Chapter 255

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she made an OK gesture to the director, signaling to continue shooting.

The director didn't care about other things, and after waiting for the props to restore the set, he announced to continue shooting. Seeing this, Song Dawei had no choice but to back out.

Jerry came to him and kept talking.

After all, Chu Qing was invited by him, but he was racially discriminated against in the crew, which is also his dereliction of duty.

And with the sound of Excuse, the filming started again.

Ai Pittman seemed to be able to do a job with ease. After moving his neck, he waved to Chu Qing and said, "Come on, doll."

This is the line in the play, and then the two should start 'fighting' according to the movements designed by the martial arts instructor.

Just now Chu Qing thought that the other party would do the same, so he was kicked.

But now, since he didn't play the cards according to the rules, Chu Qing can't be blamed!

Chu Qing walked in front of the other party as if strolling in the courtyard. The director couldn't help frowning when he saw this. The current state of Chu Qing's performance was not what he wanted to see.

But the next moment, Ai Pittman had already made a move.

Ai Pittman is a typical white man, about 1.9 meters tall, weighing more than [-] catties, with bulging muscles all over his body.

He grabbed Chu Qing's shoulder, but just as he raised his arm, Chu Qing's hand moved!
The people around saw only a black shadow, and Ai Pittman let out a groan.

Jeet Kune Do!Through the opponent's limb muscles, you can judge the opponent's shot trajectory, so as to interrupt!
Once Chu Qing's attack started, there was no reason to stop it!

In order to take good pictures of the characters in the play, he has been learning martial arts from the [Hall of Fame] at night. Although most of them are ostentatious, but he knows a lot, and it is inevitable that he has also learned some real skills!

The opponent took half a step back. Chu Qing's attack wasn't too heavy, but it was painful enough. quick!

Chu Qingshan didn't dodge, but punched with faster fists, hitting the opponent's armpits. The essence of Jeet Kune Do lies in cutting!
This time, the opponent couldn't even lift his arm. Before the opponent screamed, Chu Qing's attack like a storm arrived!
At such a close distance, it is very suitable to use an assassin punch like Wing Chun.

Chu Qing's initial goal was also the opponent's face!

The bridge of the nose is almost everyone's weak point. With one punch, the severe soreness will make people lose their ability to resist!
Chu Qing punched down, and the opponent immediately saw red. Before the screams could be heard, Chu Qing punched down again, this time it was the opponent's throat, and the scream was forced back.

And then the chest, under the ribs, and the lower abdomen!

Chu Qing hit faster and faster, and the fists finally seemed to be phantoms, and he couldn't see clearly at all.

The opponent's body instinctively wanted to retreat, but Chu Qing stepped on his foot, unable to walk at all, and couldn't even do a basic block.

The people around were dumbfounded and forgot to pull the two of them apart for a moment.

Chu Qing hit harder and harder, picking out the painful places and hitting hard. When they finally saw Chu Qing kicking out with a deadly kick, these staff members reacted and rushed over to fight.

Seeing this, Chu Qing immediately changed the way of punching. The fists were opened and closed so that the people around couldn't get in their hands for a while.

And Ai Pittman was also beaten by Chu Qing, his nose and face were swollen, and his nose and lips were bleeding.

Seeing this, the director hastily yelled to stop with a loudspeaker, and then Chu Qing snorted and kicked him to the ground.

"Provoke me again. I'll kill you!"

Chu Qing stuttered a little in English, but that didn't prevent him from threatening the other party at all!
This murderous scene stunned everyone around him, followed by admiration for Chu Qing.

Here, they will only worship the strong and not pity the weak.

Chu Qing directly proved with actions that Huaxia people are not easy to bully!

The surrounding staff rushed over to help Ai Pittman, but Chu Qing hit him hard at first, and he couldn't get up anymore.

Chu Qing reckoned that it was a question of whether he could act in this play.

The director frowned tightly, apparently also thinking about this problem, and looked at Chu Qing with somewhat unfriendly eyes.

Chu Qing saw it, but he didn't care. He came to Lijian Kingdom to film a movie, not to be a clown and be bullied.

Jerry was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything after all. After all, he didn't say anything when El Pittman did it before.

If Chu Qing fights back now, if he talks too much, he will offend others.

Song Dawei ran over, looked at Chu Qing's fist and said, "It hurts, it's true, I don't know how to take care of myself, come on, I'll spray you with some medicine"

He said these words in English, so that the people around him could hear them clearly!

The director took a deep breath. Now that Peterman is injured, the scene must not be able to be filmed.

The doctor in the film crew was examining him, and then he gestured to the director that there was no problem.

Chu Qing's attack was very painful, but it was not a flawed injury, but a skin trauma.

Now that Ai Pittman can't get up, Chu Qing even suspects that he is pretending to faint with shame.

Seeing that Pittman was fine, the director ordered to continue filming other episodes. This time, no one dared to underestimate Chu Qing.

Chu Qing has finally established his prestige in the crew. During filming, the staff treated him much better.

Two days later, Ai Pittman returned to the crew, but unless there was no other way, he would never meet Chu Qing. Even if he could not meet Chu Qing's eyes when they were filming together, he would try not to.

Repeated provocations, but was KO by Chu Qing, and now Ai Pittman has died socially!

Chu Qing's roles in the movie were not too many. In addition, Jerry took care of him and asked the director to shoot his scenes first. In just one month, Chu Qing was finished.

After waiting for Chu Qing to return to China, the entire crew breathed a sigh of relief.

With Chu Qing as a violent person, they still have some pressure!

On the plane, Song Dawei looked quite happy. He had already been bored after staying in Hollywood for more than a month.

Especially the way those people looked at him made him unbearable.

He kept telling Chu Qing where to play, where to eat food, etc. after returning to China.

Chu Qing was thinking about what to do next.

After returning to China, Chu Qing went directly back to the studio. There was no one in the studio except the security guards.

The staff of the crew all went to shoot "'Big' Man", Chu Qing returned to her office and began to think about what the next plan should be.

In front of him now, there are actually only two paths!
The first way, actor!Since he chose to take the actor's path, the Best Actor is one of his goals!

The second way is
(End of this chapter)

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