Chapter 239 Party
The first rehearsal was successful, and during these two months, Chu Qing would not even think about going home.

He needs to live in Yanjing, so he doesn't have to travel back and forth.

During this period of time, he can also tidy up his small apartment with the decoration team.

When Zhang Mo heard the news that Chu Qing had come to Yanjing, he couldn't sit still any longer. He drove his cool sports car to find Chu Qing, saying that he had come to his territory and he wanted to take Chu Qing out to have fun.

Chu Qing rejected him with a serious face, and said that she is an artist and a public figure!

And public figures have to set an example. If he goes to nightclubs and bars every day, what will his fans think?Do you want to go to nightclubs and bars with yourself?
Chu Qing knows himself well, because according to big data, his main fans are girls under the age of 20!

Most of the three views of these little girls are immature. Do I want to popularize the three views of bars and nightclubs for these flowers of the motherland?

Of course, the most important point is because of Chu Qing's personality!
His character design is a warm boy, but the character design of Tiantian Nightclub and Bar collapsed.

It is also for this reason that he does not dare to smoke in front of the camera.

Whenever this time, he is particularly envious of the uncle, look at his character design.

Smoking, drinking, hot head!

The more you smoke, the harder you smoke!The more stable the person stands!
When Zhang Mo heard that Chu Qing was not going, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But because Chu Qing had used the [Punch Card], Zhang Mo was a little in awe of Chu Qing, and he didn't dare to refute.

Seeing him like this, Chu Qing also thought to give him a step down, so she took the initiative to speak.

"Then take me to find a place to eat. I want something special. Of course, it's not good if it's too special. For example, I can't stand soybean juice."

Only then did Zhang Mo rejoice, patted his chest and said.

"Boss, don't worry, I know a lot of restaurants in Yanjing's alleys!"

So Chu Qing called Song Dawei, and the three of them looked for a restaurant together.

Zhang Mo said that he would take Chu Qing to a small restaurant. The restaurant was not big, with only four tables. It was still a question of whether he could make a reservation, but it didn't matter. He had a good relationship with the boss, so he might be able to get a table.

Chu Qing was not very interested when she heard it. What annoys Chu Qing the most is that the owner of this shop has a bad temper, and he only makes [-] copies of each item until it is sold out.

Or something, the owner of this restaurant has a personality, and only accepts reservations from a few people every day.

Whenever Chu Qing sees such titles, she is speechless. Since she is engaged in the service industry, she must do a good job in the service industry!
No one has ever forced you to do it. If you really have character, how good are you at home?

What Chu Qing hates the most is when people say, do you know how hard this worker is, and do you know how hard that worker is.

Chu Qing wanted to ask, who doesn't work hard?
Who begged you to do which industries?dislike?Hard?
Resign!Why not resign?Who made you go?
In the words of manager Chu Qing from the previous life, he should stand up again!
In Chu Qing's eyes, only those frontier officers and soldiers really worked hard!

Because they have no choice!They must go!You must complete your tasks without asking for anything in return!
This kind of person is called hard work and dedication!
Therefore, Chu Qing never felt that there was something wrong with the saying that soldiers should be given priority. Who is the first to rush to the front in earthquakes and floods?
War, conflict, who acts as an umbrella?

In his previous life, Chu Qing already felt that he had lost his mind, but he still felt sad when he saw those disaster relief soldiers crying and saying that he would save another person, and seeing them slump to the ground exhausted.

And the only thing he regrets in his life is probably not being a soldier.

After a few people came to the restaurant in the alley, there was no place left.

It turns out that there are only four small boxes in this restaurant, and the decoration is antique, just like the period of the Republic of China.

Now there are people eating in the four boxes, Zhang Mo didn't brag, he and the boss have a really good relationship, in the end the boss simply took them to his bedroom and set a table here to entertain a few people.

After Chu Qing took two bites, she thought it was pretty good, but it wasn't the kind that would make her eyes light up once she ate it.

Eating here is probably more about the atmosphere.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing looked around.

What a fart atmosphere!
Zhang Mo knew what Chu Qing was doing in Yanjing this time, so he poured a glass of wine to Chu Qing and said.

"Brother Chu, although I'm older than you, it might be shameless to call me that, but I'm inexplicably convinced by you, and feel like you're my big brother! If you hadn't woken me up, I might still be with the bastard now." Just messing around"

After he finished speaking, he drank the wine in his hand, and then poured another glass.

"If there are too many words, brother, I won't talk about it. From now on, you will be my big brother, Zhang Mo!"

After speaking, he handed over the wine in his hand, Chu Qing glanced at it, and then at Song Dawei.

Seeing this, Song Dawei smiled and said: "It's okay, you two drink, I don't drink, I will drive in a while."

After Zhang Mo heard this, he waved his hands and said, "It's okay for you to drink, even if you're drunk and driving, my dad."

"To shut up!"

Chu Qing glared at Zhang Mo, and then said seriously: "Don't cause trouble for your father, remember, a man is indomitable and cannot commit crimes!"

Zhang Mo said with a chuckle: "That's fine, Brother Song, you can drink, we can find a substitute driver later."

Only then did the serious expression on Chu Qing's face relax a bit. Song Dawei heard that there was a solution, and the three of them began to exchange cups and eat.

Zhang Mo actually had an idea when he invited guests to dinner this time, that is, Chu Qing asked him to set aside a two-month schedule to shoot a movie at that time. You just said that by fooling yourself.

What is his name in the entertainment circle, he knows it himself, schedule?That thing is really as much as you want, because he didn't announce it at all!
As he talked, he brought the topic to this direction.

With such careful thinking, how could he hide it from Chu Qing and Song Dawei?

Chu Qing didn't hide it, and said directly.

"I've already thought up the script. It can be said that you are almost acting in your true colors"

Zhang Mo was a little confused, and then Chu Qing smiled and said, "The name of the script is "'Big' Man"!"

Chu Qing started talking about the plot. The movie in the previous life had a good reputation, and it can be regarded as a very successful Chinese remake.

Especially Bao Beier's performance in it, it simply subverted the audience's perception of him before, and it left a stalk of "Bao Beier with hair can't be messed with".

But now, Chu Qing intends to let Zhang Mo play the role of Zhao Tai!
Originally, Chu Qing planned to play this role by himself, but because he had acted in Jin Yang's movie before, he was Zhao Tai's role in that movie, and if he played again, he was afraid that the audience would get out of it.

And this role is a perfect match for Zhang Mo!
(End of this chapter)

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