Chapter 276 Movie Emperor
It was difficult for Chu Qing to calm down. After all, in the past two lifetimes, he never imagined that he would be able to win the best actor one day.

It's not that kind of pheasant actor, but a very golden actor in China!
How can this not be exciting?

His current appearance fee is already very high. If he can get the Best Actor, the appearance fee can be increased by at least [-]%. Isn't that flattering?
"Next, it's time for our best actor selection this year. I believe many viewers came to watch our ceremony just for this award."

"I won't be too long-winded. Next, let's enjoy it together. There are some who are shortlisted for the best actor this year!"

After the host finished speaking, he gestured toward the big screen, and the video on the big screen changed immediately.

The thick synthesized voice sounded slowly: "This year's best actor is shortlisted! The actor who plays Xiong Guangli in "Interrupted Contact"! Wang Wenxiang!"

As the big screen flickered, the broken father played by Wang Wenxiang appeared on the big screen.

Naturally, Wang Wenxiang's acting skills needless to say, especially after Chu Qing helped him get rid of the title of box office poison, his performance became more stable!
The performance of Wang Wenxiang in the movie was played on the big screen, but there was a small window on the side, which was the reaction of Wang Wenxiang in the audience.

I saw him smiling very gently, applauding along with the people around him flatly, as if he wasn't the one who was shortlisted.

"The best actor shortlist is the actor who played Guman in "Deadly Treasure"! Tang Baode!"

The big screen switched again, and a middle-aged man in tights was sliding down a rope, his movements were smooth and elegant, and he looked very seductive.

"The best actor nominee is the actor who played Meng Sangui in "Sleepless Night"! Wen Lei!"

Night Without Sleep tells the story of a writer who suffers from insomnia. It is said that the investment exceeds 1000 million, and the box office on the day of the release totaled 4000 yuan in Huaxia coins.

This result caused the theaters to remove the movie urgently, but unexpectedly, it was still shortlisted for Best Actor!

"The best actor nominee is the actor who played Chen Yongren in "Infernal Affairs"! Chu Qing!"

What was shown on the big screen was the scene of Chu Qing holding a gun on the rooftop. Chu Qing was not surprised at all. Who made this part the most classic?
But when the name of the last finalist was announced, there was still some uproar at the scene.

"The best actor shortlist is the actor who played Liu Jianming in "Infernal Affairs"! Chu Qing!"

No one expected that Chu Qing would be shortlisted for two Best Actors in one movie!

He played two roles in the movie, and now these two roles are nominated for Best Supporting Actor. If this is not bullshit, what is bullshit?

It can be said that even if Chu Qing cannot be selected as the best actor, just relying on this one, it is enough for the media to blow it up for a while.

On the stage, the host was full of emotions and his voice sounded very excited.

"Next, let's welcome with applause. The winner of the previous Best Actor, Mr. Yan Shangyu, announces the winner of this year!"

The live music became grand again. Amidst the sound of the music, Yan Shangyu slowly stepped onto the stage.

Yan Shangyu is not young anymore, he is almost fifty this year, but his spirit is still very good.

After walking onto the stage, the staff took a look at the envelope in their hands, and couldn't help showing a somewhat surprised expression on their faces.

His behavior made the audience and the audience watching the live broadcast even more curious.

He coughed lightly, leaned in front of the microphone and said, "The artist who was selected as the best actor is really capable."

The audience almost vomited blood when they heard it, and thought to themselves, aren't you talking nonsense?They are all shortlisted for the best male artist, they must be capable!

Immediately afterwards, I heard him continue: "Also, very young!"

This time, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Qing, because he was the youngest among the candidates!
Chu Qing's heart was beating non-stop!
"he is the one!"

Speaking of this, Yan Shangyu deliberately paused again.

Chu Qing was almost cursing in his heart, and wondered if this guy had been asked to film for a long time, and it was fun to come here to see the camera?
"Let's congratulate! The actor of Chen Yongren in "Infernal Affairs", Chu Qing!"

Hearing the words "Infernal Affairs" all the time, Chu Qing's heart was finally relieved, but not only did his heartbeat not stabilize, but it beat even faster!
Chu Qing took a deep breath, stood up, shook hands and hugged the surrounding people, and then strode onto the stage.

He can clearly perceive that everyone's eyes are on him, some of them are envious and yearning, but most of them are still jealous!
Chu Qing stepped onto the stage, first shook hands with Yan Shangyu politely, and then accepted the Golden Jun Award for Best Actor in his hands!
The trophy of the Golden Horse Award is very beautiful, it is a shining golden horse.

When Chu Qing got it in her hands, the only feeling she felt was that she couldn't put it down!
This is honor!

After Yan Shangyu handed out the trophy, he stepped aside to give up his seat.

The host smiled and signaled to Chu Qing that it was time to give her acceptance speech. Chu Qing didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly to the podium, looking at the audience and speaking slowly.

"Am I dreaming?"

After asking this question, there was a lot of laughter from the audience, most of them were kind, and among them, Zhang Sanli laughed the loudest.

"To be honest, I never thought that I would get this trophy one day, so that now I feel as if my heels have disappeared, making me walk on clouds."

"I won't say anything extra, I just want to thank my parents, my teachers, mentors, and everyone who has helped me along the way."

"This trophy not only belongs to me, it also belongs to you!"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she bowed deeply to the camera, got up and walked down the stage.

When they stepped off the stage, the applause became more intense.

Zhang Mo even stood up and applauded him, his eyes full of admiration.

The awards ceremony continued, and to Chu Qing's surprise, the final award, the best film award, was also won by Chu Qing's studio!

In this way, they won the Best Actor, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor and Best Film at the Golden Jun Awards. It can be said that they are the biggest winners in this ceremony!

Before they returned to the mainland, the news here had already been sent back to China. After all, it was a live broadcast.

The current media and public accounts spread the news all over the country.

Suddenly, Chu Qing's popularity rose again!So much so that his ranking among the second-tier artists is rising rapidly. This speed makes countless artists only secretly envious.

And Chu Qing, the 27-year-old Best Actor, became the youngest Golden Horse Award Best Actor in one fell swoop!

(End of this chapter)

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