy when they started working, but when they knew that they had no one under their command and needed to recruit all of them, they were completely confused, and even wondered for a while whether they had joined some legendary X company.

If it weren't for the fact that this studio has formal procedures, and their works can be seen online, these people must leave immediately!

But then, these people became excited, because Chu Qing said that the third season of "Run, Brother" will be planned by the four of them!
At this moment, everyone was excited, joking, how popular "Running Brother" is now, as long as anyone on the Internet knows, such a big variety show is now handed over to them, what is more attractive than this?
To say something bad, even if one day they change jobs and go to another company, they only need to say during the interview that I directed "Run, Brother", which will make the interviewer look at it better, and even raise some salary. !
In the entertainment industry, this is called qualifications!
Immediately, the four of them patted their chests, expressing that they would be able to come up with the best ideas and games, and if they couldn't think of one, they would come to see them!
Chu Qing: "."

(End of this chapter)

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