Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 248 Temporary Mission

Chapter 248 Temporary Mission
In the studio hall, the two hosts were smiling and saying a lot of blessings before they waved their hands.

"Next, let's enjoy the song brought by Chu Qing!"

""Ode to the Motherland"!"

Chu Qing stood in the actor's passageway, and there were seven or eight staff members standing beside him. They had carefully checked Chu Qing's makeup, props, etc. before.

At this moment, after a leading staff member pressed the headset, he said seriously.

"Mr. Chu, stand firm! There will be some shaking when the elevator starts, it's time for you to come out!"

Chu Qing nodded, turned his palms over, and the item card was activated silently!
At this moment, the electronic synthesis sound of the system sounded in Chu Qing's mind after a long absence.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for triggering a temporary mission, the voice of the Spring Festival Gala!"

"The task requires that a song conquer the audience of the Spring Festival Gala, and the singing rate must exceed 30.00%!"

"Mission reward, world-class opportunity card!"

Chu Qing was slightly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that this would trigger another temporary task, but now is not the time to think about these things. He has already been sent to the stage by the elevator, the background music has already played, and the children who are supporting dancers have also arrived on the stage.

Chu Qing looked down the stage. Unlike the previous rehearsal, this time the audience was full of audiences. Most of the audience in the first two rows were wearing military uniforms. The medals on their bodies made people feel that it was not easy.

On such a big stage, Chu Qing's heartbeat was unavoidable. He tried his best to adjust his breath, and began to sing slowly.

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind"

"How Loud the Song of Victory"

"Singing to Our Dear Motherland"

"From now on, we will be prosperous and strong!"

As soon as Chu Qing spoke, no matter what people were doing in the audience, all their movements froze, and then they looked towards the stage.

With just these two lines of lyrics, Chu Qing has caught the ears of all of them.

"Over the mountains, over the plains"

"Across the galloping Yellow River and Yangtze River"

"A Wide and Beautiful Land"

"It's our dear hometown"

Chu Qing's singing voice is extremely attractive, especially that voice that no one can replicate!

His voice condition is already very good, coupled with the enhancement of system charm in the later stage and the bonus of the item card he used, the impact brought by his singing now is undoubtedly shocking!

And the power in this song cannot be described in words!

Many audience members who were veterans in the audience stood up unknowingly.

At first, there were only a few people, and then more and more audience stood up. This was something that had never happened in the Spring Festival Gala, and even made Bo break out in a cold sweat. I'm afraid it was a performance accident!
Following Chu Qing's singing, the big screen behind him was also changing.

The Yangtze River and the Yellow River, doctors and police.

The scenery of various places in China, and the occupations of various places emerged one by one.

They all had genuine smiles on their faces, contagious smiles!
"A Heroic People Rise Up"

"Our unity and friendship are as strong as steel!"

There was a burst of strength in Chu Qing's voice!

Especially this sentence of unity and friendship, strong as steel is even more so!

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind"

"How Loud the Song of Victory"

"Singing to Our Dear Motherland"

"From now on to prosperity and strength"

When Chu Qing sang the chorus for the second time, a scene that no one expected appeared in the audience, and the audience had already started to sing along!
Not only the audience at the Spring Festival Gala, but also countless audiences sang along with Chu Qing amidst the lights of thousands of houses!
They didn't know why, it was the first time they heard this song, but the melody of this song seemed to have been engraved in their minds!
"We are hardworking, we are brave"

"Independence and freedom are our ideals"

"How Much Tribulation We Overcame"

"Only getting liberated today"

Chu Qing's vocals were powerful and resonant, as if his voice could echo throughout the studio even without a speaker!
The audience in the audience sang softly with him, and the director hurriedly directed the camera to take a picture of the audience.

This kind of scene has never appeared in all the previous Spring Festival Gala, and it may not appear in the following Spring Festival Gala.

"We love peace"

"We love home"

"Whoever dares to violate us shall be called to perish"

Chu Qing sang loudly, and so did the audience who had memorized the lyrics.

When Chu Qing finished singing a song, the audience memorized the chorus.

When Chu Qing bowed to the audience and left the stage, there was even dense applause from the audience.

Yanjing, Lu's family

Lu Xiaoke shook his father's hand excitedly and said, "Dad, look, look! Is my idol good? Great!"

Lu Sanshi nodded with a smile, pushed his glasses and said, "This song is really good, very good! If he can write such a song, if he joins the system, he will probably skyrocket."

Lu Xiaoke smiled and shook his head when he heard the words: "He will definitely not join"

Lu Sanshi looked at her curiously and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Lu Xiaoke grinned and said, "Because I know him well, between power and money, he will definitely ask for money."

Lu Sanshi was puzzled and said, "With power, you will naturally have money."

Lu Xiaoke shook her head again and again, and only spoke after eating a dumpling.

"He's a timid person, he doesn't dare to embezzle and corrupt."

Lu Sanshi was speechless, but he was thinking in his heart that his daughter obviously had some affection for this kid.

She is so old, it's time to find her husband's family.

Hai K, Chu Family

"Okay! Okay! Hahahaha, this song just sounds exciting! It's really good!"

Grandpa was the first to express his own evaluation, and the whole family also praised the song.

Even the two cousins, who listen to pop music all the year round, still have a very high evaluation of this song.

Of course, this is mainly because his cousin sang this song.

On the surface, Chu Jianye was calm and breezy, saying "Oh, it's okay," but the corners of his brows that were flying up proved his mood at the moment.

Now Chu Jianye already wants to go home, he wants to go back and find his old brothers, and show off!
Yanjing, Huang's family

Huang Ren and his wife were watching TV, when his wife knocked on melon seeds and asked.

"Is this the student you talk about every day?"

Huang Ren nodded slightly, then smiled and said, "How is it?"

The wife was puzzled and said, "How can such a spirited young man learn broadcasting from you? He should be born to be an actor and singer."

Huang Ren smiled after hearing this, and said with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"This kid's voice is very good, and he is willing to learn. At that time, I knew that he would definitely become a talent, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Having said that, he said with a smile on his face.

"At that time, he was as shy as a quail. Speaking of which, I really want to thank Cui Qiqi. Without her, Chu Qing wouldn't be able to become what she is today."

(End of this chapter)

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