Chapter 262 Absorption
After that, Chu Qing would think about this question in his spare time during filming.

They now have their own video website, and they can shoot some online dramas and show them on it!
If you use these little-known entertainers and those powerful old actors, it's not like there's no chance.

Young artists can make love movies, while old actors can make gangsters, cops and robbers!
The more Chu Qing thought about it, the more she felt that she should try it.

I don't know if these people are willing to go to Shanghai or not.

After ten consecutive days of filming in Xiangjiang, everyone in the crew is getting better and better.

Chu Qing was able to handle it with ease, and Zhang Sanli was filled with emotion when he saw it, so he dragged his son over to give a lecture when he had nothing to do.

One of the most frequently mentioned words is, look at Chu Qing!

This made Zhang Mo speechless for a while, Xindao is a genius, I am an ordinary person, how can I compare with others?

But he is not the kind of person who is willing to admit defeat, so when filming, he always tries his best.

Xiang Shijie already felt that after this movie was shot, he should be sure to win the Best Supporting Actor!
On this day, when Chu Qing was about to go back to the hotel after work had just finished in the crew, Zhang Sanli stopped him.

"Xiao Chu, wait for a while, didn't you ask me to contact old artists before? I found two of you."

Chu Qing was a little surprised, stopped and asked.

"Which two?"

"Hong Daquan and Wu Yao"

After Chu Qing heard this, after a little thought in his mind, he remembered who the other party was.

Na Hongquan was born as a martial artist, but he was known as the strongest stuntman in the year.

But later, because of his age and his injuries when he was young, he fell silent.

Wu Yao is a more traditional actor. He was also very popular on TV back then, acting in many TV series and movies.

Later, I chose to do business during the fire, and then went bankrupt!

After returning to making money, he joined the business world again, and ended up going bankrupt for the second time!
These two bankruptcies have had a great impact on him, so that he has not recovered yet.

As soon as Chu Qing heard that it was these two people, she became interested and asked with a smile.

"Teacher, what's the price?"

Zhang Sanli shook his head and said, "I didn't ask about that. I just asked someone out. The price must not be too high, especially for Hong Daquan, who is almost out of food now."

Chu Qing was dumbfounded and said: "It's too exaggerated, as for?"

Zhang Sanli pointed to the surrounding high-rise buildings and said: "Did you see it? This city is prosperous, but at the same time, it is also cannibalistic!"

Zhang Sanli asked the two to meet in a small tea restaurant, and when Chu Qing and the others arrived, the two of them had already arrived.

Both of them are in their 50s. For today's meeting, they are still wearing suits in summer, and they feel a little stuffy just by looking at them.

The two were very excited when they saw Zhang Sanli. The fatter one was Hong Daquan, and they rushed forward to shake hands with Zhang Sanli.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see, long time no see!"

Zhang Sanli laughed heartily twice, patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Yeah, it's been a long time, why do you feel that you have gained a lot of weight, is this a blessing?"

After hearing this, Hong Daquan smiled wryly: "Of course I gain weight without eating or exercising all day long."

Zhang Sanli smiled, pulled Chu Qing in front of him and said: "Let me introduce you, this is Chu Qing, and he also prepared the dinner today. He opened a studio in Haik, which is not small. Now Filming in Xiangjiang”

After hearing this, Wu Yao shook hands with Chu Qing with a smile and said, "Mr. Chu is really young and promising. I am Wu Yao. It is an honor to meet you today."

"It's my honor"

After several people greeted each other a few words, they sat down.

Chu Qing was born in sales in her previous life, and she thinks she can't lose to anyone when it comes to judging people.

He could clearly see that the two of them were in a bit of embarrassment. They should really need a job!
"It's two people like this, I have a studio in Haik, and I also own a video website"

"So I plan to shoot some web dramas and play them on my video site. In terms of actors, I plan to sign some actors in the studio instead of asking actors to star in"

"So the price will not be too high, but it can guarantee long-term filming. What do you two think?"

Chu Qing smiled and looked at the two quietly after speaking.

After the two looked at each other, Hong Daquan spoke first.

"Mr. Chu, you can do it in one month."

"[-] per month, including board and lodging"

After hearing this, the two looked at each other again.

To be honest, [-] a month is very low for two people, the price is almost the same as Chinese cabbage.

But immediately after, the two heard the second half of Chu Qing's sentence.

"But I can find some endorsements for you, plus the movie share, I can guarantee that your annual income will be more than 200 million! If you are not at ease, we can write these into the contract"

The two were really shocked this time, and there was some disbelief in their eyes.

I was still thinking that one hundred thousand a year is a bit small, who would have thought that the other party would increase their income to more than 200 million!
If this was for some fresh meat, they wouldn't even take a look at it.

After all, it's only 200 million yuan, and it's more than this price for them to pick up a commercial performance casually.

But it's different for people like Hong Daquan. To put it mildly, they have been eliminated by the times.

Not to mention commercial performances, no one invites them even if there are drama appointments.

Now some people say that they can guarantee that they can earn 200 million a year!What could be more attractive than this?

With 200 million, they don't have to live so hard.

"Two, are you interested?"

"Hahaha, yes! From now on, I will have to rely more on Boss Chu!"

"Boss Chu, please take care of me in the future!"

Both of them raised the teacups in front of them together, and they officially joined Chu Qing's studio.

After Song Dawei signed the contract with the two, Chu Qing was not polite, and directly dragged him to the crew of "Infernal Affairs"!
After filming the scenes of Chen Yongren for half a month, it is finally time to start filming the scenes of Liu Jianming.

Speaking of who the protagonist of "Infernal Affairs" is, everyone's first thought may be Chen Yongren.

After all, Tony Leung's acting skills in the previous life were simply too amazing, and the characterization was too classic.

But in fact, Liu Jianming played by Andy Lau is the protagonist.

Because this movie is called "Infernal Affairs", and the person who is in the hell is none other than Liu Jianming!

However, shooting it is much more complicated.

The first is makeup, and it is a special effects outfit.

Chu Qing's requirement for the makeup artist is that the audience should not think of Chen Yongren at the first glance!
For this reason, he found the top special effects makeup artist in the country, who came here because of Zhang Sanli's face.

The price is expensive, but the technology is really nothing to say.

In this way, before filming every day, Chu Qing had to undergo special effects makeup for more than 10 minutes.

And after the make-up was over, the melancholy Chen Yongren turned into the smiling tiger Liu Jianming!

(End of this chapter)

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