Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 274 Best Director Award

Chapter 274 Best Director Award
After Chu Qing sat down, many people around stepped forward to get acquainted with Chu Qing.

Now who of these people don't know that Chu Qing is a creative genius in the industry, and the notebooks he writes are better than the last one. Maybe next time he will be able to invite himself to act?

Seeing this, Song Dawei walked over silently in the back row.

This kind of matter has always been handled by him.

This is also an advantage in the studio, each of them performs his duties, and professional matters are always handled by professionals.

It didn't take long for Song Dawei to leave the contact information of many people, including a few front-line ones.

After a while, Wang Wenxiang also walked in.

After looking around, he walked up to Chu Qing and sat down beside Chu Qing, smiling.

"Congratulations to "Infernal Affairs" for selling!"

Chu Qing was fairly familiar with Wang Wenxiang, and her smile was much more sincere.

"Thank you, thank you, and congratulations to Brother Wang, who has been shortlisted for Best Actor again."

"Hahaha, don't, I'm most likely to accompany you this time, but you, "Infernal Affairs" is really good."

Wang Wenxiang expressed a little emotion, and then said softly: "I originally thought that "New World" might be the ceiling of gangster movies in the past few years, and no one can surpass it in at least ten years, but I didn't expect that you directly came to "Infernal Affairs" road""

After hearing this, Chu Qing just smiled. He didn't know if "New World" could dominate for ten years, but "Infernal Affairs" had dominated for 20 years, there must be no problem. After all, "Infernal Affairs" had already dominated for 20 years in the previous life up!
The two started chatting again. Wang Wenxiang's words had the same meaning inside and out. No matter how good the role is, one must think about him.

Just like the role of Xiang Shijie, he can actually do it, and his salary is relatively cheap.

Chu Qing couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, but she couldn't refuse. She just said that if there is a suitable role next time, she must leave it to him.

More and more guests came to the venue, and Chu Qing had become the most beautiful boy at some point.

No matter who came, they all wanted to say something to Chu Qing.

After Zhang Sanli came, these people calmed down!

Zhang Sanli came with Xiang Shijie. When the two arrived, they found Chu Qing's place and sat beside Chu Qing.

Some artists around hurriedly greeted Zhang Sanli, and Zhang Sanli nodded to them with a smile.

In fact, if we talk about actors, Zhang Sanli is not necessarily bigger than these people, and he doesn't even have as many fans as them.

But if than energy!network!

Together, these people may only be on par with Zhang Sanli!

After several people sat down, Zhang Sanli whispered, "Are you confident?"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled wryly: "Teacher, who can be sure about this kind of thing?"

Zhang Sanli smiled but said without saying a word: "Don't worry, with the quality of the movie "Infernal Affairs" and your performance in it, you will definitely be able to occupy one of the three gold medal winners!"

After hearing this, Chu Qing also breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Sanli never targeted without purpose. Since he said so, there must be rumors.

In fact, before this, Chu Qing was also a little nervous, but now he suddenly relaxed a lot.

Not long after, the awards ceremony officially began.

The presenter of the Golden Horse Award is a well-known presenter in Taiwan. Even in the early mainland, they all watched his variety shows, and there are also many fans in the mainland.

After the panel ceremony started, everyone couldn't help but quiet down.

The first awards to be given out are Best Animated Short Film, Best Animated Feature and so on.

It took more than half an hour to arrive at the Best Supporting Actor Award.

The Best Supporting Actress was taken away by a veteran female artist. This person is also a senior in the industry. She is over 50 this year and is still active on the big screen.

As for the Best Supporting Actor, Zhang Sanli undoubtedly won it.

Chu Qing could clearly see that Duan Peng was a little disappointed. Zhang Sanli patted him on the shoulder before accepting the award and said, "Your acting skills are fine. In a year or two, you will definitely become a regular visitor here."

Duan Peng was depressed quickly, but he also recovered quickly. After listening to Zhang Sanli's comfort, he became lively again!

Ever since the ceremony began, Chu Qing's aura of luck has never been turned off.

After all, people still have dreams. Although this kind of award is usually decided half a year in advance, maybe you can achieve it yourself?

The awards passed one by one, and soon the best director award came!

The images of the five shortlisted directors appeared on the big screen, and Han Jie at the side clenched his fists nervously, his knuckles turned white.

"The shortlist for this year's Best Director Award is "Interrupted Contact"! Zhao Xinyi!"

On the big screen, the image of a female director appeared. When she realized that she was on camera, she just smiled politely.

The number of female directors in the industry is relatively rare, and it is even rarer to be on this stage.

After the screen ended, the screen from "Intermittent Contact" appeared on the big screen, and the main character was Wang Wenxiang.

In the picture, Wang Wenxiang is wearing casual clothes, his eyes are red and bloodshot, he is holding a snakeskin bag in his left hand, and an old-fashioned telephone in his right hand. He looks haggard and close to collapse.

"I'll be right there, I'll be right there! Where's my daughter? Let my daughter talk to me!"

The picture stopped abruptly here, and then the big screen changed again, and the image of the second director appeared on the big screen.

"The shortlist for the best director award is "Street" Qiao Qian!"

This director is a middle-aged director with a big beer belly and suits that don't fit well. I don't know if he is the kind of sloppy person who doesn't pay much attention to these things.

He also waved his hand at the camera, and then the big screen changed.

In the streets and alleys, several colorful long-haired youths in bell-bottom pants were squatting on the street corner, dressed in the seventies and 80s.

There are no cars on the street, only bicycles.

Their eyes looked at a factory in front of them. At this moment, it was off-duty time, and men and women in overalls were walking outside.

"The shortlist for the best director award is "Food is Heaven", Liu Yu!"

Liu Yu is also a middle-aged director. After waving at the camera, the camera on the big screen changed.

The hero is the owner of a noodle shop, who receives all kinds of customers in the noodle shop every day.

"The nominees for the best director award are Duan Hong from "Growing Troubles"!"

This director, like Han Jie, is a newcomer director, and he seemed a little excited to be shortlisted for such an important award.

The big screen switched, and the movie camera appeared. He was shooting a literary film. Although the box office hit the street, this did not prevent him from winning the award at all.

"The nominees for the best director award are "Infernal Affairs", Han Jie!"

The big screen switched again, and Han Jie appeared in the camera.

But compared with the smiles on the faces of several other finalists, he didn't smile at all, but was extraordinarily serious.
(End of this chapter)

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