Chapter 261 New Ideas

When it came time to shoot the next day, both Song Dawei and Xiang Shijie's manager were lying in the hotel.

But Chu Qing, who drank the most, seemed to be okay, and took the initiative to review the script with Han Jie during filming, and Xiang Shijie, Zhang Mo and others were dumbfounded.

Not to mention them, even Duan Peng, Chu Qing's younger brother, looked bewildered. Chu Qing knows best what drinking capacity is.

But one thing about him is very good, that is, he doesn't want to think about things that he can't understand!

The whole morning passed quickly.

At noon, Chu Qing met some rather special guests.

They are all local ensemble performers in Xiangjiang. As soon as they heard that there was a crew filming here, they came to them on their own initiative.

These people are old and young, but most of them are middle-aged people around 40 years old.

In fact, in most jobs, there are the most middle-aged people in this age group.

Because those who are younger, who are not married or have no children, they still have many choices. They can give it a try and dream of turning bicycles into motorcycles.

But at the age of these people, the passion has subsided, let alone, and they dare not fight anymore.

After all, the son has to go to school, the family has to live, and the elderly have to take care of them.

No matter how you say it, you have to save a sum of money, save your children to go to college or even get married, and save them to see a doctor for the elderly at home.

Therefore, they are also the most hated group of people squeezed by the company.

Do the most work for the least pay.

"Director, do you still need group performances? I have acted in many dramas, especially urban love dramas. Director Hua Tianyi said that my acting skills are good."

"Director, I'm cheap, as long as I have bento to eat"

"Director, me."

As soon as Chu Qing came out, she was surrounded by these people.

There was a longing light on all of their faces, which surprised Chu Qing.

what's the situation?Xiangjiang is so rich and full of gold, how can there be such humble people looking for work?

Just a box lunch?This, this is really cheap!
But he still waved his hand and said: "I'm not the director, the director is in it, and this drama doesn't need group performances for the time being, I'm sorry everyone, go and see other crews."

Chu Qing smiled and waved to everyone. To be honest, he felt sorry for these people, and he really needed some actors in his crew.

But he still can't use these people!

The reason is very simple, if you don't understand, taking them in will take a certain risk.

Who knows if there are drug addicts, thieves and the like here?
At that time, the police will be attracted, and the entertainment news will be published in minutes!
It's not that Chu Qing is worrying about the sky, but that this kind of thing has indeed happened.

It's better to find group performers at the local actor's guild, at least those people are registered, which means they all have some protection.

He didn't need to take such a risk just to save a little salary.

When these group performers heard this, they were a little disappointed, and most of them left in the blink of an eye.

There were only seven or eight people left, and they stood outside the crew with some unwillingness to give up.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Well, you can leave your contact information. If I really need group performances, I will call you, okay?"

Although those people were still a little unwilling, they had no choice but to leave their contact information.

After all, a glimmer of hope is better than no hope at all.

After leaving the contact information of several people, the other party reluctantly left.

Chu Qing waved to the security guard at the door and said, "Next time you don't need to call me or the director for this kind of thing, just call the scene manager."

"Yes, Mr. Chu!"

Chu Qing turned around and walked towards the crew, looked at the note with the contact information of several people, and silently put it into his pocket.

It's not easy for anyone.

He intends to keep these contact information, and if there is a shortage of extras, maybe he can give them some opportunities,

However, the probability is very small.

In the next few days, some group performers took the initiative to come to try their luck. Among these people, Chu Qing even saw some familiar faces.

Although he couldn't call each other's names, he had seen their faces in the movie.

People like this are definitely special actors in China, and they don't have to worry about acting at all, and they may even have a broker or a brokerage company.

But look at them now, they are actually reduced to the point where they go to the crew to ask if they want actors.

Chu Qing took a long breath and waved to the field manager, "Find someone older and bring them in."


The stage manager didn't say a word of nonsense, and trotted out all the way, and picked an older one from the group performances to come in.

The old group performer seemed very humble, and when he came to Chu Qing, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you director, thank you director, I can act in many plays."

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, pointing to the stool in front of him: "Sit down and chat, I have some questions to ask you"


The obedient old group sat opposite, with a somewhat reserved expression.

Chu Qing waited for the other party to sit down before speaking: "Brother, Xiangjiang's extras, are they in such a bad position? Why do you still go to the crew to promote yourself?"

After hearing this, the old group performer smiled wryly and said, "It's not that all group performers have poor status, but only us."

The old group performer sighed with some emotion, and then said quietly.

"Actually, in the past few years, our life was pretty good. At that time, Xiangjiang Films was very famous, and there were many crews. There were people filming 24 hours a day, and we could find crews to shoot casually."

"At that time, we didn't like to sign with the actor's guild, because they would be skinned by them. Anyway, without them, we could find the crew by ourselves."

"But these years, Xiangjiang Films has declined, there are fewer crews, and there are fewer filmmakers."

"As a result, some of the big stars above have nothing to film, and instead they come to grab our group performance positions."

"We don't have the protection of the actor's guild, so we can only do this in the end"

After hearing this, Chu Qing sighed with emotion, thinking that this could be regarded as a dimensionality reduction blow.

He waved his hand to the stage manager at the side and said, "Take him to register, the treatment is the same as our group performances."


"Thank you director"

The old group actor is grateful to Dade, and he is very happy because he found a job today.

Chu Qing was thinking about some other things, now it is the 21st century, what is the most important?

As early as many years ago, Chu Qing discovered a truth, what is the most profitable thing to sell now?Manpower!
Those human resources intermediaries have made a fortune just by introducing jobs, so if they keep these people by their side, what's the deal?

Chu Qing quickly calculated in her mind, and now it seems that the price of human resources in Xiangjiang is really cheap, mainly because other aspects are very expensive.

What if we bring these people back to Haik?
(End of this chapter)

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