Chapter 250 JD Films
On this day, Chu Qing was about to contact several other people to start filming the running man, when the door of the office was suddenly pushed open!

Chu Qing frowned, and when she looked up, she saw Song Dawei panting heavily, his face flushed red, as if he was having difficulty breathing.

Chu Qing was taken aback by his appearance, and retreated subconsciously.

"Viagra, what's the matter, did you really eat Viagra?"

"Go fuck yourself!"

Song Dawei cursed out of habit first, and then said excitedly: "Just now JD company called me, hoping to invite you to participate in their company's new movie! I checked the phone number, it's true!"

Chu Qing frowned when he heard this, and began to search for information about JD Company in his mind, but he couldn't remember it after thinking for a long time, so he couldn't help asking.

"Which JD?"

"Which JD can that be! Hollywood JD!"

Chu Qing's heart tightened again, and she just wanted to say something!This world-class opportunity card is really powerful!

Speaking of this JD company, it is also one of several established film companies in Hollywood, and it was brilliant for a while back then.

However, in the 90s, due to several failed investments, it has been reduced to a second-rate company.

Until a few years ago, after the company changed its president, the JD company rose rapidly again. Although it has not been able to return to its original peak position, it is enough to make others look sideways.

As soon as Chu Qing heard it, he understood that the opportunity card must have played a role. Otherwise, how could such a big company see his own transparency?

"what movie?"

Chu Qing asked enthusiastically, now he already has an urge to go to Hollywood to film!
When filming abroad, as long as the box office is a little bit good, there will definitely be a lot of people bragging about him!This is called foreign monks can chant sutras!Is there a better means of gilding than this?

"We haven't received the script yet, but it's said to be an action movie"

Chu Qing became interested as soon as he heard it, action movies are good!There is a market for action movies!

Because there are cultural differences between the East and the West, some romantic movies or comedy movies, the Eastern and Western audiences cannot communicate with each other.

Therefore, when Huaxia introduces foreign films, it mainly only introduces three types.

The first one is action movies, which is also the most imported category.

The second is sci-fi films, which mainly refer to those special effects films.

The last is the thriller, but its proportion is not comparable to the first two.

So when Chu Qing heard that it was an action movie, she was even happier.

Seeing that Chu Qing agreed to come down, Song Dawei quickly called the other party and expressed his willingness to cooperate with them. Next, he needed to talk about the salary and filming details and other issues.

The person in charge of the other party said that they will come to China in three days and have an interview with them in person!
Song Dawei was a little surprised when he heard this. Chu Qing is only a second-tier artist now, and he is still a second-tier artist in China. The other party's attitude is undoubtedly a little too much respect.

But Song Dawei didn't say much. After telling the other party about his location, he said that he would see you in three days!

Yanjing, Hutong Hotel

The boss was amazed around Yin Tao, and Yin Tao knew what he was looking at, and there was some joy in his eyes.

The scars on her face began to fade after three times of applying the ointment, and today, they are no longer visible at all.

Not only the boss, but even some old customers noticed this, and asked Yin Tao what medicine he used, and they planned to buy some.

After all, who doesn't have a scar on his body, and even if he doesn't, it's good to have some of this good medicine.

Yin Tao just said it was a gift from a friend, but she didn't know what it was.

Those old customers asked her to find friends to help with the generation gap, Yin Tao just smiled at this, but did not agree.

She didn't have Chu Qing's phone number at all, and even if she had, she wouldn't bother Chu Qing for these people.

After looking at it for two times, the boss said with emotion: "The effect of this medicine is really good. It can completely remove the scar without surgery. It must not be cheap."

Yin Tao lowered her head after hearing this, but said nothing.

She also understood this truth. If she knew that the ointment was so valuable at that time, she would definitely not take it.

Thinking of this, she pressed her face again, the hard scars there were gone, and now the skin is smooth and tender.

For a moment, she couldn't help thinking of the man who came to dinner every night with a gentle smile.

Three days later, Jerry arrived at Hai K, and as soon as he got off the plane, he received the highest standard reception from the studio!

Chu Qing's English can only be considered average, but fortunately, Song Dawei's English is very good, and there is no obstacle in communication.

Chu Qing's English is only for teaching English, and it is more used for exams.

For example, now, after Jerry said a sentence in English, Chu Qing would translate the English into Chinese in his mind, and then understand the meaning of the sentence.

As for Song Dawei, after Jerry finished speaking, he already understood the meaning of the sentence, omitting the time it took to translate it into Chinese in his mind, which was also the gap between the two.

The two returned to the studio together after having a special meal with Jerry.

Jerry enjoyed his meal, but his reaction to some local special snacks was mediocre.

In fact, not all foreigners like Chinese food, what they like is Chinese food that caters to their tastes.

This is also a very normal thing. After all, let alone foreigners, even the food cultures in the north and south of China are completely different.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about honey rice dumplings, meat rice dumplings, and whether tofu nao is sweet or salty. These controversies have not yet reached a conclusion.

Let me talk about another well-known dish, pot-packed meat, which is mainly sweet and sour, with sour as the main and sweet as the supplement.

But the pot-packed meat in foreign countries is exactly the opposite. Most of them are sweet and sour, which is the difference in food culture.

After arriving at the studio, Jerry smiled and offered a contract.

"Mr. Song, this is our company's contract"

Song Dawei took it with a smile and looked carefully.

Text traps are not only available in China, such traps are more prevalent in foreign countries!
After carefully looking around, Song Dawei was quite satisfied with the above conditions.

The other party paid Chu Qing 500 million US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 3000 million Chinese currency [-] million!The shooting time requirement is only two months, which is not bad overall.

But the conditions are just for talking, Song Dawei naturally couldn't show any flaws on the surface, but instead said, 'That's it? ' expression.

Jerry waited for Song Dawei to read the contract and said with a smile: "Mr. Song, are you satisfied with this contract?"

After hearing this, Song Dawei put down the contract and said with a very serious expression.

"It's okay, but there are three points that I think we need to talk about"

Seeing this, Jerry became serious: "You said"

"Well, first of all."

(End of this chapter)

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