Chapter 265
This time, we not only invited representatives of seven theaters to screen the movie, Zhang Sanli also helped invite several well-known film critics in the industry.

These people may not have many fans, but they represent the trend of the industry!
A word from them can determine the trend of the movie.

Just like those so-called fashions, most of them are things that designers say.

We are going green this year, that's good, then the direction of fashion design in the next one or two years will be green.

And one or two sentences from these film critics can also make the thinking of the audience and other film critics extend along the direction they set.

Among other things, did many people really like "A Chinese Journey to the West" back then?

Of course not, otherwise it wouldn't have been called a bad movie by so many people, and the box office would have been exaggerated.

The real fire, in fact, became popular after that generation grew up and someone commented and analyzed the movie!
The most representative of them is the sentence that wearing a golden hoop can't love you, but putting down the golden hoop can't save you.

This sentence has touched many people, because life will face one choice after another in life.

The so-called unsatisfactory life, nine out of ten.

And this movie is a reflection of many people.

But before no one points out this sentence, is the movie really popular?Otherwise, so film critics are actually very important.

Sometimes, what they see is not only deeper than the audience, but also deeper than the actors, and even deeper than the screenwriter and director.

Zhang Sanli was sitting opposite Chu Qing. He was wearing casual clothes today. The temperature in Yanjing at the end of September was still very comfortable.

He yawned and said: "All my old friends are here today, mainly to see the quality of the movie. If the quality of the movie is good, they will increase the number of movies, and the movie critics will cheer for you. When the time comes People speak politely"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile: "Teacher, don't worry, I'm not out of character to offend people."

After hearing this, Zhang Sanli nodded with a smile. The old man is in a good mood these days.

When mentioning his son Zhang Mo before, almost no one on the Internet could find a good word to say, even his old friends, they just said a few words on the scene.

But now?

A "'Big' Man" directly raised Zhang Mo's reputation!

Whose credit is this?

Whose credit is it for my son's prodigal son to turn back?

Zhang Sanli is not stupid, he can see clearly, which is one of the reasons why he tried his best to help Chu Qing.

This is called reciprocating!
This time the movie was screened in Zhang Sanli's media company.

There is this kind of professional projection equipment here, and more importantly, it is safe!
No one can reveal the screening here, and it is also for those theater owners.

Let them know Chu Qing's position in Zhang Sanli's heart!

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the directors of several theaters and film critics all arrived.

The owner of the theater chain can't come because he has a lot of time to spare. This time, the leaders of the purchasing department are all here.

They are in charge of procurement and have a deep understanding of the current market needs. They know best whether a movie has a market or not.

So as long as they think it is okay, there is no problem in increasing the amount of filming.

For Chu Qing, the amount of films scheduled is money!

Seeing this, Chu Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion. His theater chain plan is now being launched. If his own theater chains spread all over the country, it would be so troublesome now.

The movie is owned by the company, and the theater chain is owned by the company, so as long as people watch it, they can make money!
Except for the tax, the rest is your own, that's great!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing secretly clenched her fists, waiting to see the results after the first sale of her theater chain.

The effect is good, directly expand the scale!

The effect is not good when I didn't say it.

Zhang Sanli took Chu Qing to entertain a few people. After everyone came to the conference hall, the movie began to be shown!
Out of self-importance for Zhang San, everyone watched it seriously, especially those film critics, who recorded something in their small notebooks while watching the movie.

The more these people look, the more surprised their expressions are!
At the beginning, when they heard that Chu Qing was split into two roles, they were a little worried, but when they watched half of the movie, their worries disappeared!

What surprised them even more was that the acting skills of all the actors in this movie were beyond the mark!

Give people a feeling that they are not acting, they are just acting themselves!
Especially the rivalry scene between Zhang Sanli and Xiang Shijie, it was really good to see the explosion!

Needless to say, Zhang Sanli's acting skills of more than 30 levels are not a joke.

Xiang Shijie, he was born as a gangster!This time, the firepower was fully fired, and the oppressive feeling was vividly expressed through the big screen!
And Chu Qing's acting skills also entered the eyes of these people for the first time!
Whether it's Chen Yongren's melancholy or Chen Jianming's scheming, he has acted vividly, and even made them feel that acting like this will not have a split personality?

After waiting for the film to finish, the film critics breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had just eaten a delicious meal.

The people in charge of the other theaters had similar expressions, Zhang Sanli said with a smile.

"Several of them are well-known people in the circle. I believe in your vision."

"What do you guys think of this movie? Please tell the truth and don't take care of my face"

Zhang Sanli had a gentle expression on his face, and even looked at the few people expectantly.

"I can only say that this is a good movie. It is the best police gangster movie I have seen in the past ten years! With all due respect, there is absolutely no problem for this movie to win an award!"

The No.1 speaker was a film critic in his 30s, who was relatively young among the crowd.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone around him echoed.

"Yes, yes, this movie, all the actors' acting skills are online, and the whole plot is seamless. I feel that this movie can become a hit! Not only the box office, but also the word of mouth."

"I haven't seen such a good cop movie in a long time"

"Well, the quality of this movie is very good, I think the box office will definitely exceed one billion!"

The film critics chattered, but Zhang Sanli looked at the directors of the theaters.

Today's movie is actually for them to watch!

What Zhang Sanli wants is these people, increase the amount of films!

At the same time, the Hollywood movie "Shocking Rescue" has also been released in Lijian.

At the same time, they brought the movie to China, hoping that the movie would be released in China.

But the matter was delayed because of the review, but this is normal. When it comes to foreign films coming to China, the review has always been stricter.

After all, this can be regarded as a kind of cultural export to the country, and the inspectors need to check out some that do not meet the regulations.

However, Chu Qing unexpectedly became famous in the hearts of the Li Jian country audience.

(End of this chapter)

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