Chapter 264

"What do you mean? Come up to bask in the sun?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing twitched the corners of her mouth and said softly.

"give me a chance"

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good person"

"Okay, go tell the judge and see if the judge makes you a good person"

"That is to kill me"

"Sorry, I'm a policeman"

"who knows?"

This is the most classic dialogue line in the whole "Infernal Affairs", and the finishing touch is the last three words, who knows?
Three years later, three years later, three years later, three years later, ten years, boss!

An undercover agent who has been undercover for ten years, not to mention that others don't know he is a policeman, is it possible that even he himself has forgotten?
Chen Yongren directly raised his pistol and pointed it at Chu Qing's forehead.

According to the analysis of the plot, the three words Liu Jianming stimulated Chen Yongren's weakness, so that he was a little emotionally unstable.

"Don't move, put down the gun, let go of Officer Liu"

At this time, Liu Jianming's deputy ran up, and this role was played by Chen Yao.

Although there are not many roles, but this kind of movie that is destined to be popular must definitely arrange some of its own talents.

Chen Yongren hid behind Chu Qing: "He is an undercover agent, Han Chen's man, the evidence is in my hands, if you have anything to say, go back to the police station!"

"Put the gun down, put the gun down!"

"I called the police"

"Why should I trust you?"

"You don't have to trust me"

After Chen Yongren finished speaking, he pushed Chu Qing forward, while he hid behind Chu Qing and walked towards the roof.

"Very good! Come here! Come on, make up, style, change clothes for Teacher Chu, Chen Yao, remember where you stood just now, you will still be there for a while, you know!"

"Understand the director!"

Chen Yao hastily agreed, and Chu Qing walked to the shade, where the makeup artist and stylist were waiting.

Chu Qing and the stand-in actor exchanged clothes. The other party's leather jacket was hotter than Chu Qing's suit!

But an actor is an actor, since he has chosen this path, it is normal for him to suffer a little bit, and complaining about it outside is not necessary at all, it will only make people look down on him.

"Come on! All departments are preparing, the actors are fine."


"Prepare the director!"

"That's fine, come on, everyone takes their positions, ready to start filming!"

Time slowly came to September, and the film was wrapped up on September [-]th!

After Chu Qing invited everyone to eat at a well-known restaurant in Xiangjiang, she returned to Hai K with Han Jie and others that night!They want to seize all the time for editing.

On the other side, Song Dawei has already negotiated with three theaters, this is the first time the studio has been able to find so many theaters to cooperate with.

Among them, there are also reasons for Zhang Sanli and Xiang Shijie's names. Otherwise, relying on Chu Qing alone, let alone finding three theaters, whether they can give you a schedule on October [-] is a question!

After Zhang Sanli heard it, he still felt that it was a little small, so he took the initiative to find some old friends of his own, and abruptly increased the number of theaters to seven!
This amount can be said to surprise Chu Qing, and Zhang Sanli also took the initiative to call him and asked him to hurry up on film editing. If there is not enough manpower, Zhang Sanli can lend him a few people.

In terms of film review, Zhang Sanli has already said hello, as long as the scenes are not too excessive, they can pass the review.

When the time comes, we will do a screening first, and let the bosses of those theaters have a look. As long as the quality is good, it is definitely not a problem for them to increase the number of films scheduled.

This moved Chu Qing to the core, Zhang Sanli had done his best for him, and this meant money!

Of course, this is also because the quality of the movie is really good, let's say "Big Shot".

The movie was released in September, and it was released in a theater that he cooperated with. Regarding the movie starring his son, Zhang Sanli didn't say anything, and he didn't know if it was to avoid suspicion.

Speaking of this movie, when it was first released, few people really saw it.

First of all, the cast of the actor, Duan Peng is not bad, although he is not well-known in the actor circle, but with the image of the big black bull in "Running Man", he still got a good popularity among the audience, and the audience didn't hate him.

Zhang Mo can't do it!

The things he did before have long been spread in today's Internet age. It is not uncommon for the crew to play big names and change the script randomly. This kind of person is not only disliked by the director, but also by the audience!

Of course, another point is that Zhang Mo's acting skills are really terrible!
It is also because of this that the word-of-mouth of the movie was not good when it was first released, but later, more and more people who have watched the movie helped promote it!
Among them, the most mentioned sentence is that Zhao Tai played by Zhang Mo is so handsome!
This stimulated a lot of netizens. They were not convinced, and they picked up the keyboard and went to the 'battlefield'.

"Zhang Mo is good at acting? Hehe, how much is it for one piece? If you have money, everyone can earn it together. I also want just bad money."

"Really? Good acting skills? Are you serious? Doctor, I didn't recommend that he be discharged from the hospital at that time."

"Let me put my words here. If Zhang Mo's acting skills are good, I'll eat three catties upside down! No! I'll eat while doing Thomas maneuvers!"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid you want to cheat food and drink!"

This is the mainstream comment on the Internet, but as more and more people have watched the movie, the trend on the Internet began to slowly change.

Zhang Mo really brought the role of Zhao Tai to life!
mad!Crazy to the point of no bounds!

ruthless!He is so ruthless that he kills people at every turn!
This is also because everyone's expectations for Zhang Mo are too low. For example, a student often takes a test with a score of [-], but suddenly one day he only gets a score of [-]. Although his grades are not bad, people around him will say, look, he No, this time I only got [-] points in the exam, so I'm about to fail.

At that time, there was more derogation than praise for him.

And if this student can't even pass the exam, everyone doesn't like him, but he got [-]% in this exam!Everyone will feel a burst of surprise!
At this time, his previous scores of [-] and [-] points are not important anymore, everyone can only see this [-] points!Everyone praised him as a good boy.

The current Zhang Mo is the student who has scored eighty points in the exam!

For this situation, Zhang Mo was really flattered!

Although he had changed his mind, it was the first time that so many people praised him.

They said that he turned his prodigal son back, and that he was good at acting!
On that day, Zhang Mo stayed alone in the room for a long time, no one knew what he went through, but from that day on, the dissolute Zhang Mo became more calm.

There are too few people who can truly treat the outside world as nothing.

At the end of September, the studio finally edited the film and sent it up for review.

Just like what Zhang Sanli said before, the audit passed very smoothly, and the next step is to invite all theater bosses to order screenings together!

(End of this chapter)

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