Chapter 279 Talent Wanted

The two agreed with bewildered faces, and it took a long time to react when they walked out of the office. Then they found Han Jie like crazy, and repeated what Chu Qing said before.

Han Jie laughed as soon as he heard it, and looked at the two of them and said, "How is it? You can see the benefits of coming to this studio. You go to another place for an internship. If you don't become an assistant director for three to five years, you may have the chance to direct a play." ?"

After hearing this, the two nodded like chickens pecking rice, their faces flushed red with excitement.

Han Jie said with emotion: "Our boss is not an ordinary person. Just graduated interns like you may not even have a chance to do odd jobs in other production groups, but you come to us and give you 100 million yuan each to practice your skills."

"Good directors are made with their works. You must cherish such a good boss!"

"I saw with my own eyes how our boss started from nothing, it was not easy for him"

Han Jie started the brainwashing mode, and when it started, Chu Qing's image in his eyes became extraordinarily tall!

What he likes to do most now is to tell his subordinates how wise and powerful Chu Qing is, how good he is to them, and so on.

As for the photographers under him, most of them are old subordinates, and some of them are newcomers who have just graduated.

These people have earned at least 30 yuan in the past two years in the studio, and being brainwashed by Han Jie in such a way, the cohesion is so terrifying!

It can be said that if these people want to change jobs, unless the studio goes bankrupt!

Under Han Jie's words, the two young directors were already planning to die for Chu Qing.

When he had finished speaking, Han Jie coughed lightly and said, "If you want to shoot a movie, you must have a script, and the same goes for micro movies. In this way, I will give you the phone number of the screenwriter, and you can discuss it with him. Have a look. Can you buy a good script?"

"Thank you brother"

"Thank you brother"

The two thanked each other, full of fighting spirit.

Chu Qing in the office was caught in a tangle, there were still not enough people in the studio!
Especially after the establishment of a theater chain, it is not enough. The theater chain is not just showing movies.

There are also a series of jobs such as managers, department heads, projectionists, conductors, ticket inspectors, ushers, security guards, cleaners, etc., all of which must be prepared.

What's more, there are not enough directors.

Now the studio is mainly supported by Han Jie. Whether it's a movie variety show or even an online drama, it's him all year round. This is absolutely impossible.

Chu Qing defined Han Jie as a film director, and his two young apprentices could be in charge of online dramas and TV dramas if there were no accidents, which meant that he also needed a professional variety show director.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing simply bought two item cards.

[Talent Wanted Order] After use, it can help the host to recruit talents from all over the world. The host can designate technical talents, and the use can be trusted to the greatest extent!Note: The skill level of recruited talents cannot exceed the host level!The price is [-] points!
This prop card is very useful. When building the video website, Chu Qing used this prop card to recruit Miao Dong.

Now that Chu Qing has a lot of money, he exchanged two tickets in one go, and clicked to use.

He just needs two talents this time, one in charge of theaters and one in charge of variety shows!
The item turned into a blue light and disappeared. Chu Qing, who had already used it once, knew that someone would apply for the job within two days!

Sure enough, on the evening of the second day, Song Dawei personally led a man into the office.

This person was about 1.7 meters tall, with a slightly fatter figure and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face. The moment Chu Qing saw the other person's eyes, he knew that this person was a very ambitious person!
And he admires ambitious people very much!
This person's name is Jiang Shao'an, and he was previously the regional director of a well-known Chinese theater chain.

Later, after struggling for his position for nearly ten years, he was intercepted by the boss's brother-in-law. In a fit of anger, he jumped ship directly.

After hearing his story, Chu Qing also sighed. There is no way to fake this kind of thing, because it is too easy to investigate.

And Chu Qing also believed in the strength of the system, such a talent summoned with an item card should be unmistakable.

So the two parties happily signed the contract, but the other party put forward a condition before signing the contract.

That is, all the theater's profits within three years cannot be taken away, but used to expand the theater's scale!
Chu Qing was a little surprised when he heard it. The other party said that, obviously he had great confidence in himself!

But he was still a little hesitant, after all, isn't the purpose of opening theaters to make money?Now that people say that the profits within three years cannot be withdrawn, he is somewhat uncertain.

After thinking about it, he still agreed. After all, the suspect doesn't need it, and the employer doesn't doubt it. Since the other party said so, then there must be his plan!
After the two parties signed the contract, the three of them had a meal together, and Jiang Shaoan went straight to Yanjing, where he wanted to start his first step!
Another day later, the variety show director also came to the door.

Moreover, this variety show director is not ordinary. He worked in a TV station before and created a show with a rating of [-]!
Don't underestimate this point two, this is the national ratings!
Those who can make such achievements are generally regarded as treasures on TV stations.

The reason for this job-hopping was similar to that of Chu Qing, the superior almost wanted to grab the copyright, and for every creator, his works were like his own children, how could he agree?

However, unfortunately, these have long been in the contract, and the final result is that the program was not kept, and the person was fired by the TV station.

This young variety show director feels that his outlook on life has been subverted. Fortunately, his teacher and Huang Ren are friends.

And Huang Ren knew that Chu Qing was recruiting directors, so he simply recommended him.

Chu Qing also met him in person, the director was unexpectedly young, only 30 years old this year.

Chu Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Generally, people of this age have their own programs on TV stations, and most of them have someone above them.

It is not easy for a rookie to reach that step with his strength, which is enough to prove his strength!

It can only be said that it is a pity that he did not meet his Bole, otherwise he would definitely soar into the sky.

After the two parties signed the contract, Chu Qing asked the other party what kind of variety show filming they were good at, whether it was talent show or reality show.

He actually answered yes, and it can be seen that this is also a very confident person.

Chu Qing directly asked him if he had any new plans or ideas, but he was not polite, and directly took out three variety show proposals from his bag and handed them to Chu Qing.

After Chu Qing watched his variety show proposal, there was only one thought in his mind, it was a treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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