Chapter 269
On that day, the popularity of the movie "Infernal Affairs" soared like a rocket!
Word of mouth exploded, and the box office also exploded!
Countless netizens flocked to comment below those film critics who had watched the show before, thanking them for recommending such a great movie to themselves!
And as the popularity of the movie increased, Chu Qing, who was divided into two characters, was blown away!
"The younger generation, the ones with the best acting skills! After I finish speaking, whoever agrees and whoever opposes!"

"Oh my god, I'm just kidding. I didn't believe it when they said that Liu Jianming and Chen Yongren were acting alone. I went to see the cast list just now. It's really Chu Qing!"

"This guy, have you noticed? Since his debut, the movies he has made can really clearly see that his acting skills have improved, and there is no bad movie!"

"That's great, I'm going to throw up every day seeing those little fresh meats with super sweet candies, now finally there are a few capable young people who stand up, otherwise I'm really desperate for the future of the entertainment industry"

"Yes, yes, I have the same idea."

"How many young actors are there who can act with Zhang Sanli and Xiang Shijie without being suppressed?"

Chu Qing is on fire, this time the level of fire surpasses every previous drama!

The movie has also become popular, and countless classic lines in it have been spread wildly by netizens.

Even on Shaking Hands, some people have already started to imitate it.

Some people who relied on imitating the film and television clips imitated the scenes of the rooftop scene one after another. Then Aite called Chu Qing, claiming that he was here to hand in the homework, and left a message below, hoping to have the opportunity to cooperate.

Chu Qing really replied to a few people, causing a wave of imitation in the whole shaking hands!

And during their imitation, the name "Infernal Affairs" spread farther and farther.

On the second day, the box office of the premiere of "Infernal Affairs" came out, and the box office of the day was [-] million!
As soon as this result came out, Chu Qing's studio fell into a sea of ​​joy!

The premiere grossed [-] million!That's [-] million!

Two hundred million in one day, breaking one billion is already in the bag!And as long as the box office is good, then there must be bonuses, so how can they be unhappy?

And the one who was happier than them was Chu Qing!
Because Song Dawei received invitations from Jin Jun, Jin Qin, and Jin Xiang at the same time!
This movie was shortlisted for the Best Film Award, Best Actor Award, Best Director Award, Best Supporting Actor Award and other awards at the same time!
This made Chu Qing full of confidence in her future. As for the three best male leads, how could she get one of them?

As long as I become the actor, the main task will be completed!
Song Dawei chased after the victory and helped Chu Qing accept many programs, all of which could promote the movie "Infernal Affairs".

Among them was a talk show on Yanjing Satellite TV. When Chu Qing came here again, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

I think that when I left here, I was just a dispensable announcer, but now I have become a hot newcomer actor, and I have a net worth of billions.

Good fortune tricks people, the simple four words are the best expression of Chu Qing's state of mind at the moment.

As soon as Chu Qing got out of the car, he saw many people standing in front of the TV station, among them was his former boss, Li Xinyue.

Chu Qing still has a good impression of Li Xinyue, after all, Li Xinyue helped him back then.

And this is obviously what the TV station leader meant.

After all, there are so many variety shows in Chu Qing's studio, and Yanjing TV is not without ideas.

Just look at Jiangnan TV. Just because it can broadcast "Run, Brother", the ratings are now almost catching up with the industry's No. [-] Mango TV!
Who wouldn't envy this kind of achievement?
That's why the TV station let Li Xinyue receive Chu Qing, in order to build a good relationship.

"Hahaha, Director Li, long time no see."

After getting off the car, Chu Qing took the initiative to greet Li Xinyue.

Seeing that Chu Qing was still so gentle, Li Xinyue let go of her heart that had been hanging around for a while, and the smile on her face was also sunny.

"Mr. Chu, long time no see"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded. With Chu Qing's current status, Li Xinyue no longer dared to call him Xiao Chu.

Returning to the TV station again, there is a feeling that things are right and people are wrong.

Chu Qing was from the TV station before, and Li Xinyue didn't say anything about showing Chu Qing a tour of the TV station.

A few people went directly to the recording hall and met Wu Jiajia, the host of "Entertainment Interview", who was the person Chu Qing could only look up to before, the ace host of the entertainment channel.

But now, you have to be careful when talking to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing first looked at the list of questions and answers for a while, and then crossed out a few questions that he found inconvenient to answer.

Only then did I start checking the lines with the host, and after the lines were almost correct, the recording officially started.

This interview mainly revolves around the movie "Infernal Affairs".

It is also equivalent to helping the movie to promote.

"Mr. Chu, I heard that you wrote and acted in this movie. How did you come up with the idea of ​​making such a police movie?"

"Actually, when I was filming "New World", I had this idea in my mind, even before "New World", but I didn't complete the two story lines at the time, so I temporarily shelved it."

"Mr. Chu, in the past two years, you have often shot gangster-themed movies. Do you want to develop into the godfather of gangster movies?"

"No, in fact, the movies and online dramas shot by our studio are quite comprehensive. Gangster movies are just one of our dabbles. I just feel that there are very few gangster movies recently, and there has been a vacuum period, so we will shoot two consecutively."

Chu Qing and the host asked and answered questions with ease.

And where he couldn't see, several TV station leaders were watching all this through the monitor.

The deputy director of the TV station sighed: "It's a pity, such a good seedling, why did he leave the job?"

Another middle-aged woman said: "If you don't leave your job, you can't have your current achievements."

The deputy director really thought about it. If Chu Qing stayed on the TV station, he might still be a small announcer and could barely become a regular, but could he have his own program?
He shook his head with a smile. As the deputy director, he understood all the tricks here.

It is difficult for a newcomer to make his debut on the TV station!

Unless you make certain achievements, and then immediately change jobs.

There are too few people who carried pillars before and erected them later.

This time, the program was recorded for two hours before it ended.

After waiting for the recording to be completed, Li Xinyue greeted him again.

"Mr. Chu, how about having lunch together?"

Chu Qing looked at his watch and said with a smile: "It's okay to eat, I have other programs to participate in this afternoon."

Li Xinyue also saw the watch on Chu Qing's wrist, it was a Patek Philippe, and it happened that she had studied it before.

The price of this watch is very beautiful, more than 200 million
(End of this chapter)

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