Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 249 Activation of Opportunity Card

Chapter 249 Activation of Opportunity Card

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the temporary task!"

"Mission rewards, the world-class opportunity card has been sent to the system space!"

Just as Chu Qing stepped off the stage, a system notification sounded in her mind.

Chu Qing was a little surprised, she didn't expect this task to be so easy to do.

Where did he know where to go? The main reason for the successful completion of the task was because the song was well chosen and it was so easy to resonate with the audience.

Zhang Mozai was already waiting for him under the stage. After waiting for Chu Qing to come out, Zhang Mo laughed and hugged him, patted Chu Qing on the back and said.

"Brother! This song of yours is so powerful that it shocked everyone in the audience! I have a hunch that this song will definitely become a hit!"

Chu Qing smiled and waved his hands and said, "If the fire is not hot, it depends on fate."

The two chatted until the end of the Spring Festival Gala, and after waiting for Zhang Sanli to come out, they led the two to meet some TV station leaders, and then everyone left one after another.

After all, today is the Spring Festival, and their family members are still waiting for them to go home for the New Year.

Chu Qing had booked a hotel a long time ago, it was already too late, there was no flight to Haik, he had to wait until morning.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Qing didn't sleep. Don't look at him as stable as an old dog on the outside, the driver panicked!
He couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone to look through the comments of netizens, and he saw a lot of voices discussing himself.

Chu Qing was delighted to see it, and more than 90.00% of his comments this time were positive!
Especially for this song, everyone was deeply shocked by the power brought by this song!

After looking at it for a while, Chu Qing silently opened the system space, and took out a small card inside.

[World-Class Opportunity Card] Consumable items!After use, the host can get a world-class opportunity!Note: Whether you can seize the opportunity depends entirely on the host!

Without even thinking about it, Chu Qing used this opportunity card directly.

"Ding! The world-class opportunity card has been activated, please take every opportunity seriously"

The blue light flashes, and the opportunity card has disappeared.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing flew back to Haik by plane.

I couldn't spend the Spring Festival with my family, so I can't miss this New Year's Day.

Hollywood, JD Films
"Jerry, is the leading actor settled yet?"

"Well, I plan to find Gerardo Reagan to play the male lead."

"Oh, he is indeed a good actor"

In the office of the building, two white men are sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar. They are the boss and producer of JD Films.

The producer said with a smile after talking about the actors: "Tom, I think we can properly add some oriental faces in this movie! Over the years, China's movie market is constantly growing, and I think we should also join Some Chinese faces, come to open up the market for us"

After hearing this, Tom frowned and said, "I don't think it's a good idea. The script has already been written. Suddenly adding an oriental face will destroy the integrity of the script."

Jerry smiled and shook his head: "No, the script will not change, we just need to take out one of the characters and replace him with Huaxia's face."

After Jerry finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Tom, "Listen to this song."

Tom took the phone and pressed the play button.

On the screen of the mobile phone, it was Chu Qing's performance in the spring evening.

Tom was a little surprised when he heard it: "This man has a very good voice, but I can't understand the lyrics. Is he a singer?"

Jerry nodded with a smile: "He is a singer and an actor at the same time! Tom, he is a rising star in China, and the price is not expensive. Let him join our movie, it is definitely worth the money!"

Tom looked at the phone, pondered for a few seconds, and nodded solemnly.

"Okay! This is a necessary attempt!"

"Haha, Tom, your decision is wise!"

Chu Qing, who returned to Hai K, was warmly welcomed by the whole family, and now she looks proud of the whole family.

While Chu Qing was eating the three fresh dumplings made by his mother, he was swiping his phone, and there were some comments on his performance last night.

Two simple words, perfect!

Especially for the evaluation of this song, it is all praise.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, Chu Qing received two calls from Song Dawei.

His voice on the other end of the phone was very excited, because now two 985 universities have called, hoping to buy the copyright of this song!

They plan to use this song as the school song!

This was definitely a high compliment, but Chu Qing still refused.

He knows better than anyone how important the copyright of this song is!Moreover, Zhang Sanli had also told him before that the higher ups planned to let primary and secondary schools across the country learn to sing this song.

Comparing the two, who is lighter and who is more important, can't Chu Qing tell?
Song Dawei was not surprised to hear that Chu Qing refused. In fact, he didn't quite approve of Chu Qing selling the copyright.

But the other party was 985 after all, so Song Dawei felt that it was necessary for him to discuss such a big matter with Chu Qing.

After Chu Qing hung up the phone, she looked at her current panel, and couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

Now he is really grateful to Zhang Sanli for taking him to the Spring Festival Gala, otherwise the data would not have grown so fast!

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 27"

"LV: 012"

"Current points 327958"

"Current experience: 386781/2000000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Before going to the Spring Festival Gala, Chu Qing only had 20 points, and just one Spring Festival Gala gave him 20 fans!This statistic is simply too terrifying, it even makes him feel unreal!

Those two months in Yanjing were definitely not waiting in vain!
Not only that, but the increase in experience was also very fast, which surprised Chu Qing a little. He was looking forward to what new functions the system would bring after the upgrade. As a result, he thought a little too much.

I stayed with my family until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the studio officially started!
The first step this year is to shoot "'Big' Man"!
The role of Sun Dasheng is directly handed over to Duan Peng!

It's still the old saying, my brother, who will he not praise?

As for the role of Zhao Tai, Zhang Mo's true colors should be played as it should be!

Chu Qing didn't consider participating in this movie, because he still has other work to do, such as the latest season of "Run, Brother" and preparations for the Golden Xiang Awards.

Song Dawei voted for three golds, and finally "New World" was successfully shortlisted for the four major awards of Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Film and Best Director in the Golden Xiang Awards!
Among them, except for Best Supporting Actor, the other three awards are out-and-out awards, but what Chu Qing wanted most was Best Supporting Actor.

The reason is also very simple, the main task has not been completed yet.
While preparing these, Chu Qing began to complain, is the [World Class Opportunity Card] given by the system a joke?It's been so long, why is there still no audio at all.
(End of this chapter)

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