Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 254 Martial Arts Talent

Chapter 254 Martial Arts Talent
Back at the hotel at night, Chu Qing couldn't wait to open the system space, and saw an extra green apple in the center of the system space.

Chu Qing picked up the apple curiously, and an introduction about the apple appeared in his mind.

[Super Powerful Talent] After eating, the host can get a random super powerful talent!Talents can grow on their own, and cannot be strengthened through experience capsules!

These are the props given by the main quest. Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, and ate the apples without even spitting out the core.

After eating all the apples, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining martial arts talent!"

Chu Qing was taken aback, martial arts talent?

Before that, the only thing in Chu Qing that had anything to do with martial arts might have been his martial arts skills.

Now that there is such a talent, is it because he wants to become a martial arts actor?
Then Chu Qing suddenly realized, and thought that this talent is very good, because he is going to Hollywood to shoot action movies soon!
Thinking of this, Chu Qing directly opened the [Hall of Fame], found two martial arts masters in it, and began to learn from them. Then Chu Qing realized how terrifying this martial arts talent is!
All kinds of actions can be seen at a glance!
No matter what kind of boxing technique, if the master hits it once, he can reproduce it, and at least seven or eight points of similarity can be achieved!

In two days, Chu Qing learned three sets of boxing techniques, and she is still improving with time!

Of course, most of what he learns are ostentatious, which belong to the kind that looks good in fighting and has real combat ability. Can the quality keep up.

Three days later, Chu Qing got on the plane to Li Jian Country.

This time, there were 20 people traveling together, besides Chu Qing and Song Dawei, there was also a translator, a nutritionist, a doctor's assistant, a driver, and a make-up artist.

The rest are all security personnel hired by Song Dawei in Xiangjiang. During filming, they are fully responsible for their safety.

After all, Lijian country is not China. In a country where guns are legal, it is too unsafe to go out without two bodyguards.

After arriving in Hollywood, Jerry received them kindly, arranged a good hotel for them, and told them that there was still one week before the start of the business, during which time they could go sightseeing in Hollywood.

Jerry didn't need to say this, Chu Qing and the others planned to do the same.

It's all here, how can I do it if I don't know it?
So the few of them played happily in Hollywood for a week, and as a result, Chu Qing found that it was actually just like that, more or less a bit boring.

Of course, this may also be because Chu Qing did not participate in some nightlife actors.

At the end of April, the crew officially started!
After arriving at the crew, Chu Qing realized the difference between the crew, first of all professionalism.

It has to be admitted that the Hollywood filming team does need to be more professional, but the professional here refers to each performing their own duties.

They seldom have one person who wears several hats.

And not many are here to dawdle, but again, in terms of giving newcomers learning opportunities, they are worse.

The filming started, but it was a bit difficult for Chu Qing to shoot. His academic English was hard to avoid when filming.

He can only study English while filming.

And not everyone in the crew welcomes him.

It wasn't until this time that Chu Qing realized that there really is a kind of person in the world who doesn't understand you at all, and who looks down on you just because of your skin color.

The second male lead in the crew, Ai Pittman, actually asked Chu Qing why he didn't have a braid when he was filming with Chu Qing!

Chu Qing didn't understand at first, she thought to herself, I'm not a woman, why should I wear braids?
It was only then that Chu Qing figured out that the braids he was talking about were those of people from the Qing Dynasty!

Hearing this, Chu Qing still had a smile on her face, but a fire in her heart was already burning!
At first he thought that the other party might have made an unintentional mistake, but later he realized that he was obviously overthinking, because the other party would deliberately imitate Chu Qing's tone of speech and imitate Chu Qing's movements.

And this can often cause some people in the crew to laugh out loud. These people are not all racist, but at the same time, they don't have a good impression of yellow people.

Song Dawei saw all this in his eyes. This is a process that almost all Chinese actors have to go through when they come to foreign countries.

Let’s just say that Erlong was not so simple when he was working hard in Hollywood.

Chu Qing didn't say much, he came to film and didn't want to cause trouble, until this day.

On this day, Chu Qing had a rival scene with E. Pittman, which was also a fighting scene.

In the plot, this is a way for the two to play and compete with each other, but when it comes to filming, Ai Pittman strikes very hard, as if he is not joking, but intends to fight for real!
Chu Qing was unprepared, and was kicked in the chest by the opponent, and was directly kicked down.

At that moment, Chu Qing only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the anger that had been suppressed for many days was finally unbearable, but Chu Qing did not growl, nor loudly reprimanded the other party.

He just stared at the other party coldly. To use a Chinese saying, that is, a dog that bites does not bark!

Chu Qing stared at the other party, already considering to do something wrong.

Seeing Chu Qing being kicked down, Song Dawei took a deep breath. If he exploded at this time, it would be underestimated. He just walked up to Chu Qing, helped Chu Qing up and said, "How is it?"

Chu Qing waved his hand and said, "I'm fine."

The director also ignored it. In his opinion, isn't it normal for this kind of fighting scene to have a little accident?

Besides, I don't need to stand up for a Chinese person.

Chu Qing looked at Ai Pittman, but saw that he moved the corners of his eyes with his fingers, turning his eyes into phoenix eyes.

This time, the crew became quiet. This was a mocking action aimed at people of the yellow race, and it was done under the noses of so many people. The meaning of provocation was self-evident.

Song Dawei couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head to look in the direction of the producer and said angrily, "Mr. Jerry! Is this the sincerity of your invitation to us? Is this how you treat us Huaxia actors? I'll tell you now, I will I will hire a lawyer to sue you for racial discrimination! Everything that happened today, I will tell all the media exactly!"

Jerry got up hurriedly, and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Song, Mr. Song, I believe E. Pittman didn't mean it, E. Pittman! I order you to apologize to Mr. Chu Qing immediately!"

A. Pittman shrugged his shoulders, looking like he didn't care. Song Dawei exploded in anger and wanted to say something, but Chu Qing grabbed his arm and said in words: "Don't worry, I'll educate you Let’s talk about this grandson!”

(End of this chapter)

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