Chapter 240 Yin Tao
Zhang Mo also acted in "Nobody Witnessed" together at the beginning, and he understood what kind of role this should be.

Back then he couldn't forget the role of Ye Hu, but now that Chu Qing actually gave him such a chance, he was so excited that he picked up a bottle of wine and started blowing, Chu Qing didn't stop him.

The three of them were drinking happily when there was a knock on the door.


Song Dawei turned his head and saw the door was pushed open, and a waiter walked in.

This is a woman in her 20s, with a good figure, wearing work clothes, and smiling all over her face.

But what impressed people the most was that there was a three to four centimeter long scar on her left face, which ruined the overall beauty.

Chu Qing looked up and saw the other party was taken aback, her heart throbbed inexplicably.

This person gave him a somewhat familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember it.

The woman walked up to several people with a plate and said, "Sirs, this is a dish presented by my boss."

After finishing speaking, he put down four exquisite side dishes, and then smiled at several people before turning around and walking out of the room.

Zhang Mo saw that Chu Qing was staring at him in a daze, he couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter, Brother Chu, do you like this one?"

Chu Qing didn't answer, but was still frowning. He was thinking about the familiarity.

Chu Qing has a kind of ability, that is, he is very good at remembering people.

No matter who it is from childhood to adulthood, as long as he has met once, as long as the other party is not plastic surgery, no matter how big the change is, he can recognize the other party through some characteristics.

After working in sales, his ability is even more powerful.

For a customer who bought something from him three years ago, he can also accurately say the name of the other party and everything he remembered before.

But this person gave Chu Qing a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember it.

Seeing that Chu Qing didn't answer him, and didn't take it to heart, Zhang Mo poured himself another glass of wine before talking to himself.

"That's also a poor woman. Her parents disappeared since she was a child, and she lived with her aunt. Later, her aunt disappeared, and her uncle married another one."

"She was kicked out, but she was very studious, paid for her own tuition, and finished high school"

"She couldn't afford the university tuition, so she dropped out of school."

"Later, I saw the prosperity of Yanjing on TV, so I came to Yanjing and wanted to work hard."

"The result was that I was almost sold by someone, and then I was met by the owner of this restaurant, and I have been working in the restaurant for two or three years."

Song Dawei was surprised after hearing this: "How do you know? You know her so clearly, why, do you have thoughts about her?"

Zhang Mo shook his head, and then made a gesture on his face.

"Did you notice the scar on her face?"

Song Dawei nodded and said, "Such a big scar is still on the face, how could it not be noticed?"

"You also know that people who come here to eat usually have some background. That night, a group of people got too drunk and made trouble."

"One of them wanted to molested her, and then she smashed a beer bottle, which almost killed those people. The scar on her face was also left at that time."

Song Dawei's eyes widened suddenly, and he recalled the smiling woman just now in his mind. He really couldn't believe that she was so violent!
But after hearing Zhang Mo's words, Chu Qing remembered who the other party was!

He also understood why he had an impression, but couldn't remember who the other party was.

Because he saw her in a newspaper that time, but the background of the previous life was different.

It was the same thing in her previous life, but she was sentenced to death for excessive killing.

There was still a picture of her in the newspaper, so Chu Qing had some impressions.

This is still done with the help of a well-intentioned lawyer, otherwise, with the influence of the other party, she will definitely be sentenced to death!
That lawyer also did the publication, in order to create pressure from public opinion and put pressure on the common people, which saved her life.

Chu Qing finally remembered her name and murmured.

"Yin Tao"

That's right, just like the name of a movie star in the previous life, her name is also Yin Tao.

Zhang Mo was taken aback when he heard this, then looked at Chu Qing and said.

"Brother Chu, do you know her?"

Chu Qing nodded, then shook his head again.

In his last life, after seeing the other party's report, he forgot it not long after. There are too many poor people in the world, and he can't remember them, and he can't help them either.

But a piece of interview news in the newspaper left a deep impression on him, it was a sentence from Yin Tao.

The reporter asked him if she was afraid when stabbing someone, she said.

"I have nothing to lose, so I have nothing to fear"

That was the time when Chu Qing was most confused in his last life. He was fired from the TV station, his ex-girlfriend framed him, and the whole world seemed to be targeting him!
He couldn't see the road in front of him clearly, he just felt that no matter how he walked, it was an abyss.

He chose to be a salesman, but because of his shy personality and poor grades, he was about to be fired from the company.

And at this time, he saw what Yin Tao said in the newspaper.

"I have nothing to lose, so I have nothing to fear"

Almost overnight, Chu Qing seemed to be a completely different person.

Because he thought it through clearly, he already has nothing, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes!

From that day on, the sunny and smiling Chu Qing had died, and the newly born Chu Qing had a dark belly and a thick skin, and everything was about money!
That's why he has an impression of her, but he can't remember it.

Song Dawei was obviously more interested in the follow-up of the story, and asked repeatedly.

"She stabbed someone, and no one bothered her?"

Chu Qing also looked over curiously, this is indeed different from the previous life.

Zhang Mo smiled and said: "Of course, first, Yin Tao's self-defense, besides, she was disfigured, this is not a trivial matter. Second, this boss is not something anyone can mess with. Some background, can you stand here?"

Song Dawei and Chu Qing suddenly realized, but Chu Qing secretly recorded these things in his heart.

Later in the day, a few people went out after eating and drinking, and the shop owner personally came out to send them to the first floor.

Chu Qing glanced away, and saw Cherry holding a big box and clearing away the dishes on the table.

As he walked out, he asked casually.

"In such a big restaurant, there is only one waiter?"

The shop owner said with a smile: "Well, there are only four tables, come here with your work."

Chu Qing smiled and didn't say anything more. After several people got into the car, Zhang Mo called a substitute driver.

While waiting for the substitute driver, Chu Qing said softly: "Zhang Mo"

"Hey bro"

"Give me a place here for a month, before the Spring Festival Gala, let's eat here"

"Haha, let me just say that his food is delicious, look, I fell in love with it!"

Song Dawei looked at Zhang Mo as if he was looking at a fool, and thought to himself, how could he fall in love with Cai, he clearly had thoughts about that girl!

Thinking of this, Song Dawei couldn't help but sigh, fearing that he might lose his fans.

(End of this chapter)

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