Chapter 257 New Mission

After waiting for the group of people to get into the car, Zhang Mo said with a smile.

"Brother, I feel that she is interested in you. It seems that she can't escape from your palm. Don't tell me, she is really beautiful without scars on her face. If she puts on makeup, she is still a little fairy." "

Chu Qing smiled, stretched her waist and said: "Don't think about what you have, you should be serious when you are filming, this film is your transformational work, after word of mouth, there will be new movies, etc. looking at you"


Zhang Mo agreed happily, and Chu Qing looked at Duan Peng again and said.

"You too, can you still be busy? If you can, there are still movies waiting for you"

Duan Peng nodded, not in a good spirit.

He was very tired during this time. He followed him when he was filming Running Man and often worked overtime.

Waiting for the seamless transition to "The Big Man" after the filming of Running Man, he is the protagonist in it again, all his scenes are full of scenes, and he is so busy every day.

That's why Chu Qing asked him if he could be busy, and if he couldn't, the chance would have to be given to others.

But Duan Peng is not the kind of hypocritical person. When an opportunity is in front of him, he will not give up even if his teeth are broken.

While driving, Zhang Mo asked curiously, "Brother, what type of movie is the next movie?"

Chu Qing rubbed her temples and said, "Movies that might lose money"

Zhang Mo was puzzled and said, "Losing money? What are we doing filming him after losing money? There are no good scripts? It doesn't matter, I know several good screenwriters!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's not about the money, you two can't just make some commercial films, you have to win awards! This movie is just for you two to earn awards."

Zhang Mo and Duan Peng were stunned when they heard this, what about awarding?
Of course they understand what it means to brush prizes, but they didn't expect that such a thing could happen to them!

In China, the winners are generally literary films, and the kind of big-selling commercial films rarely win awards.

This has become a phenomenon, the good ones are not popular, and the popular ones are not good!
I don't know how many years it will take for a well-received and well-received movie to appear, and once it appears, it will become a phenomenon-level movie, such as "Let the Bullets Fly" and "Infernal Affairs" back then!
Therefore, when a general company shoots a movie, the first consideration is the box office, and the second is the awards. After all, it is a company and not a philanthropy. Since it is a company, the first consideration is of course profit.

And only at some critical moments, will they shoot or invest in some award-winning movies, for example, when an actor has been stuck at the top of the second tier for a long time, and he is only one chance away from being promoted to the first tier.

At this time, by swiping the award and winning the best actor, you can create an opportunity.

And like Chu Qing, there are too few people who shoot award-winning movies just to boost their wealth!

After all, there are too few benefits to the company. What should I do if the artist is trained and then changes jobs?Isn't that a waste of money?

So after hearing this, both of them were a little moved.

Seeing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "I'm so touched, I'm still afraid of you two quitting jobs? If I can't even trust you two, who else can I trust? It's too sad to have no one trustworthy around me." "



The two agreed with a smile, didn't say anything more, but kept everything in their hearts.

If you lead me as a soldier of the country, I will repay you as a soldier of the country!

Chu Qing returned to his small apartment at night. It has been completely renovated, and there is no trace of the time when he lived there.

He was lying on the bed with a projector projecting a movie on the ceiling beside him.

While watching the movie, Chu Qing was thinking in her mind what kind of movie she should shoot next.

Anyway, he was born again for a lifetime, if he didn't do two big things, wouldn't he live in vain?

Chu Qing was thinking, and in her mind, the system task was released again!
"Dididi, the main task is released! Please host a movie and ask for the best actor in China's important award!"

"Mission reward, permanent luck plus ten!"

After hearing the mission requirements, Chu Qing was a little generous. After all, the best actor award is completely different from the previous best supporting actor awards!

If there is no way to do this, at Chu Qing's current age, it is not easy to get the position of best actor, unless it is the best actor of a small foreign award.

But this time the mission restricted the conditions to him, it clearly stated, China's important award!
Did you hear that, ordinary small awards are not enough!
Important awards, what counts as important?At the very least, it must be at the three gold level!
Chu Qing felt dizzy for a while, even though he had predicted that this was very likely to happen, he still had a headache when the task was issued.

In his mind, there are many movies that are enough for him to become a best actor.

For example, films such as "The Witness", "I'm Not the God of Medicine", "Infernal Affairs" and so on can achieve good results.

But who knows if the popular movie in the last life can be enjoyed in this life?
It is not enough for a movie to be of good quality, but it also needs to be based on market demand.

Just talk about "Journey to the West" from the previous life!
When it was first filmed, everyone scolded it as a bad movie, and lost all money. The hero Xing Ye even broke up with the director. What happened?

That almost became one of the most representative movies of Master Xing!

Is Master Xing wrong?Was the director wrong?Was the audience wrong?
None, it's just that the movie was released too early, or the concept of the movie was too advanced!

The same type, and the original "Hero"!
It was also known as the king of bad movies at the time, but if that movie is played now, the box office must be terrible!

When the gods fought back then, what everyone compared was the quality of the movie!

But now, to put it bluntly, the comparison is celebrity traffic.

The times have changed, so Chu Qing is not sure whether those good movies in the previous life can push herself to the throne of actor.

He could only think in his mind, until the next morning, he still chose one, "Infernal Affairs"!
This is a movie that claims to have saved the Hong Kong film industry. Chu Qing thought about it all night, and finally felt that this movie is the safest!
After all, in such a sluggish period in [-], this movie has blazed a trail. The quality is definitely needless to say, but in terms of cast, it really needs to be carefully selected.

It would be an insult to the movie if some jerk actors were cast in it.

So the next day, Chu Qing began to write the script while taking pictures in his mind. In the flat world, there were those roles that those actors could control.

Not to mention those people, even Chu Qing was a little uncertain, he himself didn't know if he could play Chen Yongren well.
(End of this chapter)

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