Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 266 The Movie Is Released

Chapter 266 The Movie Is Released
Before the movie was released, many netizens expressed their expectations.

After all, Gerardo Regan is a hot star, and the movies he starred in have always been the kind of very enjoyable movies!

This movie didn't disappoint them either, it really was the kind of tough guy movie with punches to the flesh!

But what the audience likes the most is the black dragon played by Chu Qing!

The role of Chu Qing can be summed up in five simple words, and there are not many cruel words!
And the director and editing completely changed this character!
They directly used Chu Qing's original voice in many places!
Because Chu Qing was not good at English at that time, and her speech was always intermittent, which gave Chu Qing a somewhat stuttering image!

The director didn't delete the scene where he was fighting with the male second E Pittman, but used it directly.

Just used the part where Chu Qing violently beat the other party, watching Chu Qing's fierce eyes, and fist-to-flesh movements, the adrenaline of countless foreign netizens soared!

After waiting for the movie to end, the business of the local Chinatown Martial Arts School has obviously improved a lot!

Many foreigners went to learn martial arts one after another, wanting to learn the same skills as Chu Qing in the movie.

They don't care whether they have actual combat ability, the main thing is that they are handsome!
And some viewers have already begun to inquire about Chu Qing's news and pay attention to the actor Chu Qing.

They quickly obtained Chu Qing's other movie "New World" through various means!
Although the language barrier, but they can read the subtitles ah!
Chu Qing played Ding Qing, the image of the God of War in the elevator once again brought them a lot of shock.

Some Lijianguo netizens even think that Chu Qing is not acting at all, but really strong!

The director of "Shocking Rescue" naturally didn't let go of this wave of enthusiasm, and directly posted on Twitter that the fight between Chu Qing and Ai Pittman was not designed at all.

It was because of the other party's provocation that Chu Qing fought back. Those fights were real, including the blood!

This directly ignited the enthusiasm of netizens, and they all screamed and supported Chu Qing.

In this Lijian country, it is a norm, and people will always support the strong!
In this regard, E. Pittman immediately stood up, claiming that he was not provocative, and that time was also because of the opponent's sneak attack, otherwise he would not have been beaten.

And a large part of the reason why he was beaten was because he thought it was filming and the plot required it, otherwise he would have punched Chu Qing to death!
For his answer, most netizens did not believe it at all.

They are not blind, can't they see it through a sneak attack?

Besides, with Chu Qing's skill, his fists are almost out of shape, can't beat you?I don't think I can kill you!
No matter how Ai Pittman defends, netizens will always say a word.

Chu Qing can kill you!

In this way, without Chu Qing himself noticing, he actually had a group of fans abroad.

In China, all seven theaters agreed to increase the number of films for "Infernal Affairs"!

The largest one even reached 30.00% of the film schedule!It is no longer a matter of shame to be able to give this kind of film schedule in the National Day file, which shows that the other party is really optimistic about this movie!

The publicity is overwhelming, subway posters, bus station billboards, etc., are all advertisements for the movie.

As long as you walk out the door, you will definitely see the promotion of "Infernal Affairs"!

Those few film critics, Big V, were not idle either. Before the film was released, they had already written their own film reviews and published them.

But also because the movie hasn't been released yet, they can't reveal too much, so they can only write some vaguely, and then urge the audience to go to the cinema to watch it.

It is precisely because of this half concealment that it is more attractive!

It made countless audiences feel itchy, and they all wanted to see what the best police and gangster movie in the past ten years looked like.

There are also some people who are planning to go to the movie theater to see what they said. If the movie is not as good as they said, they will spray him to death after returning home!
For a while, "Infernal Affairs" became popular before it was broadcast!
This also made Chu Qing's heart beat faster, and now he can't wait to watch this movie, what kind of benefits it can bring him!
In this way, the time came to October [-]st, and the movie was released!

All theaters showing "Infernal Affairs" were full on this day.

This is the benefit of publicity. It successfully aroused everyone's curiosity, and they all wanted to know whether this movie is as good as they said.

After the audience is seated and the lights are adjusted, the movie officially begins!
After the familiar logo of Longbao and Chuqing Studio flashed, the plot of the movie began.

Another thing that surprised the audience is that the scene at the beginning of the movie is actually a pile of broken Buddha statues.

The cast list quietly surfaced on the stone statue.

Immediately, a text composed like a raging fire emerged!

"Nirvana Sutra No. 19 volume, [The most of the eight hells is called the Incessant Hell. It means suffering without interruption, so it has this name]"

This paragraph of text instantly draws the attention of the audience.

The movie officially begins, and the scene is in a temple.

As soon as Xiang Shijie, who played Han Chen, came out, he attracted all the attention of the audience!

The sentence Buddha blesses, the fortune teller said that I will be successful, but I don't agree, it vividly interprets the arrogance of this gangster boss!

The story unfolded slowly, the big brother of the gangster selected several younger brothers and asked them to go to the police force as undercover agents!
In this way, Liu Jianming became a trainee police officer of the police academy.

On the other side, because of his outstanding performance and family reasons, Chen Yongren was selected as an undercover agent to infiltrate the gang!
Chen Yongren's file was deleted and he was expelled from the police academy.

Before walking out of the gate of the police academy, the instructor pointed to Chen Yongren who was leaving and said.

"If you don't play by the rules, you'll be fucked like him! Does anyone want to trade with him?"

At this time, Liu Jianming in the crowd looked at Chen Yongren, and secretly said in his heart: "I want to change with him!"

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Because of the information given by Han Chen, Liu Jianming has been promoted step by step in the police station!Ten years later, he has entered the serious crime unit.

And Chen Yongren also assisted his boss Huang Zhicheng in solving many major cases.

By chance, the two met in an audio store, but neither knew the other's true identity.

The two of them sat silently on the sofa, enjoying the song "Forgotten Time" with sweet treble, accurate mid-range, and strong bass, which is transparent in one sentence!
This song has taken many people by surprise!
For this song, Chu Qing spent a lot of effort.

The feeling that Chu Qing wants for this song is that kind of extremely story-telling feeling, as long as the singing starts, you can feel as if she is singing opposite you.

In the previous life, this song was sung by teacher Cai Qin, and the skill, if described in any language, would be feeble.

With preconceived ideas, it is too difficult to find a singer who is similar to Teacher Cai Qin in this life
(End of this chapter)

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