Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 244 The End of the Movie

Chapter 244 The End of the Movie
"Hey, there is a gift for you in my safe, don't forget to take a look"

Ding Qing's voice was weak, as if he had exhausted all his strength just by saying these words.

Seeing this, Li Zicheng wanted to put him on the ventilator again.

But Ding Qing fiddled with it aside, Li Zicheng's eyes were already red.

"Brother! You'll be fine!"

Ding Qing still smiled and pushed him away, watching Li Zicheng quietly.

"Fool, if I survive, can you deal with me?"

"Brother, it's time for you to make a choice"

"After I die, you must make a choice"

"You have to be cruel!"

"Only by being ruthless can one live"

Ding Qing's eyes became more and more distracted, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he finally left.

Many viewers who watched this scene were heartbroken. Even at this time, Ding Qing never blamed Li Zicheng, but hoped that Li Zicheng could make a choice and live.

Ding Qing's funeral took place on a rainy night, and everyone who came was terrified!

Especially the vice president, he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Now that the biggest competitor is dead, the strength of the remaining one is also greatly damaged, and Ding Qing's younger brother will never let him go!

And with the support of the police and directors, this adverb can be removed immediately!
Li Zicheng's eyes fell on the younger brother newly recruited by the vice president.

People from Yanbian!
Li Zicheng came to Ding Qing's office, and he got the gift from Ding Qing in the safe.

It was a file, it was Li Zicheng's police file!

This is also the choice Ding Qing left for him. If he chooses to continue to be an undercover agent, then he will leave the file.

Choose Jinmen Group, then destroy the files!

Then, he saw two watches.

A memory flashed in his mind, that was what Ding Qing told him before boarding the plane, I will buy you one this time and really come back.

Li Zicheng's eyes were red, and he remained silent for a long time.

He burned his files and made his choice!

Subsequently, Li Zhongjiu was released from prison.

When he saw that no one came to pick him up even after he was released from prison, he already understood his fate.

On the other side, the board of directors has already started, and a new president will be elected today!

Li Zicheng took his younger brother out, and met the vice president, who invited Li Zicheng to go with him.

Li Zicheng did not refuse, but after getting in the car, the vice president's car suddenly accelerated, throwing away Li Zicheng's younger brother.

The audience thumped in their hearts, secretly thinking that it was not good, the vice-chairman was afraid that he would kill Li Zi with his hands!
Sure enough, the car stopped at an abandoned construction site, where some people had already been waiting.

The vice president had a winner's smile on his face.

"Zicheng, don't blame me for being cruel. I'm about to become the chairman of the Golden Gate Group. It's not honorable to have cooperated with the police."

Li Zicheng looked at him calmly: "Aren't you afraid of Chief Jiang?"

The vice president showed a mocking smile: "Afraid? What can he do to me? After I become the president, he should be the one to be afraid of!"

After the vice president finished speaking, he gestured to his subordinates, motioning for action.

Li Zicheng, who had been sitting under the co-pilot's hand and came over with a baseball bat, looked into the distance lightly, as if he had given up.

The audience suddenly raised their eyebrows, and the screen changed, and Ding Qing's younger brother found Li Zhongjiu in the construction site office.

He also didn't resist, because he knew he couldn't resist either!

Ding Qing usually treats his younger brother with confidence, and the younger brother treats him the same.

Now that their boss is dead, there is absolutely no way they will let the murderer go!

Li Zhongjiu was thrown from upstairs, leaving only a bright red spot.

When the screen cut back, the audience watched in amazement that the vice president was being held up by two people with blood on his face.

He looked at his subordinates in disbelief, and it was only then that he realized that these people had been bought by Li Zicheng.

"Li Zicheng! If you kill me, aren't you afraid that Section Chief Jiang will trouble you?"

"You killed me! Aren't you afraid that those people will reveal your identity as a policeman!"

He shouted hoarsely, trying to fight for a chance of life for himself.

Li Zicheng didn't say anything, turned around and walked back into the car. Behind him, he hit the vice president's head with a stick, blood spattered everywhere!

The screen switched again, Section Chief Jiang was sitting in a secret place, holding a fishing rod.

The boss of Yanbian F4 walked in slowly, and Section Chief Jiang figured everything out in an instant.

Li Zicheng has made a choice!

He wanted to quit at the beginning, he didn't want to be a gangster, he just wanted to continue to be a policeman, take care of his wife and children, and live a peaceful life.

But Section Chief Jiang pushed him out with one hand.

For the sake of the overall situation, he doesn't mind sacrificing Li Zi to become this pawn.

But what he didn't expect was that another chess player was willing to sacrifice his life for this chess piece, so that he would have the strength to jump out of the chess game!

These were Section Chief Jiang's last two words. In the next second, the cold blade pierced his lower abdomen.

The screen switched again, Section Chief Jiang's boss was sitting in the car, calmly waiting for the traffic lights.

A taxi slowly stopped beside him, and the two remaining people from Yanbian F4 were sitting in the car.

Then, the gun went off, and everyone who knew Li Zicheng's true identity was dead!
At the board meeting, the directors also received the news that Li Zhongjiu and the vice president had all died!
Afterwards, Li Zhongjiu strode into the conference room and took the position of president without a doubt!
Seeing this, the audience really felt relieved, even though it was not justice that won in the end.

But who forced all this?
Without their urgency, there would be no Li Zicheng today.

Just when the audience thought the movie was over, the screen changed again, and there were three small characters written on it, six years ago!
The camera changed, and Chu Qing and Wang Wenxiang, who looked very young, appeared in the camera.

At this time, both of them were dressed in ordinary clothes, looking like street gangsters.

"Hurry up! You'll piss too much when you're going to kill someone!"

Li Zicheng, played by Wang Wenxiang, looks very impatient, while Chu Qing is a little embarrassed.

The two came to a mahjong hall, and Chu Qing opened the door directly. There were more than 20 big men sitting in a dense crowd, all with weapons in their hands.

Chu Qing hurriedly closed it, glanced at Wang Wenxiang and lowered her head and said, "There are too many people, let's go."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, but Wang Wenxiang gave a piss, pushed open the door and rushed in with a knife in his hand.

"He fucked!"

The door was opened again, and Chu Qing also rushed in.

The camera cut, and the two came out of the house covered in blood, but there were no wounds on their bodies.

Wang Wenxiang took out two cigarettes, and each of them said, "What are you going to do later?"

"Take a shower and go watch a movie"

"what movie?"

"Of course it's an HS movie, otherwise why don't you watch "New World"?"

The screen slowly fades to black, and the movie ends.

(End of this chapter)

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