Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 251 "Shocking Rescue"

Chapter 251 "Shocking Rescue"

"First and foremost, my entertainers can't play villains in movies"

Jerry was taken aback, but nodded slowly.

Don't think that Song Dawei is making a big deal out of molehills. If the film is made in China, Chu Qing can play any role.

Whether it's a BT killer or a rape criminal, it doesn't matter, because he is an actor.

But it is different in the world, he represents not only his own image, but also the image of thousands of Chinese!
Chu Qing must not destroy the good impression made by countless Chinese people!
Seeing Jerry nodding, Song Dawei continued: "Second point, I want to guarantee my actor's role! You need to guarantee the duration of his appearance in the movie!"

This point is also very important, Bie Chuqing went to film with great interest, and everyone around him knew that he went to Hollywood to make movies.

As a result, when the movie was released, his shots were cut to the same extent, and he appeared on stage for only a few seconds. That's not embarrassing enough!
Jerry nodded again and smiled at the same time: "You don't have to worry about this, the role we prepared for Mr. Chu is very important."

When Song Dawei heard this, the smile on his face became even wider.

"The last point is the salary. With all due respect, your movie may not be able to be released in China, and it will not add much to our Chu Qing's reputation. In this case, the price of 500 million US dollars is too low."

After hearing this, Jerry laughed and said, "Then Mr. Song thinks, how many tens of thousands of dollars is appropriate?"

"1000 million!"

The smile on Jerry's face froze, and then he shook his head decisively: "Impossible, with all due respect, I cannot accept the price of your dismissal, and neither will our company!"

"Mr. Song, you should understand that with a price of 1000 million US dollars, I can even hire the top actors in China!"

What Jerry said is right, if it is in China, 1000 million US dollars may not be able to hire top actors.

But if they want to go to Hollywood to film a movie, and they give back 1000 million, there are definitely a lot of people who are willing to go!

This feeling is like, now there are two directors looking for you to act in a play, and the first director will give you 1000 million yuan, but the director is a newcomer who has just graduated.

The second director pays you 800 million yuan, but the other party is Zhang Yimou!
It should be self-evident who to choose between the two.

Song Dawei was not angry when he heard the other party's refusal, and continued to talk to the other party.

But the other party is not the kind of person who believes everything you say!If you have no brains, how could you get to where you are today?
Chu Qing was already in a daze, thinking about the recording of "Run, Brother".

As for what the two of them were discussing, to be honest, Chu Qing really didn't care.

Because he knew that Song Dawei would never let him suffer, and even if he played in person, he couldn't do better than Song Dawei.

The two talked for more than half an hour before finalizing it!
700 million US dollars, this is Chu Qing's final salary!
Song Dawei raised the price by half, which was obviously acceptable to the other party.

The two parties signed the contract on the spot, and played with each other in Hai K for two days, waiting for the other party to return home before Chu Qing got the script.

"Shocking Rescue"!
Chu Qing played an Asian mercenary in it, and this role should have been played by a black actor.

The main line is the story of a group of mercenaries who went to save a rich family.

The script didn't go into too much detail, more of it was Chu Qing's character script.

In order for Chu Qing to play this role, they also made some changes to this role, but Chu Qing could still find some things that were inconsistent.

For example, I like to eat fried chicken and corn paste, or I have a talent for dancing and rapping.

These are the labels of blacks, and the labels of Chinese in their eyes are proficiency in mathematics, kung fu and so on.

The name of Chu Qing's character is 'Black Dragon'. When she saw this name, Chu Qing's face was full of black lines!

Do foreigners think that Chinese people have to be called dragons?
This black dragon looks so awkward!
He shook his head and continued to look at his character script.

Black Dragon's original character in the play is an expert in cold weapons, who is good at using various cold weapons, such as daggers, knives and so on.

There are not many fighting scenes in the script, only some simple plots.

For example, he opened a knife shop, and then the leader found him and told him that he had a mission, and then went to perform the mission together, what happened during the period, and so on.

After Chu Qing finished, she frowned slightly. This role has a lot of roles, but it's too peaceful and has no characteristics. It belongs to the kind of role that just dawdles in the script!

The most intuitive feeling for Chu Qing is that one more of him is not much, and one less of him is not much.

In the so-called mercenary squad, there are two characters who can replace him.

Chu Qing sighed slightly, no matter what, the opportunity card has helped him win the opportunity, as for whether he can succeed in gaining fame in the end, it depends on himself!

Chu Qing hurriedly summoned the running men's team, seized the time to record, and tried to finish recording her part.

The shooting time of "Shocking Rescue" was in April, and he still had two months to prepare.

He hoped that in these two months, he could deal with the domestic affairs as much as possible.

The other members of Running Man are really on call, and now "Running Man" has become their most important announcement, especially after it was released simultaneously on Jiangnan TV, it was so compelling.

Among them, Duan Peng and Chen Yao soared into the sky, and the fire exploded!

Especially Chen Yao, who was born in the filming of "Love Apartment", and now all the friends who were filming together have left for big companies, but he stayed in the studio. It is inevitable that someone will compare him.

The result of the comparison is that Chen Yao's choice is correct!
Let me talk about those few first. After they went to a big company, they first filmed a sitcom copy of "Love Apartment", but in the end they almost lost their pants.

Then I was rented out to continue filming "Love Apartment", but after two seasons of filming, the audience always felt that something was almost there, especially after the role of 'Zeng Xiaoxian' was not there, it was even more awkward.

On the other hand, looking at Chen Yao, he is in full swing in "Running Man", the endorsement commercials, commercials and performances, all come to his door one after another, what a happy life!

Especially after knowing that Chen Yao stayed in the studio to 'repay his kindness', netizens' evaluation of him suddenly increased!
Similarly, Chu Qing's evaluation is not low, after all, Chu Qing really praises Chen Yao!
For this reason, there are still many artists who also want to join Chu Qing's studio. Among other things, even if they are given the position of "Running Man" flying guest, it is not a small gain for them.
(End of this chapter)

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