Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 253 Mission Completion

Chapter 253 Mission Completion
The guests in the audience quieted down one after another, looking at the stage with smiles on their faces.

The host on the stage began to introduce today's guests, and they all chose some of the bigger celebrities to speak.

After all, for a panel ceremony, what kind of guests can be invited is also very important.

It’s like having two awards. The first award invited Andy Fat, and the second invited Wang Ergou and Li Erniu. Which award do you think is more credible?
But what Chu Qing didn't expect was that he, a second-tier entertainer, was introduced by the host.

This really flattered Chu Qing, but he still behaved decently and smiled.

After introducing the guests, the awards ceremony officially began!
The best newcomer award was presented first. The previous winner was unable to attend for some unknown reason, so the host directly awarded the award to him.

The winner of this year's Best Newcomer Award is a pink and tender newcomer. When she won the award, she shed tears on the spot, and Chu Qing looked stunned.

But I have to say that this person's acting skills are good, he can perform like this on this occasion!
The awards were handed out one by one. At the end of the halftime performance, Chu Qing finally heard the voice that most interested him.

"Next, it's time for our Best Supporting Actor awards!"

"Let's take a look at the actors nominated for Best Supporting Actor this time!"

Following the voice of the host, who sounded like Mickey Mouse, a picture of a movie appeared on the big screen.

It was an underground cell, only about two meters wide and three meters long, so it looked very compact.

There is a bunk bed in this prison cell. At the moment, the man in the lower bunk is holding a photo, weeping non-stop.

The man on the upper bunk had his legs crossed, with a toothpick in his mouth, looking foolish.

"This is the way the world is"

"Everything is a lie. I still called my husband in the morning. I love you all my life. If something happens to you, I won't live anymore."

"In the end, before you had an accident in the afternoon, he went shopping on the street with another man's arm in his arms!"

The man in the lower berth quickly shook his head after hearing this: "No, it's impossible, my Pandan will not belong to this kind of person"

The man on the upper bunk sighed: "Back then, I didn't believe that Rumeng was such a person."

The screen slowly turned black at this point, and then a still photo of the man on the upper bunk appeared, and there was a small video frame beside it, in which was the male protagonist of the video sitting under the stage in a suit and leather shoes.

At this time, the narration sounded.

"Seven Years Underground is shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor! Xin Yushi!"

The screen switched, and the screen of the next movie appeared.

This time the color of the picture is undoubtedly much richer. In a sea of ​​flowers, the young man is holding the hand of the heroine with an expression, and the white clothes of the two are blown by the breeze, making it all look so beautiful.

And at the seaside of flowers, a young man in the same white clothes just stood there with a smile on his face, but tears could not stop flowing.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qing couldn't help sighing. He didn't think the acting skills of the two were so good, but felt that the director's visual sense was amazing!

The feeling of color conflict and screen advancement is a test of the director's use of color.

At this time, the screen slowly freezes, and a small video frame also appears, and the scene of the other party in the audience appears in the video frame.

This is a newcomer, he looks a little embarrassed, and he still can't let go in front of the camera.

The narration sounded slowly: "The best supporting actor is shortlisted, "Sea of ​​Flowers"! Zhao Jun!"

The screen switched again, and this time, it was finally Chu Qing's turn.

Chu Qing directly activated the aura of luck. Even though he knew that the winner had been decided long ago, he still wanted to make himself lucky.

Soon, the trailers of the five shortlisted films were released. Under the greeting of the host, the previous Best Supporting Actor winner stepped onto the stage and loudly announced the winner of this year's Best Supporting Actor!

"The winner of this year's Best Supporting Actor is "New World" Chu Qing! Let us congratulate him!"

There was a burst of applause from the audience, Chu Qing got up, his expression hard to hide his excitement, and after shaking hands and hugging with the people around him, he walked onto the stage.

After politely shaking hands with the host and the guests, Chu Qing accepted the trophy from each other.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Chu Qing's mind.

"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the main task. The task rewards have been sent to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

Chu Qing was calm on the surface, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

He waved the trophy to the audience, and the host smiled and said, "Chu Qing, you can give your acceptance speech now."

Chu Qing walked to the microphone and said with a smile: "To be honest, I practiced at home for a long time before, thinking about what kind of acceptance speech I should say if I win the award, but now after I really get the trophy, I put the acceptance speech I almost forgot about it.”

There was a friendly whisper in the audience, Chu Qing bowed and said: "Let me just say one thing, the future me will definitely work harder, the next goal is the actor!"

As soon as these words came out, all the guests in the audience were stunned, and then there was even more enthusiastic applause!
In China's humble society, Chu Qing's words are actually a bit crazy. After all, is the actor so easy to get?

But Chu Qing said these words, but it didn't seem arrogant at all!
Because he has already won the Best Newcomer Award and Best Supporting Actor, as an actor, his next target should naturally be the Best Actor.

This is called step by step.

Unlike the kind of actors who made their debut with one or two movies and became popular, actors like Chu Qing who have made progress step by step generally have higher evaluations in the circle!
After all, it's not that there are actors who have been popular for one or two movies and then disappeared. On the contrary, there are many people.

But people like Chu Qing who came up step by step, there is absolutely no such thing as disappearing after the fire.

Unless, because of some mistakes, Xuezang was blocked.

In the end, the crew of "New World" won two awards at the Academy Awards, one was Chu Qing's Best Supporting Actor, and the other was Wang Wenxiang's Best Actor!

This time, Wang Wenxiang ascended to the throne of actor!
Wang Wenxiang was very excited, Chu Qing brought himself into it for a while, if he got the best actor, he would definitely be very excited too.

The actor is not only famous, but also one of the conditions for the increase of film salary.

Actors with the same status, one is a movie star and the other is not, there is a gap of about [-]% in salary!

After the awards ceremony, Wang Wenxiang invited Chu Qing to dinner again, thanked Chu Qing at the table, and said that if Chu Qing needs help in the future, please call him, and he will definitely help!

Chu Qing smiled and clinked glasses with him, but didn't say much.

Human favor, the more you use it, the thinner it becomes.

(End of this chapter)

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