Chapter 243 Brothers
There is a reason for the audience to be nervous. Ding Qing said before that every time he came back, he would ask Li Zicheng to pick him up, but this time he didn't even say hello. Does this prove that Ding Qing began to doubt him?
At the other end, Yanbian F4 also arrived, and the appearance of the hot eyes amused the audience.

They sneaked directly into the house of the Go teacher at night, that is, the undercover policewoman.

She saw a few people through surveillance and knew that she must have been exposed, so she immediately called Section Chief Jiang to report and asked him to delete all the information, and finally persuaded him to quit smoking!

After saying this, she destroyed the computer and all the materials non-stop, and guarded the door with a gun. When the other party turned the doorknob, she successfully killed one person!
Li Zicheng came to the warehouse with sweat on his head. This is the place they often use to destroy corpses.

Ding Qing was wearing a white suit and kicked the iron bucket in front of him to let Li Zicheng open it.

Li Zicheng was a little uneasy, and when he opened it, he was shocked!
Seeing the scarred female Go teacher in the barrel, Ding Qing handed a piece of information to Li Zicheng nonchalantly, and then pulled Li Zicheng's deputy: "I didn't expect that this woman is actually an undercover agent."

Li Zicheng's face was covered with cold sweat, and his hands were trembling while flipping through the documents.

He looked at the pages, and there were photos of some policemen and Section Chief Jiang, including this female Go teacher.

His heart was beating wildly, and he looked backward page by page.

At this moment, the audience even slowed down their breathing and focused on the screen.

Just when everyone thought that Li Zicheng was about to be discovered, Ding Qing slapped Li Zicheng's deputy to the ground with a shovel.

Then he hit the opponent's head one after another, and the audience watching this scene were shocked.

Li Zicheng hurriedly flipped through the last page, and saw that on the last page was a group photo of his deputy and Section Chief Jiang.

He wasn't exposed, but the undercover agent who 'watched him' was exposed!
The audience breathed a sigh of relief, but a few attentive audiences noticed Ding Qing's complicated eyes.

After killing the deputy, Ding Qing asked Yanbian F4 to dispose of the corpse and kill the female Go teacher.

Because the female Go teacher killed a Yanbian F4, the Yanbian killer planned to torture her to death.

After hearing this, Li Zicheng took the gun and got to know her personally.

On the other end, Section Chief Jiang found Li Zhongjiu and showed him the photo of himself meeting Ding Qing.

And tell him that the board of directors will be held this week, and you are in jail, so the position of the helm of the Golden Gate Group will definitely fall on Ding Qing's head!
Li Zhongjiu understands that the police intends to borrow a knife to kill people, but he is willing to make this knife!

He met with his confidants the next day and told them to prepare to kill Ding Qing!

Immediately afterwards, Section Chief Jiang found Li Zicheng and told Li Zicheng about their plan for the first time!

It turns out that Zhang Xiuji, the vice chairman of the Golden Gate Group, has been cooperating with the police, so the next plan is to take advantage of Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu's fight to get Li Zicheng to support Zhang Xiuji as the chairman!
After waiting for Zhang Xiuji to become the president, he will support Li Zicheng, and after a few years, he will hand over the position of president to Li Zicheng!
Li Zicheng was not happy after hearing this, but became furious.

He didn't want to be an undercover agent, he wanted to live in the sun, and he always wanted to quit, but the plan changed again and again!
Now he is planning to make him the chairman of the association. Wouldn't that make him an undercover agent for the rest of his life?
Section Chief Jiang only told the truth at this time. It turned out that the police information site had been compromised, and all the undercover information of Section Chief Jiang had been made public.

The female Go teacher died because of this, but Li Zicheng's information was completely deleted.

In other words, there is no such person as Li Zicheng in the police database!Knowing that he is a policeman, there are only Section Chief Jiang and Section Chief Jiang's boss now!

Li Zicheng was stunned. This time, he really became a gangster.

On the other side, Li Zhongjiu's younger brother also started to assassinate!

The unprepared Ding Qing was ambushed in the underground parking lot, and retreated to the direction of the elevator under the cover of his younger brother, but there was a ready killer waiting for him in the elevator!

When the audience saw this, they had already guessed Ding Qing's fate.

But this time Chu Qing's performance was a little different, especially those eyes, which were full of fierceness, spit and rushed in!
One of the people inside directly stabbed him in the abdomen, but Ding Qing kicked him away, grabbed the blade with his bare hands, and started to fight back!

Finally, when the elevator opened again, there were policemen with live ammunition outside the door.

Inside the elevator was a pile of corpses, as well as Ding Qing who was leaning on the elevator and still not falling down!
He had stab wounds all over his body, blood stains all over his suit, and even his hair was wet with blood, dripping downwards.

After seeing the policeman outside, Ding Qing smiled wryly: "Fool, bastard, that trash fell into your trap after all."

Li Zhongjiu's subordinates are not only targeting Ding Qing, but also targeting Li Zicheng's family!

But this place has already been protected by the police, but his pawn was so frightened by the scene that it aborted.

Li Zhongjiu rushed to the hospital. The doctor said that Ding Qing's condition was very bad, and he might never wake up again.

His wife's condition was also very bad, and she almost died of two deaths.

Li Zhongjiu sat limply on the bench outside the hospital. At this moment, Wang Wenxiang's acting skills were brought to the limit!

His best brother, precarious.

The wife had a miscarriage, and the child who was about to be born was gone.

I have worked hard for ten years of work, but in the end everything has been deleted, and I have nothing left.

His steel wire, which has been running for ten years, is about to snap!
He vividly performed a man's reaction when he experienced despair, but the state that he had to hold on and couldn't show it!

Fortunately, not long after, news came from the hospital that Ding Qing woke up.

When he went to the hospital, the doctor told him that he was very pessimistic, and that this was likely to be the patient's last flashback.

Ding Qing, who was lying on the hospital bed, waved to Li Zicheng. Li Zicheng knew that his brother had something to say to him.

He asked all the younger brothers and doctors to wait outside the door, while he sat on Ding Qing's bedside.

Ding Qing raised his hand reluctantly, poked his forehead and said.

"Why do you always look sad, relax, don't make yourself so tired"

Li Zicheng's eye sockets instantly turned red, from the beginning of the movie!
Everyone is telling him to do this and do that!
He is obviously an undercover agent, but his boss has always mistrusted him, and even threatened him with his family members to continue his mission.

But the person in front of him, who he has been deceiving, has no demands on him, only cares about whether he is tired or not.

(End of this chapter)

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