Chapter 263 August
Once again, Chu Qing used her acting skills to conquer these veteran actors!
Although they are two completely different personalities, Chu Qing can seamlessly play different roles!

There are really not many people who can do this skill.

The better a person is at acting, the more he enters the drama, and the more he enters the drama, the harder it is to get out!

It's really not easy for people like Chu Qing to play two roles seamlessly.

But they didn't know that Chu Qing used the system to cheat again
"Crap! Okay, this one is over! The makeup teacher is going to touch up the makeup, everyone tidy up and change the scene!"

Han Jie got up and rubbed his stiff waist.

The field staff heard the order and immediately began to pack their things and prepare to change the venue.

Chu Qing took two sips of the mineral water handed over by the staff, and wiped off his sweat.

"It's so damn hot, it's so hot!"

Chu Qing shook her hands, her palms were sweaty.

Song Dawei handed him a hand-held fan and said, "Who says it's not, why don't you shoot the indoor scene first, anyway, there is air conditioning in the room too."

Chu Qing sighed: "It doesn't matter, I'm going to shoot anyway."

Not long after the break, the new scene was ready.

"Come on! All departments are ready! Actors are ready! The second undercover police station is preparing for filming for the first time!"

Director Han Jie's voice sounded, Chu Qing stretched and walked towards the shooting set.

In the blink of an eye, a group of people spent a month in Xiangjiang, and the time came to August.

Xiangjiang in August is even hotter!

Fortunately, Chu Qing shot almost all the outdoor scenes before, and the rest of the scenes were indoors, which was more comfortable with air conditioning.

The overall progress of the crew is also very fast, and half of the filming is completed in one month.

This is partly due to the fact that Chu Qing invites all powerful actors, and the shooting is almost never NG.

Most of the time, it was Han Jie who asked for a guarantee in order to pursue better results.

What's more, "Infernal Affairs" written by Chu Qing was originally written according to the finished product of the previous life, and many processes can be omitted. It can be said that the finished product is the finished product, and the speed is of course faster.

Looking at it now, maybe it will be released on October [-]st and participate in the Golden Horse Awards in November!

After Song Dawei learned of the possibility, he had already contacted her.

Zhang Sanli's relationship once again played a key role.

As soon as the other party heard that Zhang Sanli and Xiang Shijie played supporting roles in this movie, they directly gave a nomination position, and said that after watching the finished film, they would decide what other awards to be nominated for, but the nomination for Best Supporting Actor was affirmative !

Through this point, it is enough to see Zhang Sanli's influence clearly!
After all, there are not many actors who have won first-class collective merit and second-class individual merit.

Hearing that they were nominated for the Golden Horse Award, the actors worked even harder!

Song Dawei also left the crew and began to prepare for publicity work.

As an agent, he has more tasks than the old lady.

No matter what it was, Chu Qing was used to throwing it at him directly.

Song Dawei is also very forceful, no matter what he does not refuse, he does what he can do by himself, and finds someone who understands what he doesn't understand.

Over time, Chu Qing also developed the habit of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper.

Except for the job of assistant, Song Dawei is fully capable of other jobs.

Speaking of assistants, it's really hard to find someone for this position.

Chu Qing has not found two suitable ones for so many years. In fact, it is better to find a family member for this position.

But Chu Qing's family, old and young, didn't have a suitable one.

And this position is too important, it is better to be short than to be indiscriminate!

So most of the time, as long as Duan Peng has no play appointments, then Duan Peng is his exclusive assistant.

But now as Chu Qing pours resources on Duan Peng, Duan Peng's time is getting less and less.

Let's just say this time, Duan Peng will go back to shoot a variety show after filming the silly and strong scenes. It is a variety show that Song Dawei accepted for him. It may not be well-known, but it can give a lot of money!
In mid-August, most of the scenes have been filmed, and the rest are some crucial scenes!

And what is going to be filmed today is the most classic rooftop scene!
"Come on! The roof is open, the first shot! All departments are ready, actors are ready!"

Han Jie's voice rang out from the loudspeaker. The intense shooting during this period made Han Jie's voice hoarse.

Following the voice of the director, various departments nervously arranged props and cameras.

Many of them are still complaining in their hearts, in mid-August, they are filming on the rooftop, what if they get sunstroke and fall right away!
But they only dared to slander a few words in their hearts, and they didn't dare to speak out. After all, they had to rely on this job to support their families. Moreover, the studio gave too much!
In front of Chu Qing, stood an actor who was about the same size as him.

He is Chu Qing's 'stand-in'. Now Chu Qing is going to shoot Liu Jianming's part, and the stand-in will help him play Chen Yongren's part.

This stand-in is not easy, the head is covered with green cloth, and there is a green cloth behind him, this is for the convenience of post-editing, but for him, it is really hot as hell!

Soon, when the rest of the crew was ready, the filming officially began.

Wearing a slim suit, Chu Qing calmly walked up to the rooftop.

As soon as he reached the top of the rooftop, a pistol was pressed against his lower back, and Chen Yongren's figure came out from behind.

This scene was actually quite funny when viewed live, because at this moment, Chen Yongren was simply a green-headed monster!
He took Chu Qing's gun and handcuffs, and skillfully unloaded the pistol.

There was a smile on Chu Qing's face all the time, and when he saw this, he just smiled and said: "Very skilled."

"I also went to the police academy!"

Chen Yongren just read out this line. He doesn't need any acting skills or emotions. He just needs to play with Chu Qing, because Chu Qing will use Chen Yongren's perspective to shoot the current scene again. Will edit the version shot by Chu Qing.

Chen Yongren took the handcuffs and handcuffed Chu Qing's hands behind his back.

Chu Qing didn't seem to care about anything, and the smile on his face was indifferent.

"Hey, you undercovers are really interesting, you all like to meet on the rooftop"

"I'm not like you, I'm upright!"

Here, Chu Qing still chose the Mandarin version of the lines. According to the Cantonese version, it should be, I am not like you, I can see the light.

In this regard, Chu Qing felt that the Mandarin version of the lines was more suitable.

Chu Qing was a little lost in thought when he heard this sentence, and his smile was a little bitter, and finally he gradually restrained himself.

"What do I want?"

Thinking of Chen Yongren's voice behind him, Chu Qing turned around flatly and looked at him.

Looking at it this way, Chu Qing really almost laughed, the green-headed monster is still very funny.
"You may not bring what I want!"

At this moment, Chu Qing's excellent actor quality played a role!No jokes.
(End of this chapter)

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