Chapter 242 Undercover
The cement bucket containing the corpse was thrown into the sea. In the light and darkness of the cigarette butts, three large characters slowly emerged.

"New World"!
Chu Qing saw with his own eyes what the two of them wrote in the small notebook after the name of the movie came out. If they guess correctly, these two should be film critics.

The main line of the story begins, because of bribing officials and manipulating the stock price, Chairman Jinmen was acquitted.

As a result, that night, he was hit by an out-of-control truck and seriously injured.

Ding Qing, the character played by Chu Qing, who is far away in Bangzi Country, has returned to China!

The audience couldn't help but want to laugh when they saw Chu Qing, because of his attire, they really couldn't tell that this was actually that warm man Chu Qing.

Chu Qing was wearing a flamboyant white suit, wearing disposable slippers on his feet, and his hair was combed into wool curls. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a rural nouveau riche, especially standing next to Wang Wenxiang, who is meticulous in suits and leather shoes. The contrast is even more obvious!
But judging by the way the two were talking and laughing, it was obvious that they had a good relationship.

While in the car, Chu Qing even gave Li Zicheng a fake watch, but the other party saw through it at a glance. Chu Qing was not embarrassed, but started laughing and fighting with the two younger brothers, who did not look like a big brother.

Outside the operating room of the hospital, there were seventy or eighty people of about the same size in neat black suits standing outside. Even if they didn't say a word, they gave people a sense of oppression.

On the seats, there were seven or eight people sitting peacefully.

There are only two people sitting in the first row, one is wearing a black suit, the No. [-] person in the company, Li Zhongjiu!

The one in the white suit is Ding Qing, the third person in the company played by Chu Qing!

And in the second row, there was only one person sitting, and he was the company's No. [-] person, Zhang Xiuji!
Later, there are some directors of the company, who will handle some of the company's affairs.

After the lights in the operation were extinguished, the doctor came out of the operating room and announced the president's death in a very calm manner.

Ding Qing looked sad when he heard the words, while Li Zhongjiu grabbed the doctor's collar and started to get angry.

Zhang Xiuji's performance was very flat, just trying to persuade Li Zhongjiu.

With the death of the president, the Golden Gate Group has fallen into a leaderless situation, and the person who has the most hope of inheriting the throne of the president is Ding Qing!

He controls all the channels of the Golden Gate Group's construction industry, and he is also the successor trained by the old chairman.

Then there is Li Zhongjiu from another party, he controls the entertainment channels of the Golden Gate Group!His subordinates control a lot of entertainment industries, and they are violent and perverse!
But the nominal second in command is actually the weakest, and almost no one supports him.

The Golden Gate Group was formed by the merger of several gangsters. Under the command of the chairman, it quickly became an international enterprise.

And now that the president has passed away, no matter who ascends to this position, there will definitely be a bloody storm!
The Golden Gate Group is holding a funeral, and the police are closely monitoring all of this.

They were afraid that after the Golden Gate Group changed its helm, it would quickly develop into an uncontrollable force similar to the mafia, so they decided to intervene in the succession of the Golden Gate Group!
And the code name of this plan is called 'New World'!
Only then did the audience know that Li Zicheng's other identity was the undercover agent of the Golden Gate Group placed by the police!

He originally thought that the president was dead, his mission was completed, and he could return to his police position.

But his contact person told him that just today, his superiors gave him the latest mission, to continue undercover!
This completely defeated Li Zicheng. He came to the secret place and roared, but his boss didn't care, and the audience who looked at it with that attitude were a little annoyed.

What makes Li Zicheng even more sad is that the leader brought a gift to his unborn child, which he never reported.

In other words, beside his undercover agent, there are also undercover agents arranged by the police!
The police don't trust him!
This made him feel that he had received a great insult, and he said sternly that he quit.

As a result, the immediate leader, Section Chief Jiang, threatened him with exposing his identity as a policeman and his unborn child!
Li Zicheng could only continue to be an undercover agent, with no way out.

On this day, Kinmen held a board meeting. At the meeting, the directors said that it is impossible for a group of dragons to have no leader, so they decided to elect someone to be the new chairman of Kinmen Group!
The election time is set for next week!
And these directors actually have their own little thoughts, that is, they want to see who can give more benefits to Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu in this week!
They will vote for whoever benefits more!

The business in Bangzi Country has not been finished yet, Ding Qing booked a plane ticket and planned to fly to Bangzi Country to deal with the matter.

But when he was at the airport, he was taken away by the police and met Section Chief Jiang.

Section Chief Jiang showed him a document, which was full of criminal evidence about Li Zhongjiu!

Section Chief Jiang hopes that he can cooperate with the police. In return, the police will use these clues to help him eliminate his competitors!
But after that, the Golden Gate Group will be managed by the police.

Ding Qing would naturally not agree, but at this moment he didn't know that he had been tricked.

On the plane, Ding Qing noticed that something was wrong, because a lot of the information was only known to the confidantes, so he decided that there must be an insider in the Golden Gate Group!
He asked his confidant lawyer to investigate, asked the best hacker to help him investigate all the information about Section Chief Jiang, and even found the killer, Yanbian F4!

After the business was done, Ding Qing was eating barbecue when he received the news that Li Zhongjiu had been arrested!

Ding Qing hurried back to the country, because he knew that at such a time, Li Zhongjiu would definitely misunderstand that this matter was done by himself, and this is what the police want to see.

He went to see Li Zhongjiu, but Li Zhongjiu didn't believe a word of Ding Qing's explanation.

As Ding Qing is a big brother, if he continues to explain, it will make Li Zhongjiu think that he is afraid of him, so he doesn't say much.

Although he was framed, as the company's big brother, there are still some things to do.

He brought money to buy Section Chief Jiang, but Section Chief Jiang has followed this case for more than ten years, and secretly commanded Li Zicheng for almost ten years. How could he give up for money in the end?

He directly refused, and only hoped that Ding Qing would abide by the law and be more obedient when he became the boss in the future!
The two finally broke up after a quarrel, and when they got back to the car, the top hacker had already obtained the information, which contained all the undercover information related to Section Chief Jiang!
After reading the list, Ding Qing immediately called Li Zicheng to discuss matters.

When the audience saw this, their hearts started to speed up.

When most people watch a movie, they will bring themselves into the protagonist.

And now they have brought themselves into the identity of Li Zicheng, the list has been exposed, so is Li Zicheng also exposed?
(End of this chapter)

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