Chapter 256
The second way is to become capital!

This is what Chu Qing has been doing. It was an attempt to train the crew of "Love Apartment" and then make a move.

Compared with the previous actor, one is in front of the stage and the other is behind the scenes.

One is fame, and the other is profit!
If possible, Chu Qing would of course want to accept all of them, but in the early stage, Chu Qing could only choose one direction to go, because the resources are limited.

Chu Qing thought about it seriously, and decided to ask for money!
Becoming capital, cultivating artists, and expanding the studio are what he should do in the near future.

He can't give up on his career as an actor, just shoot some works from time to time to maintain the popularity. With the bonus of "Running Man", he doesn't have to worry about exposure.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing began to think again.

To become a capital, artists are one aspect, and the rest of the package should also be one aspect!
For example, theaters!

Chu Qing was very envious that the theaters only played movies, but they could get such a high share of the theaters.

And if he had his own theater chain, wouldn't this sum of money go into his own pocket?
But this kind of thing requires a lot of investment in the early stage. With Chu Qing's current net worth, it may not be enough. The best way is to raise funds.

Thinking of this, he shook his head again, raising funds is a good way, but he doesn't like to give his own things to others!

In the end, he decided to cultivate artists first, and at the same time create his own theater chain!
There is not so much money now, so set up theaters in cities above the first tier, and wait in other cities.

After the decision was made, Chu Qing called and asked Song Dawei to come in.

After Song Dawei came in, Chu Qing told him his thoughts, he nodded after listening, and said softly: "We can try it, but for the cinema, I still recommend the construction of Yueshi, Yanjing, and Shanghai. I suggest that in each city, we can build ten movie theaters according to the flow of people and provide corresponding supporting facilities.”

Chu Qing's head became dizzy when he heard it, he scratched his head and said, "Is it bidding?"

Song Dawei patted himself on the chest and said, "Just leave it to me. Someone in my family is a construction worker."

Chu Qing heaved a long sigh of relief after hearing this. Recently, he has really become more and more afraid of troubles. Now that someone can handle it, it is naturally the best.

So the two sides began to discuss the specific steps, which is also the benefit of the small number of people in the studio.

Chu Qing is the absolute king here, one word can determine the future trend of the studio.

After the two had a discussion, Song Dawei asked someone to conduct a field survey to find a suitable place for a movie theater.

This kind of thing should be handed over to professionals.

Two days later, Chu Qing went to Yanjing to visit the class with Song Dawei.

The movie "Big Man" was filmed in Yanjing. Because of Zhang Mo, there was no need to worry about the venue. Zhang Mo starred in this movie with his true colors.

What kind of nightclubs and bars are there, he is the P in the VIP!

Chu Qing came to visit the class, which surprised Zhang Mo and others. Naturally, they wanted to have dinner together in the evening.

The place to eat is naturally the Hutong restaurant.

This was also chosen by Zhang Mo. Ever since he knew that Chu Qing had thoughts about Yin Tao, he always wanted to create opportunities for the two of them.

Chu Qing didn't refuse, but also didn't force it.

Things like love are mutual, and it won't last long if one person pays.

Moreover, Chu Qing just has a good impression of her, and after she has given her sincerity but has not received a response, her enthusiasm will gradually decrease.

Chu Qing even felt that if a few months passed, he could even forget her.

But when he came to the restaurant and saw her the first time, Chu Qing knew that he couldn't do it.

When a few people came, Yin Tao was sitting by the cash register and looking at something, she hurriedly raised her head when she heard the noise, and when she saw that it was Chu Qing, the surprise on her face at that moment made Chu Qing unable to move away. open your eyes!

His hard work was not in vain, just this surprise smile can actually explain the problem.

Seeing Chu Qing staring at her, Yin Tao blushed a little. She got up and smiled and said, "Mr. Chu, Mr. Zhang, we meet again. Today is a coincidence for you to come, and there happens to be a box that is still vacant."

Zhang Mo laughed and said, "That's a good relationship. Go tell the boss, I'll treat you to dinner tonight, and ask him to fix me a decent table!"


Yin Tao smiled and agreed, and walked towards the back kitchen, while Song Dawei sighed, knowing that this woman must also have taken a fancy to Chu Qing.

After several people walked into the box, they sat down, and the food came out not long after, and it was delivered by the boss himself.

After the boss delivered the dishes, he smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, what are you busy with?"

He looked at Chu Qing and asked, Chu Qing laughed and said, "I went to Hollywood and made a movie for a month."

The boss was a little surprised when he heard the words: "Hollywood? Great, then you are going to become an international superstar?"

Chu Qing waved her hands modestly and said, "It's just a movie, it's far from an international superstar."

"Hey, you can't say that, at least you've made a good start."

After finishing speaking, the boss wiped his hands and said, "Wait, I'll make two more dishes. Tonight's meal is mine, and it's a celebration for you."

Chu Qing waved her hands again and again: "Don't, boss, there's no need. When will I win Best Actor, it won't be too late to celebrate."

Zhang Mo pretended to be a little dissatisfied and said: "Hey, hey, you old man is so biased, why don't you tell me to celebrate the success? Let me tell you, the movie I am shooting now will definitely be a hit, you Just wait and see"

The boss laughed and said, "Okay, then I'll celebrate Boss Zhang too!"

Not long after, the shop owner came to the box with some dishes, his fat face was full of joy.

After the meal, the group took their leave and left, while Chu Qing walked up to Yin Tao.

Yin Tao was afraid to look at Chu Qing, but she didn't dodge it either.

Chu Qing disappeared for more than two months, and she has no contact information for Chu Qing. When you are used to a person appearing in your world, if one day he suddenly disappears, it will definitely be a torment.

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I'll just tell you that my ointment is good. Didn't I lie to you?"


Yin Tao nodded like a mosquito, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "Is the ointment very expensive?"

“Inexpensive, but hard to find”

After finishing talking, he said with a smile: "Let's go, I will come to see you some other day"

Yin Tao wanted to say something to persuade her to stay, but she still couldn't say it.

Obviously she also wanted to see Chu Qing, but when she really saw Chu Qing, she felt flustered for a while, and even felt that it would be better not to see him, so maybe she would not feel so uncomfortable.

Looking at Chu Qing's leaving figure, she felt empty in her heart, as if something was missing.

(End of this chapter)

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