Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 273 Golden Horse Award

Chapter 273 Golden Horse Award

The recording of the interview program on Jiangnan Station this time was slower than that on Yanjing Station.

The focus of the two parties is also different. When Chu Qing was recording in Yanjing before, it was mainly to promote the film.

Most of the questions asked by the other party are related to "Infernal Affairs".

But this time it was different, now that Chu Qing was already popular, what the audience wanted to know more about was Chu Qing.

So this time, when the host asked questions, most of them were about Chu Qing.

For example, what does Chu Qing like to eat, what did she get the best grades in school, what type of girls she likes, etc.

For these questions, Chu Qing answered with ease, and when it came to what type of girl he liked, Chu Qing directly followed Yin Tao's words.

Since Yin Tao became Chu Qing's assistant, the relationship between the two has also developed very smoothly.

Chu Qing is gradually untying Yin Tao's defenses, and he believes that this process will not be very long.

In a blink of an eye, it was November.

The movie "Infernal Affairs" was also officially off the shelves, and the final box office reached a terrifying 29 billion box office!

Just short of 5000 million, it can break through to 30 billion!

This achievement set off a turbulent wave in the circle. The total investment of this movie is only about 12 million. After deducting the theater and taxes, Chu Qing can earn about [-] billion.

With 12 billion deducted from the cost of [-] million, Chu Qing made a crazy profit of [-] billion!

This number is the envy of countless investors in the circle!

With a wave of Chu Qing's hand, there was one person in the studio, and they all wrapped a big red envelope.

Even Yin Tao and Chuqing gave [-] yuan, but she didn't want it at first, but when Chu Qing said that the interns could get [-] yuan, she was the one to follow.

With the income of one billion yuan, Chu Qing felt confident.

The theater plan he told Song Dawei before has already started to be implemented.

Once the rent is paid, it will be ten years!With the addition of subsequent decoration, equipment, etc., money flows out like water every day.

During that time, Chu Qing was really flustered, and even wanted to stop.

It's all right now, with "Infernal Affairs" worth a billion dollars, he has a solid foundation in his mind.

At the same time, countless TV programs, online variety shows, etc., all cast olive branches on Chu Qing, wanting to invite Chu Qing to participate in their programs, after all, Chu Qing is the most popular artist first!
Many manufacturers even came to Chu Qing, hoping to cooperate with Chu Qing as an endorsement.

After Song Dawei carefully selected two brands, he chose two domestic clothing brands.

One of them is a relatively well-known men's clothing brand, which focuses on formal clothing.

There is another company that is relatively niche and focuses on casual clothing. This company is actually good. Of course, the quality of the clothes here is worth it.

Often a piece of clothing is fine for four or five years. I don’t know if it’s because of this, but the sales of their clothing have never been able to increase. This time I came to find Chu Qing just to change a spokesperson and see if it can be improved. Look at sales.

And Chu Qing's endorsement fee is also quite high.

Formal clothing brand, 6000 million for three years!

Leisure brand, 5000 million for three years!

Just for the endorsement of these two brands, Chu Qing won more than [-] million yuan!
And this is the result of Song Dawei's careful selection. If he accepted all endorsements, it would be normal for Chu Qing to get a billion with Chu Qing's current popularity!
As for the program invitation, except for some well-known programs in the industry, Song Dawei rejected all other programs.

Because Chu Qing is really busy now, after all, the Golden Horse Award is in front of him, so he needs to make preparations in advance.

Judging from the current reputation and popularity of "Infernal Affairs", Chu Qing is really hopeful to win the Best Actor!
The 27-year-old Golden Horse Award winner, what could be better than this?
After the group arrived on Treasure Island, they directly checked into the largest hotel in the area, preparing for tomorrow's awards ceremony.

Many people came this time, Han Jie, Zhang Mo, and Duan Peng all came, and they were nominated for Best Director and Best Supporting Actor respectively.

It's fun to say, there are a total of five nominations for Best Supporting Actor, and the crew of "Infernal Affairs" got four nominations!
They are Zhang Mo, Duan Peng, Zhang Sanli and Xiang Shijie!
But Zhang Sanli and Xiang Shijie didn't come with them, they would arrive only tomorrow.

After a night of nothing, Chu Qing and the others got up early the next morning and began to put on makeup.

Today's studio already has its own make-up artist and stylist, and Chu Qing doesn't have to rub other people's make-up artists like he did when he participated in the awards.

After putting on makeup, the clothing endorser has already delivered the clothes.

After dressing up, a group of people went to the venue of the awards ceremony.

After arriving at the place, line up under the arrangement of the staff and wait for the admission time.

And with Chu Qing's current enthusiasm, the front line has to lean back, and it won't be long before it's their turn to play!
Today Chu Qing is wearing a white loose suit, her hair is styled back, she looks more mature, but she is full of aura!
Duan Peng, Zhang Mo, and Han Jie who followed behind were all in black suits, standing behind him like bodyguards, highlighting his status!
As soon as a few people got out of the car and walked onto the red carpet, the fans around were boiling.

"Chen Yongren! Chen Yongren!"

"Chu Qing! I love you so much! Ah!!!"

"Chu Qing! Chu Qing! Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing was also taken aback by this scene, never expecting to have so many fans in Treasure Island.

But the necessary politeness is still there. He smiled and waved his hands to the fans around him. Unexpectedly, this made those fans even crazier!

Some fans even attacked the protection of the security guards, Chu Qing yelled inwardly!
Without further ado, he quickened his pace. If those fans really rushed over, who knows what would happen!

At the beginning, Han Jie and the three enjoyed it very much. Although those fans didn't shout his name, at least the flashlights were aimed at them.

But after seeing these crazy fans, they were also discouraged, and followed Chu Qing to speed up the pace.

Others walked the red carpet for several minutes, but these people finished walking in less than a minute.

When they arrived at the entrance of the venue, the host outside the venue was a little surprised to see them.

Because usually those artists can procrastinate for as long as possible, so that they have a lot of time to introduce the artist, and there are even situations where the artist has not finished walking the red carpet after the introduction.

As it turned out, today was a good day, and the host hadn't even finished his introduction when Chu Qing and the others were already in front of him.

However, he was still professional, and he smiled and asked the staff to lead Chu Qing into the ceremony venue.

This is a theater, and there are already many people seated at this moment. The staff led Chu Qing and others to the second row to sit down.

When the staff left, Chu Qing turned around and saw Song Dawei.

He and several agents had entered the venue early.

After noticing Chu Qing's gaze, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Just like the sitting position this time, Chu Qing is really moving forward step by step!

(End of this chapter)

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