Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 238 Return to the original owner

Chapter 238 Return to the original owner
While the two were chatting with each other, the staff on the side looked at their watch and interrupted.

"Mr. Chu, it's time for you to take the stage, just stand on the elevator, pay attention to safety"

Chu Qing walked over obediently, Zhang Sanli also looked at his watch, and then said softly: "Be more serious about the rehearsal, just treat it as a live performance!"

Chu Qing also nodded seriously and adjusted her breathing.

The sound on the stage was very loud, and he could already hear the host on the stage introducing the upcoming show with great emotion.

The elevator rose slowly, and Chu Qing appeared in the center of the stage.

Naturally, there is no audience in the audience, but there are some auditors and some leaders sitting on it.

Every year, the Spring Festival Gala is a test for the leaders of these TV stations, so naturally they must not be sloppy.

With a sunny smile on Chu Qing's face, she was wearing a slim black suit. The moment she showed her face, many leaders in the audience were amazed.

In China, things like appearance still play a role.

Good-looking people always get some preferential treatment.

For example, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Luo Yonghao went to buy Chinese cabbage, the cabbage must not be the same price!
The background music of "Singing the Motherland" played slowly. This is the full version that Chu Qing handed over to Ma Changming two days ago.

To Chu Qing's surprise, he actually had a backup dancer.

He stood in the center of the stage, and on his left and right and behind him were children wearing Olympic uniforms for various sports, holding five-star red flags in their hands, and their faces were full of childlike innocence.

Chu Qing had no time to think too much, found the entry point, and softly sang this classic Huaxia song!
"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind~"

"How loud the song of victory~"

"Sing to our dear motherland!"

"From now on, we will be prosperous and strong!"

Needless to say, the broadcasting equipment of the Spring Festival Gala is definitely the top in China!
Perfectly spread Chu Qing's voice throughout the studio!

It was the first time for everyone in the audience to hear Chu Qing sing this song. Although they had already read the lyrics and so on, when they heard Chu Qing sing it himself, they all stood there in a daze.

They only felt a hot current in their chest, rushing towards their limbs and bones!It makes my whole body warm and warm, and many people of the older generation feel that their eyes are a little dry.

Some of them even stood up to listen and feel the power of this song!

The song was not long. After Chu Qing sang the last syllable, she bowed and walked back to her elevator silently, waiting for the elevator to land.

And the children who danced for him also quickly ran towards the two sides of the stage.

But the host was already on the stage, but Chu Qing hadn't felt the elevator descending yet, which made him a little confused, wondering if he wanted to go down by himself?That's too abrupt!

At this time, a leader in the audience picked up the command horn and said to Chu Qing.

"Young man, is the copyright of this song sold?"

Chu Qing was startled when he heard it, then shook his head decisively, joking, such a good song, selling the copyright?Do you think I drank too much?

The leader was obviously disappointed after hearing this, but after all, Chu Qing belonged to Zhang Sanli, so he couldn't force anything.

At this moment, he heard Chu Qing on the stage saying.

"But if the country needs this song, I am willing to donate it for free!"

The leader in the audience was startled, and then burst out laughing.

Chu Qing only felt a shock under his feet, the elevator started to work, and he was sent back to the staff passage.

The leader in the audience turned around and smiled at the old man beside him.

"This kid is a bit interesting, because he is afraid that we will take this song privately!"

The old man opposite him is about 70 years old, with gray hair and a goatee.

After hearing the leader's words, he gently stroked his beard and smiled.

"If the country needs it, he is willing to donate for free! To be honest, at the beginning, I didn't believe that such a song could be written at his age, but after hearing his words, I believed it!"

The leader smiled a little, and then praised: "It's really a good song. This kind of good song shouldn't be sung only once in the Spring Festival Gala! So, how about contacting the Ministry of Education so that elementary and middle school students across the country can learn this song?" "

Hearing this, the old man nodded lightly and said, "Yes, but don't forget to discuss it with others."

"Hahaha, don't worry, this kid will definitely agree, Chu Qing! Not bad! Not bad!"

Chu Qing, who returned to the employee passageway, didn't think so. At this moment, he was thinking, would the elevator not work without his words?
If I don't agree, will they not let me come back?
Of course, these are just Chu Qing's own thoughts.

Zhang Sanli and Song Dawei have been waiting for him. There is no sound insulation in the staff passage, and they can be heard very clearly under the penetration of the live audio.

Now when Chu Qing came out, Song Dawei smiled and punched him on the chest.

"Good performance! Hold on!"

Zhang Sanli also smiled and said, "Is what you said on stage true? Are you really willing to donate to the country?"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile. This should have been a national song. It should not be called donation, but should be called return to the original owner.

Zhang Sanli didn't say anything else, but patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "Go back to the lounge first, I'll go talk to my old friend."



Chu Qing and Song Dawei agreed, and returned to the waiting room accompanied by the staff.

Zhang Sanli walked to the front stage. The last piece was being performed on the stage at the moment, but Zhang Sanli didn't even watch it. He sat down next to the old leader and the old man, and said softly.

"How? I didn't lie to you!"

The leader smiled: "I know that you, Zhang Sanli, are the ones who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. Tell me, what are your requirements?"

"Level [-]"

"Well, the requirements are not high, but I want this song to be sung by elementary and middle school students across the country, and you have to ask him to cooperate."

"Don't worry, leave it to me"

The two of them settled on such a matter with a few words, and Zhang Sanli only looked at the gray-haired old man at this time.

"However, he is still a little too young. If you hit the head with a gun, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind."

After hearing this, the old man smiled and said: "You don't need to test me with words, and I have no intention of intervening to make a name for it. With you Zhang Sanli here, who else dares to snatch it?"

Zhang Sanli laughed a few times, chatted with the two of them for a while, and after listening to the last piece on the stage, he took his leave and left.

After waiting for Zhang Sanli to leave, the old man said with emotion: "Let this old boy pick up a good seedling!"

But the leader sighed and said: "Sanli is not easy. Everyone knows the character of his ancestor. He is afraid that he will die one day, and his son doesn't even have a helper."

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded slightly, but said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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