Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 252 Golden Phase Award in April

Chapter 252 April Golden Phase Award

After shooting, Chu Qing realized that the studio was still too short of staff!
The filming plan of "'Big' Man" can only be postponed, and the movie will be shot when Chu Qing goes to Hollywood to film.

There is no other way. Now the studio only has a few photographers, and the director is only Han Jie. Chu Qing is still short on time, so he can only shoot with Chu Qing first.

Fortunately, Zhang Mo also understood very well. In order to make up for it, Chu Qing simply gave Zhang Mo a place as a flying guest, and personally helped him design the character design.

"Running Man" officially started filming!
When the official announcement was made that the filming would start, countless Running Man fans got excited!

Today's "Running Man" has become a phenomenon-level variety show, an out-and-out domestic reality show leader!
Just for advertising endorsement fee, Chu Qing can get more than one billion in one season!
After deducting the actor's remuneration and appearance fee, Chu Qing can still have a lot left, and this is not counting the later sharing income and so on.

Let's just say that the latest quotation Jiangnantai gave them was more than [-] million yuan!
Jiangnan TV has also tasted it well. They broadcast "Run, Brother". At the peak, the rate broke the second, and the national share reached 5.00%. This kind of ratings made them feel like a big brother. What's wrong with spending some money ?A dignified land of fish and rice, short of money?

'That's a big studio' also gained the attention of many people with this variety show.

Those media companies who want a flying guest position are like crucian carp in the river. Unfortunately, Song Dawei is very strict about this aspect.

He is not stupid, he knows that this variety show is the trump card for the studio!

Two months passed leisurely, and in a blink of an eye, April came, and "Run, Brother" had already finished.

After a long period of cooperation, they have a high degree of tacit understanding, and they are also able to shoot with ease. In just two months, they have finished the filming and entered the post-editing.

And Chu Qing, Song Dawei, Wang Wenxiang and others came to Xiangjiang!
They were shortlisted for the Academy Awards, and this time they came to the awards ceremony.

I haven't seen him for a few months, and Wang Wenxiang obviously seems to be much happier. I don't know if it's a good illusion, but Chu Qing even feels that he is much younger.

Wang Wenxiang was also very excited when he saw Chu Qing, and they exchanged pleasantries for a while, and even had a meal together in the evening.

On the second day, accompanied by the staff, we came to the venue of the Golden Phase Awards together.

This year's Golden Statue Awards was held in a well-known local theater. At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​the theater has been protected by police and security personnel.

They're there to prevent stampedes and crazy fans.

After all, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds, and the probability of two crazy ones is not small.

Chu Qing is wearing a white suit today. This is a custom-made suit, so as not to clash with other people.

Generally, when celebrities attend important occasions, there are probably three sources of clothing.

The first source is to buy it yourself, which has the smallest proportion, and even if you buy it, it is custom-made from a private person like Chu Qing.

Because in their eyes, Zhuangshan can even be said to be an accident!
The second most common type is endorsement!

Many celebrities will have the endorsement of clothing brands, including big brands and small brands, which is also a point that stars often compare.

After all, there are only a few big brands, and they don't need too many spokespersons.

And celebrities who have clothing endorsements must wear the endorsement brand clothing to attend such an important occasion.

Usually at such times, clothing manufacturers will try on some clothes that have not yet been put into production and cannot be bought in the world, just to prevent celebrities from hitting their shirts.

The last one, rent!
This is often seen in female artists, and they not only rent clothes, but also jewelry, accessories and so on.

There are even intermediaries who specialize in renting out these things, which is very common in the circle.

It is also easy to think about it.

The clothing of female artists is often very expensive, tens of thousands of yuan, 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands of clothing, jewelry is the same.

And for the sake of face, if they wear a piece of clothing on one occasion, they will hardly wear it a second time.

With the exception of a few top actresses, ordinary cafes can't afford this kind of consumption!
And those lesser-known female artists have been exploited by their respective companies, how much money can they afford?So renting has become a very good means!

Chu Qing's reputation in Xiangjiang is really mediocre. The off-site host only briefly introduced Chu Qing in Cantonese. Instead, he admired Wang Wenxiang next to him. After all, this is an artist who was shortlisted for the best actor !
Chu Qing didn't have too complicated feelings about this. After all, the entertainment industry is so realistic, so what can he complain about?
If you choose this path yourself, then you have to accept the rules of the game on this path.

All he needs to do is climb up!
As long as he climbed high enough, these people's attitudes towards him would be good enough!It's that simple.

After several people walked into the venue, they walked to their respective positions under the leadership of the staff.

Wang Wenxiang was in the second row, Chu Qing was behind him, sitting in the third row, and Song Dawei was behind Chu Qing, sitting in the fourth row.

Han Jie was shortlisted for the Best Director Award, and this time he also came, sitting behind Wang Wenxiang.

Unlike the tense expressions of the people around, Han Jie looked very relaxed, because he knew that he was here to accompany the run!

According to the habit of award ceremonies, it is almost always fruitful.

It's like "New World" was shortlisted for the three awards of Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Film!As for the best supporting actor, although it is not bad, it is still incomparable with these three.

But with a high probability, among these three awards, the "New World" crew can only get one, and the remaining two awards will be distributed to other films.

Even if the performance of other movies is not as good as you, it will still be divided!

Otherwise, you will be running with me, and you won all the awards by yourself, so who else will come to participate next time?
This is the most common thing in the circle.

Wang Wenxiang still has a certain status in the circle. From time to time, someone will take the initiative to come to him to say hello. Whenever this time, he will introduce Chu Qing to those people with a smile.

Chu Qing behaved very decently, and could chat with everyone for a few words, and being familiar with these people would not be harmful to Chu Qing's future path.

After about an hour, the awards ceremony finally began!
The host is a veteran actor in Xiangjiang, and he is also the winner of the best actor. He has a high status in Xiangjiang. He appeared as the host on many well-known occasions in Xiangjiang.

"Welcome! Welcome to this Golden Phase Awards Ceremony!"


(End of this chapter)

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