Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 267 Black and White Reversed

Chapter 267 Black and White Reversed

In the end, it was Zhang Sanli who introduced an old artist.

At the beginning, people didn't give face at all, but after reading the lyrics and songs, they reluctantly agreed.

After all, they are not short of money or famous, and when they are old, they really don't need to give anyone face.

The movie continued, Chen Yongren and Superintendent Huang met on the rooftop.

Superintendent Huang felt that Chen Yongren had been in the gang for a long time and had mental problems, so he asked him to see a psychiatrist.

At this time, Chen Yongren said the classic line: "Three years after the agreement, three years after three years, three years after three years! It's been ten years, big brother!"

Chen Yongren hopes that he intends to retire after this case is over, he is tired of it.

He told Superintendent Huang that Han Chen was going to buy goods this week, and Superintendent Huang gave Chen Yongren a bug and a watch.

Chen Yongren thought the watch was a pinhole camera, but Superintendent Huang told him that it was a birthday present for him.

It has been ten years, and only Superintendent Huang knows what kind of pressure this undercover agent is facing.

That night, the big drug lord Han Chen wanted to trade drug P with the Thais.

The police learned about the transaction through undercover intelligence and sent many people to search.

The gang also stole the police communication line through Liu Jianming.

Han Chen and Superintendent Huang each wore earphones, and the earphones contained information about each other.

Chen Yongren and Liu Jianming, each acting as an undercover agent, silently paid for themselves.

This is a game between Han Chen and Superintendent Huang, and it is also a game between Chen Yongren and Liu Jianming!
Liu Jianming noticed that Superintendent Huang had been wearing earphones and was tapping his fingers, giving new instructions every once in a while.

Liu Jianming recorded the rhythm of tapping his fingers and found that it was Morse code.

He figured it out in an instant, there must be undercover agents in the black list, and the other party was using Morse code to transmit information.

He hastily sent a text message to Han Chen, 'There is an insider, terminate the transaction! '

The drug lord Han Chen hastily told his subordinates to throw the drugs into the sea, but the police caught him but found no evidence.

The drug lord Han Chen was invited to the police station for dinner. At the dinner table, the two made their words clear. They both knew that the other party had placed an undercover agent beside them. Now the competition between the two was, who can catch the undercover agent!

Liu Jianming moved and arranged the room with his girlfriend.

My girlfriend is a novelist. She is writing a new novel. The hero in the story is acting every day, has more than 20 personalities, and finally doesn't even know who he is.

Chen Yongren woke up slowly in the psychiatrist's clinic. After waking up, he asked the psychiatrist whether he looked like a good person or a bad person, and the psychiatrist said he didn't know.

Chen Yongren said with a smile on his face: "Actually, I am a policeman."

The doctor thought he was joking, and responded with the same smile: "Me too"

On the other side, Liu Jianming was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate the ghost hidden in the police station.

At the same time, Han Chen also wanted to know who the gangster was lurking. He asked all his subordinates to fill in their real information and submit it to Liu Jianming, using the information of the police station for investigation.

As a result, Chen Yongren found out that his friend Shaqiang had written a word wrong, so he crossed it out on the portfolio and re-wrote it.

Liu Jianming and Han Chen handed over files at the movie theater, but they were followed by Chen Yongren as soon as they went out.

Just when Chen Yongren was about to know his identity as an undercover agent, he was interrupted by a phone call and lost Liu Jianming.

Liu Jianming's girlfriend is writing a novel at his home. She thinks the hero of the story is a bit miserable, and hopes that he can become a good person in the end.

And Liu Jianming also began to think about whether to clean himself up.

The camera cuts, and Chen Yongren, who was walking on the street, met his ex-girlfriend who had been separated for six or seven years. At this moment, the ex-girlfriend was married, and there was a little girl by his side.

What are you doing now?Still being a punk?It deeply hurt Chen Yongren's heart.

He really seemed to say that he was never a gangster, he was a policeman!
But in the end, he could only nod his head with a bitter smile.

The audience in the movie theater felt a little worried when they saw this scene.Especially after seeing Chu Qing's eyes.

This person can even act with his eyes!
They couldn't help but compare actors of the same generation with Chu Qing, and finally came to the conclusion that those people were not worthy of carrying Chu Qing's shoes!

As the plot continued, Superintendent Huang came out to exchange information with Chen Yongren, but was targeted by another undercover agent played by Chen Yao.

Liu Jianming called Han Chen and informed the police to arrest them. The gang soon surrounded the building and blocked all exits.

In the end, they caught Superintendent Huang, but not Chen Yongren.

Chen Yongren pretended to take a taxi and rushed to the scene. Just after getting out of the car, a body fell from the sky and hit the taxi.

Chen Yongren looked at Superintendent Huang's body, and his mind was in a trance. He had been in contact with Superintendent Huang for so many years as an undercover agent. Superintendent Huang had long been like a family member.

And this person who was laughing and chatting with me a few minutes ago has now become a cold corpse.

It's a pity that neither side gave him time to remember.

The gun battle between the gang and the police started, Sha Qiang took Chen Yongren and started to escape.

In the car, Sha Qiang told him that the gangsters had captured Superintendent Huang, and after beating him for 10 minutes, Superintendent Huang still refused to reveal who the undercover agent was.

The car became a little bumpy, and Chen Yongren turned his head to look, only to find that the driver's silly face was already pale.

It turned out that he had already been shot during the chaos just now!

Silly Qiang took his hand and said that he didn't tell the boss that Chen Yongren was not there, and then died like this.

This scene made the audience feel a bit blocked, is Sha Qiang really stupid?Not necessarily, he just chose his good brother between shrewdness and his good brother.

Even though he guessed that he was an undercover agent, he still defended him just because of the word brother.

On the other side, Liu Jianming took over Superintendent Huang's case and contacted Chen Yongren through his relics.

He proposed to cooperate to arrest the drug lord, and Chen Yongren, who was eager to avenge Superintendent Huang and his good brother, agreed.

During the cooperation with the police, Han Chen was forced into the underground garage. He called his subordinates like crazy, trying to contact Liu Jianming to save himself.

The phone got through, but the bell rang in the underground passage.

Han Chen looked in the direction of the phone ringing, and saw Liu Jianming standing quietly beside a concrete pillar looking at him.

At this moment, Han Chen suddenly laughed, and he thought everything through in an instant.

Back then, the fortune teller said that he would die once he succeeded, but now, the bone under his feet is not willing to be a bone anymore, it is devouring the master!

With one shot, Liu Jianming ended his ten-year entanglement with the boss, and he became the hero of the serious crime team.

(End of this chapter)

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