Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 241 The Movie Is Released

Chapter 241 The Movie Is Released
Song Dawei's worries were not superfluous, although Chu Qing now has more than 2000 million fans, but most of them are female fans.

Almost 500 million are female fans!

As long as Chu Qing announces that he has a relationship, if there is too much to say, Song Dawei is sure that he can lose 200 million!
The number of fans is actually a measure of the popularity of stars.

Thinking of this, how could Song Dawei be happy.

Then he thought about Yin Tao again in his heart, and to be honest, she looks pretty good, but the scar is a bit hideous, and it's impossible to completely remove it even with surgery.

What's more, that's a person who can eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry.

Such a person is not recommended for deep friendship.

Because if she wants to disappear from the world, you have nowhere to look for her!

Others still have a hometown and a place to go, but she has nothing and can't find it.

Song Dawei also didn't suggest that Chu Qing have feelings for such a person, partly because he felt that Chu Qing should find someone from the right family.

Just like Lu Xiaoke, let's not talk about looks, let's talk about family first.

If Chu Qing marries Lu Xiaoke, it will definitely be of great help to the future. After all, if he becomes Lu Sanshi's son-in-law, he won't dare to walk sideways in the circle, at least no one will dare to trip him up!

And Song Dawei could also tell that Lu Xiaoke was obviously interested in Chu Qing, but he was not so straightforward.

But with Chu Qing's conditions, Song Dawei believed that as long as he put in some thought, he could always catch Lu Xiaoke.

Since there is that kind of Bai Fumei in front of him, why should he chase after this ugly duckling?
Song Dawei can't figure it out, but he is very good at being a man.

He also deeply understands a truth, in the matter of feelings, it is useless to be persuaded by others!

Even if he hits the south wall, they will not turn back, but go to knock down the south wall.

Not until he was exhausted and his head was bleeding.

Then, things really developed in the direction that Song Dawei did not expect.

Chu Qing brought him to dinner every night, and after a couple of visits, he became acquainted with him.

Song Dawei was also a little shocked that she didn't know Chu Qing before. Even if a girl of this age doesn't chase stars, she should have heard of Chu Qing.

At first, Song Dawei thought she was pretending, just to get Chu Qing's attention, but later found out that Yin Tao was really not pretending, she really didn't know Chu Qing, and she was very wary of Chu Qing!

But in fact, this is also normal. After all, if a girl with no father and no mother, but she has a delicate appearance, if she doesn't even have this kind of guard, she will be eaten by people long ago.

This also made Song Dawei secretly heave a sigh of relief, he really hoped that Chu Qing could find someone with the right family.

The shop owner also saw Chu Qing's thoughts, and even secretly found Zhang Mo.

He told Zhang Mo very bluntly, there are too few good girls like Yin Tao now, if Chu Qing just wants to have fun, go find someone else, or don't blame him for turning his face!

Zhang Mo patted his chest to give Chu Qing a guarantee, saying that Chu Qing is definitely not that kind of person, and even told the shop owner some things about Chu Qing's past and how he started from scratch.

This time he completely convinced the boss. In the eyes of the boss, Chu Qing was a loving and rich son-in-law. This kind of man was hard to find even with a lantern, but how could he fall in love with a disfigured girl?

He was a little puzzled, and Zhang Mo was also puzzled by this point.

He scratched his head and murmured: "Maybe, it's because of love at first sight."

The boss laughed when he heard it. There are many people in the world who don't believe in love at first sight, but the boss is one of the believers.

But he didn't take the initiative to make a match. It's not that easy to be a matchmaker. If he doesn't do well, he will complain. He is old and doesn't want to go into this muddy water.

Chu Qing tried many methods, and even exchanged some props to increase her charm in the mall, but none of them worked in front of Yin Tao.

She is too guarded!

And the time passed slowly like this, and it was New Year's Day in a blink of an eye. During this period, Chu Qing came to have dinner every day, rain or shine.

Over time, even the boss became familiar with him, and finally Yin Tao was not wary of him at first, but there was still no progress in the relationship between the two.

On New Year's Day, Chu Qing invited the other party to go to the movies with him.

As expected, Yin Tao still refused!

Chu Qing sighed and didn't say anything more.

Fate is not just something you just meet, but you have to try to pursue it.

Of course, you can't just hit the wall blindly.

If she didn't go, Chu Qing could only go to the movies with Song Dawei and Zhang Mo.

For more than a month in Yanjing, Zhang Mo played with Chu Qing almost every day, and Zhang Sanli was so happy.

Playing with Chu Qing is much better than playing with other cronies.

The three of Chu Qing came to the movie theater carrying snacks. Chu Qing originally wanted to listen to the audience's feedback, so they bought ordinary movie tickets.

In the end, Zhang Mo had already bought three tickets to the VIP hall. He even said that VIPs can also give feedback. There are more film critics sitting in the VIP room. Wouldn't it be more effective to listen to their feedback?
When Chu Qing heard it, she also felt that it made some sense, so she decisively followed to the VIP hall to watch a movie.

This is also one of Song Dawei's achievements. The previous movies produced by their studio, let alone VIP, are nothing!

The most attractive part of the VIP hall may be the giant screen and leather sofas, which are very suitable for larger audiences.

Not long after the three of them sat down, the movie officially started!
After the familiar dragon logo flashed, the logo and name of "That's a big studio" appeared.

When I saw this name, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, obviously hitting someone's point of laughter.

The LOGO of the studio is the image of a cartoon light bulb, which is the app icon currently used by [Bright Video].

Then, the movie officially begins!
At the beginning of the story, a man with a mangled nose and swollen face is begging for mercy.

"Mr. Li, I really didn't betray the boss!"

"It's really not me! Mr. Li, I have been with the boss for so many years, why should I be an undercover agent for the police?"

"Mr. Li, you trust me!"

The man's speech was a little slurred, and his voice was full of panic.

The camera turned slowly, and Wang Wenxiang, who was wearing a suit and leather shoes, was sitting opposite him. Compared with the begging man covered in tape and blood, one was on the ground and the other was in the sky.

Wang Wenxiang didn't say anything, just looked at him lightly.

The younger brother next to him picked up the hammer, walked over and hit the man's foot with a hammer!

Amidst the screams, the camera switched, and quickly brought the audience closer to the story!

The audience watched as his subordinates poured cement into the man, and finally put him in a tin bucket and poured the cement.

This scene fully expresses the cruelty. When Wang Wenxiang opened the door, the audience discovered that he was on a big ship.

He took out a cigarette in his arms, lit one lightly, and his name in the play appeared on the screen.

Li Zicheng!
(End of this chapter)

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