Chapter 272 New Assistant

Song Dawei's surprised expression flashed away, while Chu Qing shook hands with the other party openly and said: "Welcome to 'That's a big studio'!"

Yin Tao chuckled when she heard the studio's name, then felt that it might be a little serious, and then covered her mouth tightly.

Chu Qing didn't care, but felt that Yin Tao's smile was very beautiful now.

He smiled and asked, "Have you brought your ID card?"

Yin Tao nodded, took out the wallet from her pocket, and the ID card lay quietly in the wallet.

Chu Qing looked at Song Dawei and said, "I'll leave the contract to you, you can book the air ticket for tomorrow, and we'll go back to Hai K tomorrow."

Song Dawei took Yin Tao's ID card, took a photo and nodded.

"No problem, I'll arrange it now"

Song Dawei returned the ID card to Yin Tao, and Chu Qing smiled at her.

"You go and prepare your own things. We're leaving tomorrow, and we'll sign the contract when we get to the studio. You don't need any luggage. Our company has a dormitory."


Yin Tao agreed, and Chu Qing smiled and said, "Then I'll go first."

After speaking, he took Song Dawei and walked out of the alley restaurant. He still understood the truth that too much is too much.

Early the next morning, Chu Qing and Song Dawei drove to pick up Yin Tao.

She really doesn't have much stuff, a small suitcase can fit it.

The boss stood at the door and watched them go away.

Chu Qing could tell that Yin Tao was a little nervous, and that nervousness was the fear of the unknown.

After arriving at Hai K, Chu Qing first led her to the 'staff dormitory'.

This is the house that Song Dawei rented from a friend last night. It is in the same community as Chu Qing, but the distance is not too close, and the area is only about 60 square meters.

This is also what Chu Qing requested. For an insecure girl like Yin Tao, a house that is too big will affect her, and this size is just right.

Sure enough, after seeing the layout clearly, Yin Tao seemed a little surprised.

There is everything in the house, the luggage and bedding are all new, pots and pans, tableware, gas, etc. are also readily available.

Home appliances such as computers, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. are not lacking, and the decoration style of the house looks very reassuring.

Not to mention Yin Tao, even Chu Qing was quite satisfied with this place, and couldn't help but give Song Dawei an appreciative look.

Finding such a good house in one night is already a manifestation of Song Dawei's energy.

After putting down the salute, Chu Qing led Yin Tao to go shopping.

This time it was just the two of them, and Chu Qing didn't drive his fancy sports car, but instead drove the inconspicuous business car.

This is because, he could see that Yin Tao actually had some low self-esteem in her heart. Before she fully accepted herself, Chu Qing didn't want to irritate her.

After arriving at the mall, first of all, I bought two sets of work clothes for her.

Originally, Chu Qing wanted to buy her normal clothes, but she refused to agree. In the end, Chu Qing could only buy work clothes, saying that it was a job requirement.

Then there are two mobile phones and a computer.

For the same reason, it is a job requirement.

Then he helped her apply for a card, exchanged it, and led her to buy some skin care products and toiletries before going back.

After returning to the 'dormitory', they put down their things and hurried back to the studio.

After Chu Qing briefly introduced her to everyone in the studio, Song Dawei came over with the contract. After signing the contract, Yin Tao officially became a member of the studio!

The salary is [-] per month, and the commission is calculated separately.

This salary is actually not higher than when she was in the restaurant before.

She can also get a certain commission in the restaurant, as well as a share of drinks and so on. She can get almost 1 yuan a month.

Chu Qing gave such a moderate price out of her pride.

Of course, Chu Qing will definitely not treat her badly, and will make up for her in terms of year-end bonuses.

Next, Song Dawei found a few good assistants and began to train Yin Tao.

This is because Yin Tao's foundation is too poor, and many basic software can't be used.

But with Yin Tao's IQ, this is not a problem, she has become a qualified assistant in just a week!

In fact, the job of an assistant is quite simple. The most important job is to take care of the artist and remind him of things to do.

Then there is a need to understand some things, such as some laws, some local hotel locations, traffic time and so on.

In many cases, the assistants are in charge of the artist's travel arrangements, such as where to stay at night, what means of transportation, when to leave, etc.

And when there was no assistant before, Song Dawei was always in charge. Now that he has an assistant, Song Dawei can finally take a break.

This guy even started to think about whether to find two assistants for himself.

After waiting for Yin Tao to work officially, he quickly entered the working state.

She has a very good advantage, that is, she is very serious and smart.

After learning about Chu Qing's plan, he set an itinerary for Chu Qing, and then arranged hotel accommodation and transportation on the itinerary.

She got started very quickly, and Song Dawei couldn't help but admire her.

A few days later, Chu Qing was going to Jiangnan TV to attend a program.

This time, Song Dawei handed over the full power to Yin Tao's arrangements, and she did not disappoint the two of them, and the arrangements were well-organized.

From air tickets to transportation, hotels at night, etc., she arranged everything very well.

Before leaving, I also called the program team and asked if the other party would arrange a hotel, and if not, would there be any requirements for them to stay in a hotel, etc.

Then there is the travel after getting off the plane, will the program team make arrangements and so on.

After waiting for the information, she made another plan for Song Dawei, and only started to implement it after Song Dawei was sure that there was no problem.

Song Dawei was very satisfied after seeing the plan, and it was very wise for Chu Qing, the more prominent character, to ask her to be his assistant!

Jiangnantai can also be regarded as an old acquaintance of Chu Qing. He met Zhang Sanli here at the beginning.

Now there is still a cooperation between the two parties on "Running Man", and the cooperation is very pleasant, which has brought the relationship between the two parties closer.

And he came to Jiangnan TV this time to record a talk show.

"Infernal Affairs" has been released for half a month, and the total box office has exceeded 20 billion!
Now Chu Qing has become the hottest male artist in the circle in one fell swoop.

There are countless people analyzing his history of success, why hasn't one of the movies that Chu Qing has made since his debut hit the street?

Some official accounts even invited so-called professionals, as well as Chu Qing's classmates and teachers back then, to start explaining and analyzing.

Yanjing TV also invited Chu Qing to participate in the interview program because of the sharp increase in ratings of the previous interview program with Chu Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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