Chapter 277 Spring Festival
"Dididi, congratulations to the host for completing the main task. The task rewards have been sent to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

Just after Chu Qing walked out of the awards ceremony, the familiar synthesized voice in his mind rang.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Qing couldn't wait to open the system space.

I saw a golden box lying quietly in the center of the system space.

Chu Qing reached out and took it out, quickly opened the box, and saw a small note lying quietly inside.

This is the reward for completing the main task this time, and it is clearly written on the small note.

Lucky value plus ten!
As soon as Chu Qing picked it up, the small note turned into a golden light and slowly dissipated in front of Chu Qing.

Chu Qing thought, this hasn't changed much?

However, the next moment, Song Dawei pushed the door open with great enthusiasm and said, "Qingzi, I have a big endorsement deal! A big foreign soda brand asked you to endorse, and the advertising fee alone paid [-] million yuan!"

Chu Qing's eyes widened, and then Song Dawei continued.

"In addition, the domestic review of "Shocking Rescue" you starred in Li Jianguo has also come down, and it will be released during the Spring Festival."

Chu Qing was shocked again, thinking that the ten points of luck are so awesome?

After returning to the studio, Chu Qing saw a sea of ​​joy.

This time "Infernal Affairs" can be said to have killed the Quartet!Let them also be honored to participate this time.

Besides, with Chu Qing's character, how could he treat them badly.

Sure enough, Chu Qing announced in the next second that everyone will be on vacation for seven days, and their salary will be tripled during the vacation!
Those who really can't leave, such as the maintainers of video sites, etc., all have five times the salary!
This time, all the staff shouted long live, but Chu Qing didn't think it was enough, so he simply waved his hand, and there was another wave of bonuses from top to bottom!
Sure enough, the charm of money is infinite. Under Chu Qing's money offensive, the employees are already crying and wanting to work for him.

As early as in the last life, Chu Qing understood that big cakes must be painted, but at the same time, benefits must also be obtained!

After giving the staff a holiday, Chu Qing and the others arrived in Shanghai by plane. He wanted to see the progress of his cinema and when it would be able to open.

This is the biggest investment in their studio now, how could Chu Qing not care about it?
Moreover, he was also worried that someone would tamper with the quality of the project. If something really happened, it would be over.

Fortunately, after some inspections, Chu Qing was quite satisfied.

In his last life, he worked in real estate sales for a period of time. He also learned from professional teachers when it comes to decoration and construction, and he still thinks he has a little discernment.

After waiting for this circle to turn down, the time has come to December, and it is almost New Year's Day.

There is still such a period of time, it would be a waste of leisure time, so Chu Qing was thinking, should I just record "Running Man"?

After all, their current cooperation is very tacit, and it should be possible to finish the recording years ago.

In the end, Song Dawei made a final decision and made a decision.

And he got three more endorsements for Chu Qing, all of them were great endorsements, no matter it was the brand or the endorsement fee, Chu Qing was very satisfied.

Song Dawei was naturally so happy, but there was one thing he couldn't figure out, and that was Chu Qing's insistence on only endorsing domestic products.

When Song Dawei first heard it, he thought Chu Qing was crazy. After all, the price offered by a big foreign brand was indeed high, and ordinary artists would not have the strength to refuse after seeing it.

But Chu Qing refused so simply, and finally said that she only endorses domestic products!

During this period of time, Chu Qing was really popular. The 27-year-old Jin Jun actor, everyone said that his debut was the pinnacle!

What's even more rare is that with the bonus of being a good actor, Chu Qing deserves this award in everyone's hearts.

There are not many people in China who can make everyone feel that they are capable actors at the age of 27.

Here, after filming the commercial, Chu Qing started recording "Running Man".

During the recording, everyone congratulated Chu Qing one after another, and even made some jokes.

Chu Qing could see the envy in their eyes, after all, this is the best actor, and the best actor of the Golden Horse Award!
Chu Qing is humble on the surface, but he is very proud of himself in his heart. He has gained not only popularity during this period, but also a lot of points!

"Host: Chu Qing"

"Age: 27"

"LV: 012"

"Current points 927958"

"Current experience: 1586781/2000000"

"System Space Status: On!"

"System store status: open!"

"System Halo Status: On!"

Now Chu Qing's points have exceeded more than 90, which is about to reach the threshold of one million.

This made Chu Qing very confident. Now, whether it was a lottery or buying props in the mall, he had a certain amount of capital.

The time passed leisurely, and more than a month passed in a blink of an eye, and the Spring Festival is coming.

The recording of "Running Man" has been completed. Song Dawei went to Jiangnan Channel to discuss the latest price and release time with the other party.

Chu Qing was working on his 'Old Bacon' project in the studio.

During this period of time, through Zhang Sanli and Song Dawei, etc., Chu Qing had contacted several old artists during this period, but there were only a few who were willing to sign a contract with him.

This was far from meeting Chu Qing's psychological expectations. His first plan would require at least ten veteran artists.

These are all seniors in the circle. If they join Chu Qing's studio, even if they do nothing, they can invisibly improve the quality of the studio.

And Chu Qing prepared a few big shows for these people!

"Li Wei as an Official" and "Kangxi Dynasty"!
These scripts are all good, and they are also costume dramas that Chu Qing often saw when she was a child. Chu Qing thinks that the ratings of the filming should not be bad.

As for Hong Daquan and Wu Yao's movie stars, Chu Qing also prepared a series of movie scripts.

But movies are different from online dramas. They still need a certain amount of appeal. It’s not enough to have old actors, you still need some famous people.

The time was like this, and when the Spring Festival came, Chu Qing's big family came to Haik again.

This year Chu Qing didn't go to the Spring Festival Gala, and finally she was able to live a stable year.

Chu Qing and Duan Peng drove to the airport to pick them up.

The two families happily got into the car and returned to Chu Qing's villa together.

As soon as the group of people entered the door, their footsteps suddenly stopped.

The father's face was a little surprised, but the mother's eyes had already started to shine.

I saw Yin Tao wearing home clothes and serving food in the restaurant.

She turned her head when she heard the sound of the door, and smiled openly at everyone.

Then hurriedly put the dishes on the dining table, the mother grabbed Chu Qing's hand and said with bright eyes.

"Son, who is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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