Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 245 Premiere Box Office

Chapter 245 Premiere Box Office
After the movie ended, several people walked out slowly, and Chu Qing's eyes kept falling on those film critics.

Chu Qing noticed one of them and kept frowning, wondering if he thought the movie was not good.

But then Chu Qing realized that he must have thought too much, because he heard the discussion from the people around him.

“It's a good movie”

“Yeah, especially this ending, I really like it”

"Hey, I really didn't expect the ending, I thought he would go back to be a policeman"

"If I were Li Zicheng, I would also choose to be the president!"

"My favorite here is still Ding Qing"

"That's right, Mr. Ding Qing! The battle in the elevator was so cool!"

"Hahaha, God of Elevator!"

Chu Qing laughed secretly, this is also the reason why he chose this movie, the role of Ding Qing is really brilliant!
In order to play this role well, he studied for a long time in the [Hall of Fame], borrowed from many people's performance styles, and finally played such a different Ding Qing!
Several people were wearing masks, and when they walked out of the screening hall, they heard someone say.

"Chu Qing has grown up too fast in the past two years! Wang Wenxiang is in his 30s, playing him as a younger brother, he can actually hold back"

"I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, this Ding Qing was played by Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing? Which Chu Qing?"

"Who else is Chu Qing, the one who has been in the limelight recently, the one who acted in "Nobody Witnessed" before?"

"I get together!"

Hearing the exclamations around him, Chu Qing was also a little proud, but he didn't show it, otherwise he would be surrounded by people asking for autographs, and he might not be able to get out for half an hour.

After they returned to the car, Zhang Mo spoke first.

"Brother Chu, I feel that this movie will definitely become a hit!"

Song Dawei also had a smile on his face, and nodded in the same way: "I also think this movie has the potential to become a big hit! After the new year, I will contact those awards to see if I can be shortlisted!"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile, but felt emotional in her heart, the scale of movies in this world is huge!

If it was the previous life, it would be a question of whether this kind of movie where the 'villain' wins in the end can be broadcast, let alone released.

Especially the image of the police in this drama is absolutely not allowed.

The next day, the premiere box office was released, with a single-day box office of 9000 million!

This achievement pushed the movie to the forefront all of a sudden!

A box office of 9000 million in a single day is not common in today's industry, especially when the director and investment company are unknown juniors, it is even more uncommon!

In this crew, the only ones who can do it are the "box office poison" Wang Wenxiang and the old drama star Cui Hongbing.

The rest, whether Xu Youyou or Chu Qing, are just the middle and lower reaches of the second line!

But just such a combination actually sold 9000 million box office in a single day!
After Wang Wenxiang found out about the box office, he sat softly on the sofa, his heart beating wildly!

With a box office of 9000 million at the premiere, half of the title of box office poison on his head has been taken down. The next step is to see how much the final box office will be.

And this movie, only screened online for one day, received rave reviews, and the rating on was as high as [-]. It is the highest-rated movie made by Chuqing Studio now!
Of course, the score may drop or rise, no one can say for sure, after all, the movie has just been released.

Netizens and film critics rated the film surprisingly high.

"Damn it! I really love this movie so much, a man should love and hate like this!"

"Chu Qing's appearance is really ugly! But the character design is really handsome!"

"Elevator God of War! Elevator God of War!"

"Your focus is really strange. Don't you think that Chu Qing's acting skills are the highlight? He has grown up so fast in the past two years. Look at the actors who play against him. They are all powerful veteran actors! "

There are many good comments about Chu Qing on the Internet, but the most are about Wang Wenxiang!
Everyone knows that he is a powerful actor and that he has good acting skills, but his reputation in the past two years has been really mediocre, and his performance in "New World" this time has caught the attention of many people in the circle. As soon as he shined, the audience once again recalled his acting skills!

Although he didn't get paid this time, and the company invested 5000 million for this position, but looking at it now, everything is worth it.

The impact of this movie on Wang Wenxiang definitely exceeds [-] million!

Now there are already people in the company who are connected, and want to see if this movie can help Wang Wenxiang get the best actor position!

Wang Wenxiang has also won the best actor, but they are all small awards for the best actor, but he has never won the three gold awards.

Now that "New World" has such a good reputation online, wouldn't it be a waste not to challenge that position?

So Chu Qing cooperated with their company again, and started to contact Sanjin together to see if they could be selected.

Chu Qing's requirements are lower, he only wants the best supporting actor so that he can complete the task!

He doesn't think about the actor now, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have ambitions!

This time, the film was undoubtedly a success again, which attracted the attention of many people in the circle to "that's a big studio"!
According to the current data, almost all the works shot by this studio are successful.

Whether it's "Love Apartment" or "Run, Brother", both have brought a lot of money to the studio!
The only movie "Love Has an Afterlife" that wasn't too popular, made Chu Qing win the Best Newcomer Award.

This kind of terrifying record is almost victorious in all battles, which has attracted the interest of many investors.

What interests them the most is that whether it is "Love Apartment" or "Running Brother", or the screenwriters of those movies are all the same person, Chu Qing!
In addition to the original songs of Chu Qing when he debuted, these people once made these people wonder whether there is some big boss standing behind Chu Qing. These are actually not written by Chu Qing at all, but written by that big boss for Chu Qing. Just to give Chu Qing a name?

But Chu Qing's past is too clean, and he can be found out by casual investigation. He had no background at all.

Although there is a background now, it is not the kind of background that spends a lot of money just to flatter people.

It would be a bit of a waste if this kind of rough jade is not collected for your own use.

So some big companies took the initiative to throw olive branches, but Chu Qing didn't even look at it.

He is a very ambitious person, and this kind of person will have a similar habit, that is, not to be inferior to others!
With Chu Qing's current talent, even if he went to those companies, how much money would those companies pay Chu Qing?
Three hundred million or five hundred million?

They wouldn't give such a sky-high price at all, but Chu Qing could earn it himself!
(End of this chapter)

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