Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 268 The End of the Movie

Chapter 268 The End of the Movie
He met Chen Yongren who rushed over in the office, and immediately recognized him as the person he met in the audio shop.

Chen Yongren hopes that he can retire and return to being an ordinary person. He has had enough of undercover life and wants to live in the sun with integrity.

But Liu Jianren said that this requires opening Superintendent Huang's computer, but he does not have the password.

Chen Yongren said the password with a smile. It turns out that the password is the Morse code of the 'undercover'.

Liu Jianming went to another office to look for files, and Chen Yongren saw a familiar file bag in Liu Jianming's office.

There is still the word he taught Shaqiang to write on the file bag, and this file bag was handed over to the police by Han Chen back then!
In an instant, he realized that Liu Jianming was the ghost of the police station!
When Liu Jianming came back, he found that Chen Yongren had disappeared.

He also noticed the portfolio on the table, and immediately thought he should be found.

After hesitating for a while, he backed up Chen Yongren's files to his computer, and then deleted the files.

Chen Yongren was wanted by the police, but the psychiatrist took him in. The two confessed to each other, but when she woke up, she found that Chen Yongren had gone.

When Liu Jianming returned home, he found his girlfriend sitting blankly on the sofa, feeling a little out of sorts.

It turned out that Chen Yongren came to adjust the audio equipment at home and left a trial CD.

The content of the CD is a recording of the conversation between Han Chen and Liu Jianming. My girlfriend said that she couldn't write her novel because she didn't know whether the hero was a good guy or a bad guy.

Chen Yongren threatened Liu Jianming with these tapes and asked him to meet on the roof of the pier.

Liu Jianming left a message to his girlfriend saying that he wanted to be a good person, and rushed to the pier to return Chen Yongren's identity.

The most classic rooftop scene has begun!

This scene is enough to be included in the dialogue and acting skills of the textbook, and the audience who watched it were fascinated.

But at this time, there was a sudden exclamation in the cinema.

"Fuck! This, this Liu Jianming is also played by Chu Qing?"

When everyone heard the exclamation, they were about to curse, but they were taken aback after hearing what the other party said.

What?Isn't Chu Qing playing Chen Yongren?When did you become Liu Jianming?
But once they accepted this setting, when they looked at Liu Jianming again, they found that they were really similar to Chu Qing in many ways!
At the beginning, because Chu Qing played Chen Yongren directly, and because Chen Yongren and Liu Jianming had different personalities and appearances, they didn't even think that these two were played by an actor.

Once discovered now, it is simply shocking beyond compare!

Chu Qing's role as Chen Yongren has already made them feel amazing, and now there is another Liu Jianming!

What is this for?Is this a piece of consecration?

On the rooftop, another undercover agent from the gang rushed over, and the two sides confronted each other.

Chu Qing held Liu Jianming back into the elevator slowly, but a mistake allowed the undercover agent to seize the opportunity and shot Chen Yongren to death.

At this scene, the hearts of the audience tightened, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?The main character is dead?

Looking at Chen Yongren who fell in the elevator, the policeman who had been undercover for ten years and believed in justice was killed by the villain?

Saying that justice will prevail?

Watching the elevator door hitting Chen Yongren's leg, an unspeakable sadness echoed in the hearts of the audience.

The undercover put away his gun, smiled and told Liu Jianming that now that Han Chen is dead, he wants to hang out with Liu Jianming, hoping that Liu Jianming can cover him.

Liu Jianming looked at the corpse on the ground with a dazed expression. He really wanted to be a good person, but fate seemed to like to joke with him, whenever he thought he could be a good person.

But there will always be someone who will disrupt all his plans!
The undercover agent uncuffed Liu Jianming, kicked Chen Yongren's body into the elevator like kicking a dead dog, and walked into the elevator with Liu Jianming.

Immediately afterwards, several shots were fired in the elevator.

After the elevator door opened, Liu Jianming came out holding a police ID, and said, "I am a policeman!"
But the real policeman has become a cold corpse.

Six months later, the psychiatrist found Chen Yongren's file among the relics of the principal of the police academy and confirmed his identity as a police officer. Chen Yongren is now buried next to Superintendent Huang's tomb.

Wearing a police uniform, Liu Jianming came to Chen Yongren's grave and paid respects to his grave.

In the last scene, when they first met in the police academy, Liu Jianming looked at Chen Yongren and said, I want to change with him!

At the end of the movie, no one in the audience made a sound, and no one got up.

The successive reversals of the ending made them somewhat unacceptable, but they felt that everything was logical.

Here I want to say that Infernal Affairs originally had three endings.

In the first ending, Liu Jianming, who got off the elevator, was found to be an undercover gangster and was taken away. This is the most common version in China now.

But this version doesn't actually fit the plot. If it can be found out so easily, why would Chen Yongren invite him to the rooftop?Wouldn't it be better to report directly?
In the second ending, Liu Jianming, who walked out of the elevator, was directly shot dead by the police.

This is even more ridiculous. The name of the movie is "Infernal Affairs", which means Infernal Affairs.

As mentioned at the beginning of the story, the most of the eight hells is called the endless hell.It is named for the meaning of suffering uninterruptedly.

One of the most important sentences is to suffer greatly for the sake of uninterrupted.

And after Liu Jianming died, it meant that this matter was over, and he didn't need to suffer anymore.

And only if he is alive, can he always live in the torment in his heart, in the endless hell!
Therefore, Chu Qing chose to shoot the third ending, that is, his identity has not been exposed, but he will have to suffer all the time!
And this is also the ending that most fits the word 'inferior'!

The lights in the projection hall were turned on, and the audience stood up with complicated emotions, planning to line up and go out.

At this time, Chu Qing's singing sounded in the auditorium.

The audience looked at the big screen in unison, and now the list of actors and staff, as well as some small clips, were shown.

And the ending song sung by Chu Qing is playing.

"Who can change the length of life"

"Who knew how terrifying eternity is"

"Who Knows Survival"

"Often crueler than fate"

"It's just that no one wants to throw in the towel"

The audience stopped and listened quietly to the Mandarin version of "Infernal Affairs".

"We're all on the go"

"forgot the way out"

"Pursuing in Disappointment"

"Occasional Satisfaction"

"We are all set free in our dreams"

"Soberly Suffering"

"Wandering in the dim light"

"I can't reach the end"

"back to the start"

"Enjoy the Endless Road"

A simple song, but perfectly tells the whole movie.

Just like what Chu Qing asked before, the singer of "The Forgotten Time" must have a story, so that the audience can feel as if they have personally experienced it.

The same is true of his "Infernal Affairs".

(End of this chapter)

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