Chapter 271 Stone
When the boss heard that Chu Qing wanted to invite Yin Tao, he nodded slightly and said, "Of course I have no objections, as long as the child agrees."

After he finished speaking, he continued to ask: "Then what do you think about the future of the two of you?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing slowly shook her head and said, "You also said that it is our future, and of course we need to decide together."

The boss also laughed after hearing this. Although he didn't want to give a satisfactory answer, he also understood that it was because Chu Qing didn't want to perfunctory himself.

He patted Chu Qing's shoulder with a smile and said, "Come on, what do you want to eat today? The new batch of shrimp is very fresh, let me bring you a plate?"

Chu Qing shook his head resolutely, it wasn't him pretending, it was actually his studio that belonged to Hai K, and he really had enough seafood.

"Just order some vegetarian dishes. I have been eating a bit greasy for the past two days, so I need something lighter."

"Okay, I'll go and see the arrangement"

The boss agreed and walked towards the back kitchen.

After walking to the boss behind the kitchen, he skillfully put on his apron.

There are actually chefs in the store, but when important customers come, the boss usually does the cooking.

After putting on an apron and washing hands, the boss went to knock on the warehouse door.

"Okay, don't be an ostrich, open the door quickly, I want to get food"


After the warehouse door lock rang slightly, someone opened it from the inside.

The boss went in and picked a few green vegetables, and said back.

"I don't know which idiot pressed this door lock. Why do you still have a lock on the warehouse door?"

After he picked out the dishes, he waved to Yin Tao and said, "Tao Zi, give me a hand."


Yin Tao agreed, and also skillfully put on her apron, and came to help the boss wash the vegetables.

The boss put the washed vegetables on the color board, and the knife flashed in his hand, like a butcher cutting an ox.

"It's the same with you girl. You obviously have a crush on Chu Qing. People come to see you from afar. Why are you still hiding in the warehouse to hold an ostrich? Let me tell you, this kind of wealthy son-in-law is missed by many goblins outside." Come on, if you don’t make a move, others will.”

Yin Tao paused in his hands, then sighed: "I'm just afraid of this, and I don't know what he likes about me, he can obviously find something better."

After the boss heard the movements in his hands, he looked at Yin Tao seriously and said, "Tao Zi! You are worthy of all the beauty in this world! Don't be so unconfident in yourself!"

"You are a big beauty, talented and beautiful, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you!"

"Our old couple has no children, and we have been raising you as our own daughter all these years. When you get married, I will definitely help you to make a good life, and no one will laugh at us! Why are you not confident? "

After Yin Tao heard this, her eyes turned slightly red.

Immediately, she adjusted it, but she just lowered her head to wash the dishes, didn't speak, and couldn't see her expression clearly.

Seeing this, the boss continued to cut vegetables.

"That kid Chu Qing is good. At first I was really too lazy to take care of it, and I didn't want to interfere, but in the past few months, I have also seen that this kid really has a heart."

"I also inquired through some friends. This kid has never had any scandals in the circle. There was a man named Dong Manli who wanted to pursue him before. As soon as there was a little word, he stopped working with Dong Manli. He is not the kind A scumbag who hangs people"

"Taozi, don't wrap your heart so tightly, you have to come out occasionally to take a breath"

"The kid said, I want to invite you to be an assistant this time, think about it for yourself, uncle will never force you, and things like feelings can't be forced."

"But you have to understand that he is an actor, and it takes three to five months to film. People can come to see you in their spare time, but when they are actually filming, there is no time to come. You are out of your mind during this time. Isn't it because of this, if I become his assistant, then we can see each other every day."

Yin Tao's hand stopped at some point, she was very entangled, but she couldn't bear to give up.

The owner of the shop didn't say anything, but was quietly cooking. The young people's affairs were left to the young people to deal with. If he didn't really think that Chu Qing was a good kid, he wouldn't be too talkative today.

Yin Tao continued to wash the vegetables with her head down, but she was caught in a battle between heaven and man in her heart.

In fact, the most important point of her hesitation was that she was afraid that she would be hurt and that she would be let down.

If there is no hope, then she dare not ask extravagantly again.

Even for promising things, she always thinks about the outcome of things in the worst direction, for fear that she will expect too much.

And now she also understands that it is time to make a choice.

"The food is here"

About 10 minutes later, the boss came to Chu Qing's box with the dishes himself.

Song Dawei got up to help, and after the boss put the dishes away, Song Dawei smiled and said, "Boss, let's eat together?"

After hearing this, the boss smiled and shook his head and said, "No, no, an old friend is coming to dinner tonight, and I have to prepare the dishes now."

Song Dawei didn't force himself after hearing this, and said goodbye to the boss with a smile.

Chu Qing had already started eating, he was really hungry.

After waiting for the boss to go out, Song Dawei also picked up his chopsticks and asked while eating fried vegetables.

"The recording of this show is also finished, so go back to Hai K tonight?"

Chu Qing shook his head and said: "Wait a minute, I finally came to Yanjing once, and stayed for two more days, besides, you also have a house in Yanjing, so you are half a Yanjing person, so why rush back to Haik? "

Song Dawei shrugged and said, "According to what you said, there are only a few places where I can be considered a local. I have houses in all provincial capitals and second-tier cities across the country."

Chu Qing: "."

The more she got in touch with Song Dawei, the more Chu Qing found out that this guy was richer and his background was absolutely extraordinary.

But every time Chu Qing asked, he was vague.

This made Chu Qing wonder for a while whether his family was a D dealer.

Chu Qing has always eaten very fast, and this is also one of the habits she developed in her previous life. After all, as a salesman, there is almost no diet pattern, and eating needs to be done quickly.

What if a client comes during your meal?

When selling most of the time without channels, in fact, the fight is about probability, and time is used instead of luck.

After the two finished their meal, Chu Qing rubbed her belly contentedly, and took two tissues to wipe her mouth.

"It's been a long time since I ate, but I suddenly had a meal, and I still think it's pretty good."

Song Dawei picked his teeth aside and said, "It's not bad, I ate with you for a few months, and I almost got hurt."


Chu Qing couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words, and then got up and moved a bit and said: "Let's go, go home"

After hearing this, Song Dawei also got up, picked up his coat, and the two walked out of the box one after the other.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Yin Tao standing outside the door.

After seeing Chu Qing come out, Yin Tao generously stretched out his right hand and said, "I am willing to be your assistant."

Looking at Yin Tao's firm eyes, Chu Qing smiled.

The stone is finally warmed up.
(End of this chapter)

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